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Fates of the Heart


Chapter 1

The moon was high in the sky shedding its serene light between silk curtains
in room fit for a queen, when Ruki woke up with a start.  Sweat was pouring
down her forehead and shock was in her eyes. Without even bothering to put on
her slippers, she ran out of her room to the royal library.

Ruki was not an ordinary person; she was the high princess of Lunia. She had
orange hair, purple-blue eyes, fair skin, she stood 5'8"and was only in a
white night gown. The only jewelry she wore at the moment was the silver
circlet on her forehead.

She kept running down the hall with moonlight guiding her down the hall to
the room she was looking for. While she was running the only sound she could
her was her heart. Finally finding the room she was looking for she stopped
and took a breath and opened the doors to the room.

She went to the far back of the room and opened an old book to its last
page. She read the page, but the words were faded. Thinking no more of the
old book she put it down and left the room; the book was still open and the
words on the page read:

The high princess of ten years
She will meet a prince and fall in love
But with the prince will come a shadow
Using the power of her heart, she will free the land
But in doing so she will lose her life


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