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~Dedicated to Servo-Y~

Because she rocks, and she's gonna draw me a Hirokazu/Lee fanart in exchange. :D I just think they look cute together, okay? I'm not trying to mess up Lee/Takato or Hirokazu/Takato or Lee/Ruki or whatever else you may or may not already support. I'm pretty much neutral to all Tamers couples so far.

This is a Takato/Ruki romance. Or that's what it's supposed to be anyway. I sort of trailed off. A few yaoi references. But only a few. Yes, these are characters from season 3, aka Digimon Tamers. Yes, I've seen tamers. All of episodes 1-4, plus random clips from 5-8. So, there still might be some inaccuracies. Chill out, it's just a fanfic. Those of you still reading, enjoy. Especially you, Y! ^_^


They are the Key

by Servo-Z

It was a calm, strangely quiet end of the day, Takato and Lee were both walking home together, Guilmon and Terriermon not at all far behind. They heard a loud scream.

"Wha-what's that?" Takato asked.

"I'm not sure.." Lee said, starting to walk off in the direction of the cry.

After only going a small ways, they came across a burning building.

"Oh no, what could have happened?" Takato said, much concerned.

"I destroyed it." an unknown voice spoke. The group turned to see a strange creature in the shadows.

"Who's there?" Takato asked, slightly startled.

"Jen, what is that?" Terriermon asked.

"I don't know." Lee said, now much on guard.

"I am the digimon known as Catmon." it said.

"Catmon?" Guilmon repeated, and blinked.

"My Darkness claw shreds my enemies into nothingness, I have the power to erase everything I touch out of time." Catmon spoke again.

"Why would you want to do that?!" Takato asked, horrified.

"It's terrible." Lee said.

"I know. So I'll kill you both! And your digimon too!" Catmon said! "Darkness cla-"

"What's going on, culu?" A cute voice came out of nowhere.

"What's that? It sounds dangerous." Catmon looked around.

"Culumon! Stay away!" Lee warned.

Culumon came into sight, and blinked its huge eyes. Catmon unconsciously stepped back a few inches. "Who are you?" Culumon asked.

"I am Catmon! I will kill you all!"

"No, we'll defeat you first!" Lee said.

"Catmon, I think you just need a big hug!" Culumon said, smiling happily.

"Maybe I should go back to my base, this isn't working." Catmon said to himself.

"That's right, just a big hug!" Culumon said, and flew closer to Catmon.

"No! Stay away! I do not need a 'big hug'!" Catmon insisted. Culumon ignored Catmon's requests, and chased after him laughing as the group of four looked at them, some with slight amusement. Catmon eventually disappeared from sight, but not before shouting "I'll kill you all! And don't forget it!"

"Scary…" Takato said.

"Takato-kun." Lee said.


"We'd better get home now." Lee said.

"Oh." Takato said, slightly disappointed. He was hoping Lee would know how to defeat this Catmon character. Well, he probably did, of course. Why was he worried? Lee probably already had everything all thought out, he just didn't want to bother Takato with it right now. Lee always worked everything out.


"How… How can we defeat Catmon?!" Lee shouted.

"Hey, Jen…" Terriermon said sleepily. "It's two am…"

"It's impossible! Impossible!" Lee shouted.

"Right…" Terriermon trailed back off to sleep.

Who needed sleep, Lee was thinking to himself. They needed to defeat Catmon somehow. There had to be a key to defeat something that could erase things they touch out of times. Lee consumed more sugar as he paced his room for an hour.

"Maybe, we could throw something at him…" Lee thought out loud. "Or… Why?! Why can't I find the way?!" Lee fell on his knees. Then a voice spoke to him from out of nowhere.

"The key to defeating Catmon is to start a romance between Takato and Ruki." the voice said.

"Of course…"


The next day the three tamers met at a park.

"What's all this that Takato was talking about?" Ruki asked.

"Catmon is bad. Very bad." Lee said.

"Yes. I got that. He said you had thought of a way to defeat him already?" Ruki asked.

"I haven't! Of course I haven't!" Lee insisted.

"You sure seemed to be-" Terriermon began, before Lee gave him a look that told him to shut up.

"Oh." Takato said with an obvious statement of disappointment.

"I can't think of anything! So why don't you two sit down, and think of something?" Lee suggested.

Ruki stared at Lee with a confused slightly angry statement.

"Yes, do that." Lee said, leading Takato over to a place to sit. "I have to leave." Lee ran off.

Ruki sat down across from Takato. He blinked. She blinked. For a while, they said nothing.

"So…" Takato began. Then there was another moment of silence.

"What?" Ruki said.

"What?" Takato said back.

"You were about to say something."

"Oh, it was nothing."

"Don't start talking unless you have something to say!"

Takato shut his mouth and said nothing more out of fear. He felt very uncomfortable now that Lee was gone. Why did he have to leave anyway?

"Ah, Takato!" Takato's friend Hirokazu walked by, and was about to great him, before he was tripped and dragged him behind the bushes.

"Shhh." Lee warned Hirokazu.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Hirokazu asked roughly.

"Be quiet!" Lee said back.

Hirokazu noticed a strange looking digimon toy nearby. But that didn't hold his attention nearly as much as who Takato was talking to. "Ah! The digimon queen!" he exclaimed, and was about to go over to see both of them, when he was tripped again.

"Stay here, they're just about to talk again." Lee ordered. Hirokazu looked a little annoyed.

"What was it about this digimon that scares you?" Ruki asked.

"He's scary, and he said he was going to kill us all!" Takato explained.

"And?" Ruki asked.

"And… It has a powerful attack called 'darkness claw'. And it can kill you just by touching you." Takato added.

"Oh, really?" Ruki was now interested. "Who did it kill?"

"Well, no one that I saw." Takato said.

"Then, how do you know all that?"

"That's what it said!"


"It was!"

"You can't just go by what enemies are saying."


"Ever hear of lying? Digimon can lie too, I bet."


"And that digimon probably wasn't even telling the truth, you know?"

"Maybe, but-"

"You should have fought it instead of, well, what did you do?"

"Well, I would have fought it, but Culumon chased it away."

Ruki smirked slightly. "I see. So, we really have nothing to worry about."

"Well… Well…"

"Well what?"

"Y-You're mean!" Takato said loudly, then ran away.

"Stay here, you fool!" Lee said to Hirokazu, not noticing Takato's departure.

"Let me go, you lunatic!" Hirokazu yelled back.

Ruki picked up her bag and exited the park, seeing Lee and Hirokazu fist fighting outside the fence, Terriermon looking confused as to weather or not he should join in. She sighed, then walked away. After a few minutes, Hirokazu noticed this. "Now they're both gone, thanks a lot!"

"No, Takato is right over there." Lee pointed to a bench where Takato and Guilmon were sitting. Takato seemed to still be crying.

"Hey, Takato!" Hirokazu yelled, not wasting a moment before running over to him. "What's up? Why were you talking to the digimon queen? Where did you meet her?"

"Oh, Hirokazu." Takato said, trying to hide the fact that he had been crying.

"And what's that?" Hirokazu pointed to Guilmon.

"Takato-kun." Lee said sharply, interrupting the conversation.

"Lee-kun!" Takato said happily.

"You know this guy?" Hirokazu asked.

"Leee-kun!" Takato said, and ran up to Lee and hugged him, crying again.

"Well, I guess so then.."

"Why did you leave me with her?" Takato asked.

"Well… Well, because I had to meet someone. Someone very important." Lee explained.

"Oh. Who did you have to meet? Shouldn't you go? Aren't you late?" Takato said, concerned.

"Well…" Lee paused. "No, it's okay, I just had to meet him." Lee said. As Takato let go of him, Lee grabbed onto Hirokazu's arm. "It was very important that I did."

"What the heck are you-" Lee quickly kicked Hirokazu's heal. "OWWW!! What was that for?!"

"So you see, Takato-kun…. I'm busy."

"But Lee-kun! Catmon is going to kill us all!"

"Catmon?" Hirokazu repeated with interest.

"Well, I can't possibly defeat Catmon. If you need help, then I guess you'll have to work with Ruki, right?"

"But Lee-kun!"

"Good-bye Takato-kun, good luck!" Lee said, dragging Hirokazu off.

"What are you doing?! Hey, talk to me! Don't think I won't…"

Hirokazu continued complaining as Lee dragged him away. But Takato wasn't listening. "Lee-kun never mentioned he was friendly with Hirokazu. What does this mean? Hmm..."

"Takato, it's okay." Guilmon said.

"It might be, Guilmon. We should go investigate." Takato said.

"Investigate?" Guilmon repeated.


"What's this about you lunatic?" Hirokazu yelled as Lee dragged him into his room.

"Stay here!" Lee said.

"Why should I?"

"Because otherwise Takato might know I wasn't telling him the truth."

"Why didn't you anyway."

"Otherwise the world will be destroyed."

"What are you talking about?"

"If romance doesn't develop between Takato-kun and Ruki, we'll never defeat Catmon."

"Ruki? Digimon queen?"

"Would you stop calling her that?" Lee asked.

"Fine, fine. I don't see Takato and her together anyway.."

"They must become a couple!"


"Because… Because it's DESTINY."

"Okay. Can I leave now?"

"No! You must stay! You MUST."

"Fine then. Can we do something then?"

"I'm sure we can find a way to occupy ourselves."


"Stand still, Guilmon!" Takato ordered. "I can almost see…" He was on Guilmon's shoulders, and lifted his binoculars, trying to aim them at Lee's window so he could see what was going on. They had been trying for the past half hour to see in, but Takato kept falling down. He had tried just standing on the ground, but it hadn't helped much to see in then either. "Ahh… This isn't working at all." Takato said as he fell down again.

"What are you doing?" Ruki asked, now standing on the sidewalk by him.

"Uh… I…" Takato trailed off.

"Spotted Catmon?" Ruki asked, without really mocking him.

"Well… No…" Takato said, a little embarrassed, because looking for Catmon was really what he should have been doing.


"I think I might have! On top of that building!" Takato randomly pointed.

"Let me see." Ruki said. Takato handed her the binoculars, and she looked carefully around the area. "No, I don't think there is anything. Should we keep looking around?"

"No, it's okay."

"You were just telling me it wasn't okay!" Ruki yelled, then noticed Takato's slightly frightened statement. "Takato, I guess I haven't really been fair to you. If you're this concerned then, I guess there has to be a reason."

"Maybe there is. Should we go look for Catmon?"

"Yeah, let's go."


As Ruki and Takato wandered across the city, Lee and Hirokazu occupied themselves.

"I win again!" Hirokazu jumped around hyperly, waving his digimon cards around.

"Fine, you did." Lee said, a little more than annoyed.

"Should we play again?"


"Then can I leave?"

"Fine, we'll play again!"


"What does this Catmon look like exactly?" Ruki asked Takato as they walked down the street.

"Well.." Takato realized he hadn't really gotten a very good look at Catmon yesterday. "It's scary."

"I see."

"Scary… like that!" Takato pointed. Ruki turned around, and saw Catmon.

"HAHAHAHA!" Catmon said.

"That's a digimon?" Ruki asked, staring at Catmon with slight disbelief.

"Not just any digimon, I'm a dark master!"


"I am Catmon! And I'll kill you all!"

"…." Ruki was obviously not convinced.

"Ruki, what are we going to do?" Takato said, moving closer to Ruki.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this."

"Ruki.." Takato said.

"So, what do you think you're going to do?" Catmon asked.

"Show us some of your attacks, Catmon." Ruki said.

"Ruki!" Takato was surprised.

"Fine then. Darkness claw!" Catmon shouted.

Takato became frightened and hid behind Ruki. Nothing happened.

"Well?" Ruki smirked slightly.

"Oh! Maybe you're right! Maybe what Catmon said about his powers was a lie!" Takato realized.

"Yeah." Ruki said.

"Hmmm… My attacks aren't working, maybe I need to digivolve in order to use them." Catmon said.

"Digivolve?" Takato repeated, now seeming scared again.

"And then I'll kill you all! HAHAHAHA!" Catmon said.

A mother and daughter walked by, the little girl carrying a small bunny. They came by, seemingly not noticing the evil digimon standing on the sidewalk. "Mommy, this bunny is cute, isn't it?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, it really is." the mother said.

They walked closer and closer to Catmon. "Umm…" Catmon said as they neared. "I'll kill you all later!" he ran off.

"Hmm.." Ruki said, thinking.

"Ruki, he says he's still going to kill us all." Takato said unhappily.

"Don't worry Takato. We can get rid of this nuisance." Ruki assured.


"I WON! I WON! I WON!" Lee said, excited, and then threw his box of cards at Hirokazu.

"Fine, you did." Hirokazu said. "Let's see… Five times for Lee-kun, Fifteen times for me."

"I won!" Lee repeated.

"Jen-nichan! Jen-nichan!" a cute voice said at the door.

"Oh, come in." Lee said.

"Who's that?" Hirokazu asked.

"This is my younger sister, Shiuchon." Lee said.

Shiuchon smiled. "Are you Jen-nichan's friend?"

"Uh.. I guess." Hirokazu said.

"Can we play? Can we?" Shiuchon begged.

"Uh.. Sure." Hirokazu agreed.


"You're sure Lee-kun lives here?" Ruki asked Takato.

"Yes, I'm sure." Takato said.

Ruki knocked on the door. After a few moments, Lee opened the door. "Yes?"

"What do you mean by that? We're in the middle of fighting Catmon!" Ruki yelled.

"Oh, so you're a happy couple now?" Lee asked.

"What do you mean by that?!" Ruki yelled, as Takato stood around looking confused.

"Oh, then I guess not." Lee said.

"Are you going to help us with Catmon or not?!"

"I'll have to." Lee said.

"Well, good then."

"Jen-nichan! Jen-nichan! Come look!" Shiuchon said. She noticed the two at the door. "Oh, are you Jen-nichan's friends too?"

"Yeah.." Ruki confirmed.

"Come see!" she said, and the three tamers followed her inside. "Look! Isn't he pretty?" Shiuchon asked.

Hirokazu came out, looking not too happy, as he was wearing a pink dress.

"Hirokazu?" Takato asked, staring at him in disbelief.

"Takato! I don't know what you were thinking, your friend is nuts!" Hirokazu said, before taking off the pink outfit that his clothing was still under. "I'm leaving, okay?" he said to Lee.

"Okay, that's fine." Lee said.

"But it was so pretty.." Shuichon said, then walked away with her dress-up outfit.

"So, you two are a happy couple now?" Lee asked.

"Would you stop saying that?" Ruki said, now very annoyed. "Anyway, I've figured out Catmon's weakness."

"Really? What is it?" Takato asked.

"Cute things." Ruki said.

"Cute things?" Lee repeated.

"Yes. First you say he ran away from Culumon, then when we just saw him now, he runs away from a bunny." Ruki said.

"So… It's cute things…" Lee thought a moment. "Well, Terriermon is cute!"

"That's right! Guilmon is also cute!" Takato said.

"Well, he didn't seem very scared of your digimon, did he?" Ruki stated.

"Well, what do you think is cute and will scare Catmon enough?" Lee asked.

"Takato.." Ruki said.

"Y-Yes?" Takato said, blushing a little.

"I think you would look really cute in your friend's outfit."


Ruki and Lee walked around the spot where Takato and Ruki had found Catmon before. They looked around a little bit, before Lee randomly shouted "Catmon! Please don't kill us! We'll be nice!"

"Yes, please don't kill us, we just want to be your friend!" Terriermon added.

Catmon walked in front of the group. "I must kill you all, or else my life had no meaning."

"Your life has no meaning if you can not love!" Lee insisted.

"That's not true." Catmon said.

"It is, Ruki and Takato-kun are in love, and their love with conquer all!" Lee said.

"What are you going on about now?" Ruki asked Lee.

"Love is nothing more than a feeling between two people, it can not help you do anything!" Catmon said.

"You're wrong! It can, it can, it can!" Lee insisted.

"Your silly romances cannot help you at all." Catmon said.

"Takato, you look funny!" an amused digimon said.

"Guilmon, be quiet." Takato said softly.

"Takato, there you are." Ruki said.

"What is that?!" Catmon said.

Ruki pulled Takato, who was wearing a dress, forward. "This is Takato."

"Your boyfriend?" Lee asked.

"I guess." Ruki said. "Isn't he cute?" she asked Catmon.

"No." Catmon responded immediately. "I get it! You're all intoxicated!"

"Go get him, Takato." Ruki pushed Takato forward. Takato screamed in fear, before running into Catmon. Catmon fell on the ground, then all of his "armor" fell off, revealing..

"Daichi?!" Ruki said, horrified, looking at the boy whose "Catmon" costume has just fallen off.

"Daichi? Who is he?" Lee asked.

"He's my cousin…" Ruki said. "He likes to always say.."

"I will rule the UNIVERSE!" Daichi shouted as he stood up.

"You're mean!" Takato stood up as well. "Why were you saying you were going to kill us?"

"Um… Well…" Daichi stuttered.

"Stop your nonsense and explain yourself!" Ruki said.

"I've got to go now, bye!" Daichi ran off.

"I don't think your cousin is completely sane." Lee said.

"I don't think so either, but you're not really one to talk." Ruki said, before walking over to Takato. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Takato smiled. "Yes, I'm fine!"

How sweet, Lee thought as he looked at Takato and Ruki, who could stand each other now, it seemed. Takato must love her. It seemed just yesterday when Takato had been in love with..

That's right! It was just yesterday when Takato had been all over him! What the heck was Ruki doing with HIS Takato?!

"Ruki, what are you doing?" Lee asked harshly.

"What do you mean what am I doing?" Ruki responded.

"You're… you're touching my Takato!" Lee said, pointing at her hand, which was on Takato shoulder.

"So?" Ruki said. "We're a happy couple, you know."

"Really?" Takato asked, his eyes sparkling.

"No! You can't be a happy couple! You just can't!" Lee said.

"And why not?" Ruki asked.

"Well… Just because!" Lee said.

"Can I take this off now?" Takato asked.

"No!" Ruki and Lee said simultaneously, then continued arguing.

© May 2001 by Servo-Z
Digimon Tamers © 2001 by Toei

Well, that was fun. ^_^ I'm really getting into Tamers, I think it's the best Digimon series yet, so you can except to see a bunch more Tamers fics from me. And Hirokazu rocks!


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