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Sailor Harmony

American Name:Nicole

Birthday:9/24 Likes:Shopping Dislikes:Studying Hobbies:Art (mainly drawing and painting), listening to music, collect various items (lighthouses, marine mammals) Favorite Subjects:Art, Music L. Favorite Subjects:Physics, History Favorite Color:Blue Height:5'7" Favorite Foods:Pasta, cheesecake L. Favorite Foods:Zuccini, peppers Relationships:Married to Nephrite (pratically eats, drinks, sleeps, dreams, etc.) ♥ Children:Nikki (Sailor Melody-no scanned pic yet) Pet:Quarter (brown terrier w/green eyes) Blood Type:O+ Astrological Sign:Libra

"Harmony Power Release":transformation phrase "Magic Fife Harmonize":fife used to deafen or put enemies to sleep "Acoustic Notes Ampilfy":shoots music notes from hand "Harmony Rainbow":bright light blinds enemies

For more pics of me, go here.
