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Okay, first thing's first, I don't own Digimon or any of it's characters...this is just a fan fiction story. There may be some inaccuracies and stuff like that for the fact that season 3 doesn't air here in the US until Sept. 1, and I personally have only see various clips of the Digimon Tamers show...this is my first ever attempt at a Rukato fan fic, a Tamers fan fic at that, and I hope at least somebody enjoys it.... please if there are any coments e-mail me....I really wanna know what people think.

All of characters personal thoughts are in *s




You've Got a Fish in Your Pants
By Melanie Merritt

Takato was standing on a street corner waiting. He'd skipped out of a school a little early today (the teacher under the impression that he was just going to the bathroom) to catch Ruki on her way home from school and the hopes of walking her home and possibly hanging out for a bit, like friends are supposed to do. He wasn't really sure why he was doing this, but some strange gut feeling told him to. He looked at his wrist as if he were going to see what time it was, but then he reaslized that he wasn't wearing a watch. He looked up and saw Ruki on the sidewalk on the other side of the street, getting ready to cross.

Ruki crossed the street safely and then reaslized that Takato was there. *Why is he here? It seems like he's waiting for something. Oh man, now he's seen me in my school uniform, skirt and all...curse this uniform, it's definitly gotta be taking points away from my intimidation scale.*

"Hi Ruki," Takato said

"Oh h-hello Takato. What are you doing here?" she replied

"I was waiting for you," he admitted.

"Why?" she asked as she stared to proceed in walking home.

Takato also started walking beside her. "I thought I'd be friendly and walk you home."

"I thought our schools let out at the same time. How could you possibly have enough time to get here and wait for me just so you could walk me hom?" she asked

"I'll admit, I left school early."

"And why did yo9u do that?"

"Because your my friend and I thought I-"

"Well, you shouldn't skip school, even if I am your friend. You should really just stop following me and go home," she snapped at him cutting off his words.

*Oh great, now she hates me* Takato was now looking at the ground and not at Ruki anymore.

Ruki began to walk off, a little more quickly than she'd been walking before, and Takato dropped down on his knees and grabbed her skirt before she was out of reach. "Ruki I-"

Ruki spun around and punched Takato hard. So hard that he was probably going to get a black eye. *How dare he grab my skirt, that little perv* "Goodbye Takato," she said running off leaving Takato down on his knees in the middle of the sidewalk.

*Wow she has nice legs. She should wear skirts more often. Wait, what am I saying? I don't like Ruki like that. Do I? We're just friends right?* "Ow," he finally said realizing the pain around his eye where she'd punched him.


Takato was sitting in bed later that night, but he was having trouble sleeping. He wasn't sure if it was his eye that was bothering him or those out of the ordinary thoughts he'd been having about Ruki ever since she left him there on that sidewalk. He just couldn't go to sleep, so he got out of bed , went over to his desk, and sat down. He switched on the desklamp and pulled a sketchpad and a pencil from out of one of the desk drawers.

Guilmon woke up when Takato had turned on the light and went to go swee what he was doing. "Why aren't you asleep Takato?" Guilmon asked.

"I don't know. For some reason I just can't seem to sleep," Takato replied as he began to draw a picture.

"Well, I'm sleepy and the light is bother me," Guilmon complained.

"Fine," Takato said, grabbing his sketchpad and pencil in one hand, and with the other hand, turning off the desk lamp and grabbing a flashlight out of the desk drawer. He got back in his bed and finished his picture by only the light of his flashlight. He had drawn a picture of Ruki. He smiled at the picture and then ripped it out of his sketchpad. He put the sketchpad, pencil, and flashlight down at the foot of the bed, since he didn't want to get up and take the things back to the desk. He then layed down, hold his newly drawn picture of Ruki to his chest and he fell fast asleep in no time.


The next day Ruki walked home again. Ever since she hit Takato and ran away from him yesterday she hadn't been able to take her mind off of him. As she passed by the corner where he had waited for her yesterday, she felt kind of disappointed that he wasn't there. *I should really appologize for hitting him, but he deserved it. What's a girl supposed to think when some boy grabs onto her skirt?*

She got home and changed out of her school uniform, but for the first time in a long time, she didn't change into her normal jeans and broken heart tee. She put on a plain blue shirt, and a kind of violet-blue skirt. She had no idea why, but she just felt like it for some strange reason. She'd thought maybe for a minute something her mom had said to her at one time was rubbign off on her a little bit. She went out into her yard, not bothering with shoes or socks, she was just in her bare feet. She decided to go over to her little water garden thing that was in the yard. She sat down and waded her feet in the water, and watched as fish swam around them.

"Ruki," an all too familiar voice said.

"Takato," Ruki said shockingly as she spun around to look at him. *Oh man, he's seeing me in another skirt. This is definitely taking points off my intimidation scale*

"Y-you look really nice, R-Ruki," Takato managed to stutter out as Ruki took her feet out of the water and stood up to face him.

"Thank you," Ruki managed to say, looking at the ground, kind of embarassed.

"Anyways, Ruki..."


"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time. They were both kind of shocked at the other one appologizing.

Takato walked up to Ruki, grabbed both of her hands, and looked at her with a smile. "I guess we were both idots yesterday," he said.

"I wasn't an idiot!" Ruki yelled at Takato as she slung him into the water. "How could you even say such a thing?" she asked quite furiously.

"Well, I mean, both of us appologized for the way we acted yesterday," Takato said trying to think up some excuse as he moved backwards until he was up to the wall of of the little pool he was in (it wasn't deep, but he was sitting in the water).

"I appologized for giving you a black eye. I don't regret the way I acted," she said.

Takato looked almost like he was going to cry. Not only was Ruki being mean to him, just because he misunderstood her, but he was also wet. Takato stood up in the water. "I'm sorry I-"

Ruki was looking at him with one of the strangest looks on her face that he had ever seen and she started snickering.

"What?" Takato asked.

Ruki was now laughing out loud and so hard that her face was turning pink.

"What?" Takato asked a little annoyed this time. "Wait. Ruki, you're laughing! You're laughing, what's so funny?" he asked begining to chuckled himself.

Ruki was on her knees laughing and wasn't anywhere near calming down about what was so funny. She pointed at Takato and between laughs managed to get out the words "You've got a fish in your pants."

Takato looked down and there was a fish caught in the waist of his pants, with it's tail sticking out and whipping all around. He hadn't noticed this until now because he was dwelling so much on Ruki. He pulled the fish out of his pants and put it back in the water smiling at Ruki.

Ruki finally calmed down and stopped laughing and smiled at Takato, who was still standing in the water.

"Ruki, you were laughing and smiling and - you should really do it all more often," Takato told her.

Ruki stood up and then walked into the water and stopped right in front of Takato, looking him in the eyes.

So many things were running through Takato's head that he didn't know what to do or say or anything. He finally managed to say, "I think I'm in love with you, Ruki."

Ruki pushed Takato down back into the water, and again he was sitting with his back leaning on the little wall, but Ruki sat down in the water herself this time on top of Takato's legs. She looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her face, and then she kissed him.

Takato was shocked for a moment, but then began to kiss back, putting his arms around her waist, holding her as closely as possible.

The kiss lasted for a minute or so before they broke apart, and Ruki just sat and smiled at Takato putting her arms around his neck.

"What was that for?" Takato asked.

"I've never been the laughing and smiling type of person. I mean, if someone tells a joke that everybody laughs at, I normally don't even curl a lip. Because of that, I made a promise one day, that the first boy who ever made me laugh, would be the first boy I'd ever kiss, and the only boy who would have my heart forever," Ruki explained.

"Wow," Takato said in more of a whisper. "You should really wear a skirt more often, Ruki. It brings out the best in you," Takato said. "In more ways than one," he added with a smile.

Ruki lightly punched Takato in one of his arms, "Are you begging for another black eye?"


Okay it's over, THE END, I hope it was enjoyable to at least on person....there was some mean parts, there were some funny parts.......and my favorite parts are when Ruki is smiling, because I've always had a great invisionment of Ruki smiling and when she was wearing that really cute ensamble which I kind of based off a japanese fan art pic that is so kawaii I almost fainted from the kawaiiness...I mean look at my fan art that I draw....I try to make her smile as often as I can and recently I've been trying to work on her looking a bit more girlish, just because she should just for the heck of it.


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