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Am I Dreaming Or What?

      One cold day Ruki was walking from school back home. When she got home she quickly chaged into her normal wear. She ran all the way to Takato's school and waited at the front door where all the student come out.

DING,DING..... After a few seconds part or the school's students came running out with smoke behind them. When the smoke was blown away, she saw someone walking with sadness who said "Does she hate me....or

Ruki was shocked from what she just heard and said "Is that you Takato? that really you......."

Takato ran to her and pushed her gently with care, until Ruki's back was against the wall. Takato held her hands and pushed them against the wall like her back was.

Ruki said to herself, "Am I dreaming or what?"

Then he leaned forward to Ruki and gently kissed her on the lips with passion. Ruki began to kiss back, he pulled away and said "I will always be there for you and I'll love you forever."

Ruki smiled and said, "I love you to the same way." And they kissed again......



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