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The Dark Ocean

Chapter 1:The return of Indaramon                                        

A beam of sunlight beamed through the window of Ruki's bedroom.

She stretched and got up. Then Ruki changed into her everyday clothes and fixed up her hair. Renamon wasn't waking up at all. "I think I'll pour some cold water on her." Ruki said to herself. But the last time she did that Renamon got even with her by filling her shoes up with ice cubes.

Then Renamon got up. "Ah Ruki you're all dressed." said Renamon.

"I know I often dress up very tomboyish." said Ruki. Then Ruki slipped on her shoes and walked out the door with Renamon. Ruki and Renamon were taking a walk. Then Ruki saw Takato and Lee at a spot where they hang out after school.

"Hey Ruki." said Guilmon. Ruki and Renamon walked over.

"Hey you guys guess what?" said Ruki.

"What is it Ruki?" Takato asked.

"I was having this strange dream of Me and Renamon somewhere in the the dark ocean but this thing keeps coming after me." said Ruki.

"And then you woke up like nothing happened." said Hirokazu.

"C'mon you guys It was really after me." said Ruki.

"Yeah like a bed wetting nightmare." said Kenta.

"I do not wet the bed." yelled Ruki as she punched Hirokazu in the stomach.

"Are you sure she had a bad dream?" Guilmon asked.

"I have no idea but every night she always wakes up in a cold sweat." said Renamon.

"You guys wouldn't understand." said Ruki sadly. Then Ruki,Takato,Kenta,Hirokazu and their digimon walked off.

Ruki had her hands in her pockets still wondering. Then Indaramon appeared. "Indaramon but how can that be?" said Renamon.

"Well I think we'll take this one on." said Ruki.

"I'm on it Renamon warp digivolve to Sakuyamon." said Sakuyamon.

"Oh man not again." said Indaramon. Sakuyamon and Indaramon kept fighting.

"Tengu's rice." said Sakuyamon as four foxes attacked Indaramon deleting him.

"It can't be it remember Indaramon was already destroyed." said Ruki. Ruki and Renamon walked home. Ruki noticed that the house was completely empty. Then Ruki saw a note on the table. "Hey whats this a note?" Ruki asked herself. It said:

Dear Ruki we're at a cruse so the house is yours for the summer theres some food on the table hopefully you're not too lonely. Love Ms. Makino.

Ruki shruged Well I guess while their on their cruse we can probaly enjoy our selves." said Ruki.Then they both decide to eat their lunches then fell asleep.                                   




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