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First Date
by: BraveDragon12345


The kids are in seventh grade 13 yrs old.

The bell rang and the kids ran out of their classes to freedom from homework and 'evil' teachers for the week-end. Takato met Henry at the gates of the front of the school because Henry said that he had something important to say to Takato. They walked their way towards their homes while talking about the school day.

"Henry,come on, tell me already what you had to say!" Takato demanded impatienly.

Henry looked up at him with a rather sly smile."Takato you said that that girl Rika needed someone to help her out with her attitude?"


"Well, how about you are the one to help her out?"

"WHAAAAAT!?!?!" Takato yelled loudly and somewhat blushing."What do you mean Henry?!"

"I mean why don't you go out with her? Do you accept the dare?"

" out with.....her?" Takato stuttered. He was afraid of her yet he wanted to accept the 'challenge'.

"I knew you were too scared." Henry started off leaving Takato behind but not for long.

Takato ran up to Henry and yelled out "I ACCEPT THAT CHALLENGE!!"

"See? I knew you wouldn't chicken out. Now go to her house and do so!" Henry ordered as he gave Takato a slight push.

Henry walked home while Takato went to Rika's house. He timidly knocked the door and Rika's grandmother answered, "Yes,may I help you?"

"Umm,I'm looking for Rika." He said nervously.

"Oh hi Takato!" Emma(grandmother) was glad to see this young man again."Come on in!" She led Takato to the back where Rika was.

She was playing around with the water in the pond she had in front of a door which led to her room. "Rika your friend's here." Emma said with a cheery voice.

'What friend? I don't...' she looked up to see Takato standing 2 feet away from her. 'Oh.....lover-boy' she completed her thought. "What do you want lover-boy?" she asked coldly like always.

"Well,Rika I was wondering......would like to go out....with me?" he stuttered out feeling his legs shake.

Rika's eyes widened and she was shocked. Takato was asking her out? In her mind she yelled 'Hell no!' but something went wrong, "Fine.Tomorrow at 6:00pm." she agreed then thought of what she said,she said yes.

Takato felt his heart jump around in joy,but for what? Did he really want to hear 'yes'? Did he really like her? Whatever it was Takato was just happy."Ok tomorrow at 6." He walked off and left.

'What did I just do?' Rika thought.
Takato  couldn't sleep about the fact that Rika said yes. He was glad and felt warm from within. Finally Saturday came which seemed to be years for Takato. He had a weird idea that morning. He called Henry and told him the news and Henry almost passed out but admitted that he was also going on a date with....Jeri.(puppet-girl) Takato congratulated him as Henry did the same.

Takato went to the mall the whole afternoon shopping for some cool clothes and also to do something to keep him busy. He bought some popular clothes. When he got home he took a shower and wore a buttoned navy blue short-sleeve pullover which covered a white short-sleeve under it  and was wearing baggy khaki pants with brown shoes (like 01matt's), and ofcourse his goggles. He wore a very nice cologne which attracts many girls.

It was 5:45 PM as Takato took out a paper and a pen and wrote something, then stuffed the paper in his back pocket. He went over to Rika's house to pick her up. He stood by the door way as he waited. She finally came out and she looked so beautiful just like all the time. Takato stared 'She's cool...she's hot........she's ONLY my friend.Honest, this breaks my heart.' Takato thought. She was wearing a sleeveless navy blue that had 'Ms.Attitude' and navy blue jeans,but the thing that caught Takato by surprise was that Rika had her beautiful redish hair down.

"Well, let's go lover-boy." she said simply.

They first went to a club of 13 yrs to 16 yrs. As they were there Takato wrote more on his paper. Next they went to a pretty cool restaurant, which was Rika's favorite. Then again Takato wrote more on his paper when Rika went to the restroom. Next they went to a place of laser-tag. Rika was having so much fun that she forgot exactly about her cold ways of being. Takato once again wrote in his paper when he had the chance. After that they went to see the movie Romeo Must Die which both of them enjoyed. During the movie Takato wrote in his paper for the last time. 'I dread the thought of our very first kiss,a target i'm probably gonna miss.' Takato thought during the movie.

It was now 11:45 PM as Takato walked Rika to her house. They stopped at her doorway. "Takato,I had alot of fun tonight,thank you." she said as she hugged him lightly.

"Bye Rika,good-night." Takato said as he felt sadness within him.

Rika stood at the doorway as he walked away and noticed a folded paper on the floor. She picked it up and was about to call out his name but noticed he had already been out of sight. She took the paper to her room and laid on her bed and opened the neatly folded paper and read. It was some kind of poem or song.

~~~First Date~~~by Takato Matsuda

Down your street  I just can't wait
to pick you up on our very first date.
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know
what to wear?
I'm just scared of what you think,
you make me nervous so I really can't eat.

Let's go,
don't wait.
This night almost over.
Honest,let's make this last forever.
Forever and ever.
Let's make this last forever.
Forever and ever. Let's make this
last forever.

When you smile, I melt inside.
I'm not worthy for a one minute of your time.
I really wish it was me and you.
I'm jealous of everybody in the room.
Please don't look at me with those eyes,
please don't hint that you're capable of lies.
I dread the thought of our very first kiss,
a target that i'm probably gonna miss.

Let's go,
don't wait.
This nights almost over.
Honest,let's make this night last forever.
Forever and ever.
Let's make this last forever.
Forever and ever. Let's make this
last forever.

Rika read the whole poem three times. Takato was in love with her.
The next day Takato whined but not childishly but rather the way a teen boy would. He couldn't find his poem and he was worried cause it had his name. He stopped thinking about his poem when he heard that doorbell. He thought it was his parents that were back from a wedding they went to so in other words he was alone. He opened to see Rika there,smiling."Hi Rik...."

He was cut off by Rika's lips pressing against his. Still holding the kiss he turned around and closed the door with his foot,then started leading Rika to the couch still holding the passionate kiss. He slowly laid her on the couch as he laid on top of her as they continued their 'making-out session'. Until finally they were out of breath they let go of each other's lips.Takato looked down at Rika who quit out of breath.

"Rika Nonaka,I love you."

"Takato I love you,too." she replied as she took out the poem and handed it to Takato, who was still on top of her.

"Hey,I had been looking for this." Takato said as he looked at the paper then gave it back to Rika.

"Thanks for the poem lover-boy." He smiled and they started making-out again.

The End


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