This page dedicates activities to my one and brunette.
"Sorry, Naru, but Harmony's my baby."
A Nephrite Quiz for those true fans...
I have a feeling this new Nephrite article might cause a stir, but I’m not quite sure. In any case, let’s go over this guy once again, the center of my newest theory: is it possible that Nephrite could have become the strongest being in the entire universe? Let’s see some evidence…
Now, to understand how Nephrite could be so powerful, we have to look at the source of his power: The Stars. In the Sailor Moon universe, the Power of the Stars basically refers to, when you come right down to it, God. Christianity believes God is omnipresent, existing everywhere at all times, like the Power of the Stars. Oriental mythology thinks that God is the stars, the sequence of movements they make and the events that take place in the cosmos. Apparently, this “Power of the Stars” that Nephrite always refers to is the power that oversees the progression of the universe. It is God, a power that knows what will happen before they do happen (which is why the Power of the Stars can show Nephrite who’s energy level will rise to its highest point; this power is all knowing), but doesn’t directly intervene with people’s lives. And, this Power also probably created the universe (not to mention all of its inhabitants) and, even if it didn’t, exists throughout in an incomprehensible form.
So, we’ve established the Power of the Stars as being “God”, the ultimate power that exists throughout the universe as an all-knowing force all on its own. I could guess it’s somewhat like The Force in Star Wars, the power that always exists, knows the events of the universe, etc. The Power of the Stars that Nephrite can tap into is the greatest power in our known universe, apparently. It knows the fate of all humans, living and those yet to be born, and what will happen to them (once again, going back to the Stars’ ability to show Nephrite who will use the most energy at the present time). Now, Nephrite can tap into this power. The question is - just how far can he tap? And, can he tap any further?
We saw in many of his episodes that he can use The Power of the Stars to foretell the future: telling him who’s energy level will rise to its highest point next? He can use this to possess objects or people when he wants to and for whatever reason. He also uses its power to attack in five main manners seen throughout the series (I’ll rank them from most powerful to least powerful):
Those are his basic powers, but is that all he has? In the episode “Who is that Masked Man?” he increases his energy level to 100 times its normal state. I don’t care what you say, that’s DEADLY! If he had used that power and channeled it into one of his attacks, the results would be devastating… Just to get a perspective, multiply all of the dimensions for the above-mentioned attacks by 100… I mean, if he used his solar system attack at that level, it’d make a canyon about 10,000 feet long, 20 feet deep, and 35 feet wide! Basically, about 20 city blocks and the sewers below them! But, if he can do it 100 times over, can he do it any higher? Nephrite doesn’t get to demonstrate his full potential throughout the series, mainly because he rarely encounters the Sailor Scouts in person the way the other Generals did. I mean, Jedite fought them head on, but lost. Zoisite is a bit weaker than Jedite, but did a good job against Tux (even Jedite beat him). Malachite couldn’t stand up to the Silver Crystal, but could still fire a LOT of massive blasts, including that bright pink two handed one. But, imagine the power Nephrite can tap into if he can raise his own powers 100 times normal their original state! Freaky, huh? That’d take out Malachite, Zoisite, and Jedite combined!
The reason Nephrite raised his power 100 times over in that last episode was because he summoned Leo the Lion, the strongest Negaverse youma seen in the first season. Why is it the strongest? Because it survived Sailor Moon’s tiara attack (which hit him directly on the head) and was unscathed. He was still attacking, even after the attack, and lunged head on toward Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask after the impact. If you consider that the tiara attack is the strongest of the Sailors early on in the series, imagine what Leo would have been able to do to one of the Scouts if he’d fought them one on one…
So the question still remains: can Nephrite go any more than 100 times over? I don’t think he could, but maybe. Plus, you have to look at his age in this whole ordeal. Nephrite is, what, 25 odd years old? His age is never really established, but he’s estimated (from both official and unofficial sources) that he’s about 22-25 years old. What am I getting at? What I’m saying is… Nephrite didn’t start out by shooting plasma balls or lasers that size when he was still in his crib! There are two explanations as to how his powers got to the level they’re at right now: One, they get stronger and he has the ability to tap deeper into the Power of the Stars as he ages, or, Two, he trains and harnesses them, increasing how deep he can tap into them through training and meditation (since he does meditate, when you think about it). In either case, Nephrite is still young… If explanation number one is true, he’d probably be able to tap into the stars to raise his power level about 250 times over guessing when he’s about 40 or so, if you consider that the rough middle of his life. If he gets weaker as he ages, that’s how far he can go totally, but if he’s like a wizard who only gets stronger with age and experience, he’d likely be able to increase his powers to possibly 500-600 times over. Considering he can increase his power 100 times when he’s 22, and it keeps raising as he gains more experience with age, every 10 years or so it adds 60-70 to the total… Now, if theory number two is true, he’d probably be able to go up to 300 times, probably getting a bit too old to train when he’s about 60 years old, but still keeping in shape. Also, if you’re saying “What if he’s 100 years old”? Well, physically he’s 25 or so. It doesn’t matter what age he is, he’s physically 25, and if he keeps aging at the same rate, it’ll be the same result, just over a longer period of time.
Just think of that kind of power, though. That’d be able to take out pretty much any villain the Sailor Scouts have ever faced! Nephrite can stand up against many of the villains already, considering his numerous abilities that the other known villains just don’t have (like teleportation, shielding ability, flying, energy attacks, and a lot of other things mentioned in my giant essay.) Had Nephrite lived, what would he have been able to do? Who knows how much power he could have harnessed over time, no matter which of the two theories is true. I’ll leave it up to you to decide… Just look at the evidence!
I'm a bit pissed off on this section of the page. I was websurfing and found this page. The most stupid reason is given here for not liking Nephrite. "So many people love and worship Nephrite"...gee I wonder why... >:P Maybe because he doesn't belong on that page (link that I gave). He's arrogant; big whoop! How many villains do we know of who are not arrogant?! Let's see...uhhhh...NONE!! I really don't want to hear any crap about him being a child abuser/molester. By the way, getting the Imperium Silver Crystal back was Nephrite's job first; Zoi's the one who butted in! Don't GET me started!! *sweet voice* Okay, now back to the idolizing! ^^