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The Boy at My Door    
by: Reddestiny

The shimmering sun shone overhead as Ruki and her faithful Digimon, Renamon, walked around the streets aimlessly seeking a chance of battle against other Digimon. Finally she came upon another kid of her age and immediately issued a challenge to him.

"Hey you, goggle boy, do you think your Digimon has what it takes to go up against Renamon?," she cried out.   "No," he replied "Guilmon won't fight. He's too young to fight. Find someone else." And he turned around and ran.  

"FINE!," she yelled at him " RUN AWAY YOU COWARD!"  

She and Renamon slowly walked home a few hours later when they met the same goggle-headed boy they saw earlier. As soon as he saw them he turned to walk away but it was too late.   .

"Hey coward! Do you have enough courage to fight me and Renamon now?", she yelled out at him.  

The boy slowly turned around and said,"If fighting is all you care about than name another thing that you really value besides fighting."  

"I...I...I don't know......", she stammered "I guess....... Why am I even talking to you?" and she ran home.  

She walked home and ate her dinner quietly with her parents and went off to bed.That night she changed into her pyjamas weird dream regarding that strange boy she met......  

"Huh where am I?", she asked herself." Is this a dream or a nightmare?  

"That depends on what you think of your life Ruki", a voice in her mind said.  

"Who are you?!", she cried.  

"I'm either your enemy or your friend depending on how you think of me", it replied.  

"Show yourself", she said" I'm not afraid of you!"  

"Fine. Look behind you Ruki", it said.

  She looked behind herself and saw an exact duplicate of the goggle-headed boy she met today.

  "What are you doing in my dream?!", she yelled at him.  

"I'm just a part of what you think about in your brain Ruki. I wouldn't be in here if you stopped thinking about me. Just remember this when you wake up:  

Your destiny can only be controlled by you and you yourself,
no one else can but they will persuade you.
You must choose your own way and never look back,
or else if you reflect you will no longer see the tracks...... ", he said in a ghostly voice and with that Ruki woke up in a cold sweat.  

Renamon appeared right in front of her in a blur of light and speed. "What is bothering you Ruki?", Renamon asked.

  "Nothing let's just let me walk around for a while and I'll be fine Renamon. You stay here.", she added as an afterthought.

Ruki walked around the streets until she met the goggle-headed boy again.  

"Hey you! goggle boy! Are you ready to fight today? Or are you still afraid to lose?",she taunted him.  

"Ruki you must be really lonely to try and cover it up with trying to fight all the time.", he said sadly shaking his head from side to side.  

"Wha....wha....why did you say that?", she said hesitantly.  

"Maybe you need someone who can be with you whenever you need them.", replied the goggle-head blushingly.  

"Who do you have in mind?", Ruki answered blushing.  

"I guess until you find whoever I guess I can be your friend........ for "now" and judging by the name on your shirt I'd say your name is Ruki.", he quickly said.  

"Than........... will you meet me everyday at my home door?", she asked.  

"I will. I promise. I do.........", he said going into a dreamy look on his face.  

The following morning.........
"Ruki! Wake up it's time for school ", my her mom cried from downstairs.  

"I'm coming mom!", she replied equally loud.  

"Oh yeah, a boy wearing goggles named Takato was at the door and told me to give this letter.", she said.  

Ruki immediately woke up, quickly changed and ran downstairs to snatch the letter right out of her mother's hand. She opened up the letter and dumped put a little piece of paper inside. It read: To Ruki
"Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder what this is about?" she asked herself. She opened the letter and it read:

Dear Ruki

"Hmmmmmmm I wonder what this is all about?", she said as she started reading it.

Dear Ruki,

The days are too long, the nights are just too cruel.

I lie in bed crying, crying for the girl that I dreamt but never had.

Than I found you........

I stand outside in the rain, waiting, waiting for the day you'll be mine and mine alone.

But if you desire someone above me than I will willingly stand beside you for the rest of my life.

Before you decide, before you make up your mind listen to what I have to say:

I can never love you less Ruki, only more and that is the day that you will feel the same about me. I'll be wating for you.

                                                                 By: Takato Matsuda

"Oh Takato your such a good poet. I never expected you to be one but than again, I never expected you to be much of anything.", she said giggling to herself. Suddenly there was a knock on her door and Takato walked right in.

"What was that you said about me not being much of anything? Huh?", he asked slyly.

"Never mind that. What are you doing here?", she asked him surprised.

"I just wanted to see if you got my letter that's all.", he said." I see that you did get my letter."

"It was nice but don't you think you're going a little too far with your joke?", she said. "Because for a minute there I thought you were in love with me."

"Who knows for certain Ruki?", he said taking a slight glance at her. He slowly sat down beside her on the bed.

"Takato, please don't......", she said staring into his eyes. He stared back at her.

"Ruki the poem isn't a joke. I stand by every word I wrote in there for you only.", he said shyly.

*blush*" This joke is getting TOO far Takato!", she cried.

"Ruki you're so DULL!" he cried back at her and than quieted down.

"I'M NOT DULL.......", she started but was stopped by Takato when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

"Maybe being dull is what we have in common Ruki", he whispered."Ruki don't move. I want to remember you as you are for the rest of my life."

"Takato please, no more poetr.....", but was stopped again when Takato pressed his lips against her's. The kiss lasted for 3 minutes and Ruki managed to push Takato away just when her mom came in.

"Renamon where are you?", she said when she was alone outside in the yard.

"I'm right here Ruki.", Renamon said and appeared in front of Ruki.

"Renamon, have you ever fallen in love before?"

"No not at all. Never.", Renamon replied.

"Than you can't help me."

"What is bothering you Ruki? Is it a boy that's on your mind?"

"Huh?", she raised her head and than let it drop back down." Yeah. I can't get over that feeling when we kissed each other. It's like nothing I ever felt before Renamon. It's starting to drive me insane."

Ruki and Takato met each other everyday afterward at Ruki's door just like he promised he would but one day he didn't show up but there was a letter in her doorway. She picked it up and read it.

Dear Ruki,

                 I am so sorry for not being able to stay with you. My parents have decided to move to Hightenview Terrace. I'm leaving you my phone number and address so we can keep in touch. I'm sorry that it couldn't turn out the way you and I wanted it to be. I'll keep in touch with you but will you forgive me enough to reply? I hope you do. I can't live my life knowing you'll never notice me again. I tried everything I could to stay but it was no use. My parents said I HAD TO GO. Curse it. Curse it, curse it, curse it! I'm going to miss you Ruki on my lonely journey to a different place.

                                                                       Sincerely yours,

                                                                                   Takato Matsuda

"NO TAKATO! NO DON'T GO AND LEAVE ME ALL ALONE! NO! NO! NO! I WON'T LET YOU!", she screamed and dashed off to look for him. As she started looking for him she remembered the dream she the very night before she met Takato. It said,"you must choose your own way and NEVER look back." it had said

She thought about it for a minute and said," I'm not looking for him anymore. I'm not losing the tracks of the happy times I had with Takato and replacing it with the fear and loneliness of trying to find him. I forgive you Takato Matsuda for breaking your promise but I will always have you deep down in my heart where you exist if only my faith and love in you still exists.", she said with a tear starting down here face.



A pretty sad story and pretty good if I do say so myself. I really hate writing stories but when i saw the other fan fics in the Rukato Palace, I just HAD to contribute something to the site. since this is my first time writing stories I hope that people will enjoy it. I really like da enjoyment of writing a story dat ma sis actually likes and she hates a lotta things.try and E-mail me back if you like this story ok whoever is in charge of that site?


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