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Senshi Evaluations

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Is there a certain villian or senshi in Sailor Moon that stands out in your mind? E-mail me your comments and I'll post them here!

Note: I have made little or no changes to my submitters' thoughts; this way one can get a sense of exactly what other fans think without losing the voice through editing.

Sera mars because she is smart, beautiful and strong. I don't know, she reminds me a lot of myself, and even though she is only a character I have a respect for her. She is very independant and talented. She is loyal to her friends even though she can be a bit of a (pardon my language) bitch.


Sera Saturn--I'm not sure why. There's something mysterious about her that's intrigueing. And plus, she has that power to destroy a world--appealing. And that glaive. ^^ I want one!


Asteroid senshi--I guess it's because their amusing as villains and they have a tropical look that varies with the other senshi--probably their hair.


And Sailor Heavy Metal pappillion: Like most senshi, she is alone in her duties, guarding the last bits of the souls, from the fallen senshi star seed (which are contained in butterfiles) she is the soul hunter. Although her appearance was a short one in the manga where she was killed by Chibimoon and the Quartet. She is strong, she can use any of the elements. And I feel sorry for her, she creates the graves and does the funerals for the senshi, she is always surronded by death. I know if she had more of an appearance she would make a great senshi, with an interesting personality and a great story.


Sailor Mercury is my FAVORITE scout because she is smart, wise and beautiful. She dasen't go running into things and getting herself killed. She learns the facts before jumping to conclusions and although everyone says she is weak and can't fight, the other scouts would be lost with out her. Apart from that I took a test and it says I'm a carbon copy of Ami^.^.
