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Forgotten Star Seeds-Chuu, Mau, Cocoon, Mermaid, Coronis

Planetary Senshi

Created by Naoko Takeuchi

Sadly, I know very little of the following senshi, but they deserve a passing mention in history. In several time lines, they had their star seeds taken by the Sailor Animamates, or followers of Sailor Galaxia. I must note that the Animamates are not true senshi, as they stole the star seeds of others to serve Galaxia and become senshi.

Sailor Chuu was the senshi of the planet Chuu, and had her seed taken by Sailor Iron Mouse, who was from the same planet. It is presumed that Chuu is a planet of mice-like people, as that is what Iron Mouse appeared to be. Her powers are unknown, but perhaps were similar to the teleportation and 'Galactica Crunch' attack that Iron Mouse used.

Sailor Mau was the senshi of the planet Mau, a home of catlike creatures who could transform between cats and humans. Luna and Artemis are from this planet, though in some time lines this is not mentioned, and they are not always given the power to shape shift between forms. Mau's star seed was taken by Sailor Tin Nyanko (another native of the planet). The powers of this senshi are unknown, but perhaps were similar to Tin Nyanko's 'Galactica Puppet' attack.

Sailor Cocoon was a senshi of the planet of the same name. Her seed was presumably taken by Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion (another native of the planet), as the rest of Galaxia's followers seem to have stolen a seed from senshi as well. Cocoon and Papillion are assumedly from a planet of butterfly-type people. The powers of Cocoon herself were unknown, but perhaps they were similar to the fire and 'Galactica Scales' attack used by Heavy Metal Papillion. It is noted here that in some time lines, Cocoon is not even mentioned at all.

Sailor Mermaid was the senshi of the planet mermaid, and had her star seed taken by Sailor Aluminum Siren (another native of the planet). It is presumably a water planet judging by the planet's name. Her powers may have been similar to Aluminum Siren's 'Galactica Tsunami' attack.

Sailor Coronis was the senshi of the planet Coronis. Her seed was taken by fellow Coronian Sailor Lead Crow. Also from this planet are Sailors Phobos and Deimos, guardians of Sailor Mars. The natives of this planet are known to carry black crow's feathers around and can shift between crows and humans. This shape-shifting power is not always a factor in some time lines.