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The Power of One
by Blade

Ruki walked home from school with relief."Man I thought I'd never get out of there."  Ruki said.Then she changed out of her school uniform and putted on  her Broken heart T-shirt and her blue jeans.

"Ruki I need to talk to you for a minute." Ruki's mom called.

"I'm coming." Ruki yelled.

"I've been thinking you shouldn't be studding at an all girls school and wearing those dumb school uniforms you should go to a school that also has boys." Ruki's mom said.

"Does this school have a boy named Takato in it?" Ruki asked.

"Well to be honest yes."  Ruki mom replied.

"Oh I see I'll be going to my room now." Ruki said as she stepped out of the kitchen and walked into her room."YES!!!, Now I don't need this school uniform anymore." Ruki yelled in excitement. Just then Renamon showed up and saw Ruki.

"What is it Ruki?" Renamon asked.

"I don't need to go to that all girls private school anymore." Ruki anwsered."I can't wait to tell Takato and Gillmon." Ruki said as she was getting her hightops on.

When they got there Ruki told Takato about tomorrow. "I'm going to be going to your school tomorrow I mean I'm going to be in your class". Ruki said.


"Just forget it."  Ruki anwsered as she turned around and walked back home.Then they saw a strange man.

"Hello there youngster." He said as he walked up to Ruki and Renamon."I am Jijimon the wizard digimon."  Jijimon said.

"Um hi I am Ruki Makino a digimon Tamer and this is my digimon partner Renamon." Ruki said.

"I will grant you one wish." said Jijimon.

"Well I hate  being weak I can't fight like Renamon and I get attacked by an evil digimon." Ruki said. Then Jijimon took the crest of courage symbol and put it on Ruki's right hand. "How is this going to help me?" Ruki asked harshly.

"You see when you're in danger you will transform into the light warrior Valkyrimon." Jijimon said.

"Well thanks I should be going home now." Ruki said as she ran to her house.

Later the next morning Ruki woke up and got dressed only this time Ruki wore her broken heart T-shirt, Blue jeans with the belts on them and her red hightops to her new school.Then she bumped into a boy named Roy with a digimon partner named Mewmon.

"Hey your new around here." Roy said.

"Yeah I know." Ruki said as she dusted herself off. You know where I could find the class room where Takato is?" Ruki asked.

"Sure I'll take you there." Roy said.

When they got there, the teacher assigned Ruki a seat. "Hello I'm Ruki Makino," she said.

"Ruki go sit next to the boy with the goggles." the teacher said.

"Hey Ruki how have you been?" Takato asked.

"I've been doing fine." Ruki anwsered.

After school Ruki walked home and met up with her mom."Ruki how was school today?" her mom asked.

"It was okay I'm starting to like that school." Ruki anwsered back.

"I've got an idea we should spend some time together."  Ruki mom said.

They went to a clothes store that Ruki's mom recently goes to shop for clothes. Once they got there Ruki's mom gave her some outfits to try on."Aw man why me?" Ruki said to herself as she took off her jeans and shirt and put on a pair of black jeans, a biker like shirt and vest and black boots. 10 minutes later.Ruki had tried on all the outfits. Ruki put on her original clothes and walked out of the store. Then Renamon walked up to her. Then Golitahmon attack them. Takato and Dukemon attacked him from behind. Then the crest of courage on Ruki's hand begin to glow and Ruki transformed into Valkybimon.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!!" Takato said.

"You still won't be able to beat me and stop my power from controling you" Golitahmon yelled.Golitahmon threw a punch at Valkybimon but he took out his sword and cut his arm off then shot an arrow at Golitahmon and he was killed.

"Who are you"?

"I am Valkybimon the protective god of all warrior digimon." Valkybimon anwsered. Then Valkybimon changed back into Ruki. "What happened and what is this sword doing here?" Ruki asked herself.

"It's a long story." Takato said.

"Well I'm going home and rest C'mon Renamon." Ruki called out and walked home.                         

THE END                           

June 2001 by Blade                                                         Digimon Tamers @ 2001 @ by Toei                            

I'm a big   fan of Ruki and Renamon you should also give credit to Valkybimon and remember to put him in your fan fiction stories and don't forget Takato,Dukemon and Golitahmon put them in your stories of digimon tamers *Smiles*      


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