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The Lost One of the Past

by Blade


Ruki was sitting in her bed in confusement. "Why did Takato have to die?" Ruki said to herself. It was a very hot day since Ruki only had her underwear on which was ok for a hot day. Then she got up and putted her broken heart t-shirt,jeans belt,red wristbands etc.Renamon came walking into Ruki's bedroom.

"Ruki something is troubling you isn't there?" Renamon asked as she putted her hand on Ruki's shoulder.Then Ruki went to Takato's house to see Guilmon.Ruki then saw Takato's family.

"Oh um hi Mr. and Mrs. Matsuda." said Ruki as she walked into Takato's bedroom. Then she sat on Takato's bed with Guilmon and Renamon.

"Ruki Takato wanted you to have this." said Guilmon as he handed her out something.

"These are Takato's digimon cards and d-arc." Ruki said. Then she went to find something."Oh here's something." said Ruki as she picked up Takato's journal and then read the entries it said:

When I was walking home with Guilmon a lone figure stood.It was a girl the same age as I was. She wore dark blue rolled up jeans with a heavy brown belt attached to the back of her pocket was a pouch that she kept her digimon cards. She had reddish brown hair with orange streaks. She wore a with short sleeved t-shirt with green sleeves and imprinted with a blue broken heart that told the story. Her hair was done up in a very high spiky ponytail by a light green hair tie. She had a yellow bandana as well as red wristbands and two leather belt straps around her leg. She took a few steps forward in huge red sneakers with metalish toes. Staring at me with her lavenderish eyes she spoke to me with a sassy voice this one who I loved was Ruki Makino.
by Takato Matsuda.   

Ruki had tears in her eyes."Why did this happen to you Takato why did you have to die and leave me alone?" said Ruki still wiping the tears from her face. Then Ruki,Renamon and Guilmon were walking on the boardwalk. Then she saw a kid that resembled Takato.

"Hey you." said Renamon.Then they chased after him.

"Ok you've known my secert." said the Takato like kid."I'm really am Takato Matsuda." said Takato.

Ruki was shocked amazement."But you're suppose to be dead." said Renamon.

"Me and Guilmon were just defending someone from an evil digimon I got my arm broken but I think my arm is better and I didn't see you visit me were you busy?" Takato asked.

Then DeviPikachumon attacked."Guilmon,Renamon warp digivolve to Sakuyamon,Dukemon." They both said as they entered the battle field.

"Tengu's rice." said Sakuyamon as she unleashed four foxes at DeviPikachumon causing DeviPikachumon to loose his balance.

"Royal saber." said Dukemon as he stabbed DeviPikachumon  causing the evil digimon to get reconfigured.

"Umm Ruki I have something to tell you. I love you." said Takato.

"I love you to Takato and welocme back to the team." said Ruki as she handed out Takato's goggles and d-arc. Then they both kissed each other.

"Should we leave them alone?" Guilmon asked. Yes we should I think they need sometime alone." said Renamon. Then their digimon partner's walked out of the large dark alley.                 

THE END       


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