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Fun Stuff


Welcome to my fun stuff page, where you'll find quizzes, etc. to occupy your time! :)

JAPANESE LESSON(if I spell it wrong, don't get mad!):

bishoujo: pretty girl
bishounen: pretty boy
-sama: Mr/Mrs. or Lord/Lady(Juliet calls Sesshoumaru 'Sesshoumaru-sama')

-chan: suffix attached at the end of a friend/peer's name(the senshi use this a lot-i.e. Rei-chan/Usagi-chan)
-san: respectful way to address an older person or someone of a higher class (The senshi call Europa 'Europa-san' because she is leader of the guardian senshi and helped Queen Serenity)

mosi mosi: hello(phone); pronounced 'moshi moshi'

arigatoo: thank you; pronounced 'ah-ree-gah-toh'. Note: If you are addressing someone you've just met or someone older or in a higher position, it is more polite to say 'arigatoo gozaimasu', prounounced 'ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zai-mahs'.

gomen: sorry
minna: everyone
no/ko: of
-kun: suffix attached to a boy's name. (Seiya/Taiki/Yaten are sometimes referred to as Seiya-kun/Taiki-kun/Yaten-kun)

odango: dumpling/meatball
hentai: perverted person(think X-rated)
ecchi: slightly perverted (this and hentai usually refer to anime)
baka: stupid/idiot/moron
henshin: transformation (the senshi do this all the time)
nani: what



Serena/Usagi: Bunny Tsukino
Ami: Ami Mizuno
Raye/Rei: Rita Hino
Lita/Makoto: Maria
Mina/Minako: Joana Lima
Darien/Mamoru/Goncalo Chiba
Rini/Chibi-Usa: Chibi-Usa
Amara/Haruka: Haruka Tenou
Michelle/Micheru: Mariana Kaiou
Hotaru: Otavia Tomoe


Serena/Usagi: Bunny Tsukino
**all other names unchanged**

Germany: Kept the Japanese names, but reversed them, so Tsukino Usagi is Usagi Tsukino, etc.

Russia: Did the same thing as Germany, with these exceptions:

Serena/Usagi: Bunny Tsukino
Rini/Chibi-usa: Malishka Bunny ('malishka' is Russian for 'small')

Greece: Did the same thing as Germany with civilian names except for Usagi.

Serena/Usagi: Banny Tsukino
Mercury: Sailor Kronos(1st two seasons), Sailor Ermis
Tuxedo Mask/Moonlight Knight: Maskoforos & Ipotis tu Fegarofotos
Mars: Sailor Aris
Jupiter: Sailor Dhias
Uranus: Sailor Uranos
Neptune: Sailor Posidonas & Sailor Neptune
Saturn: Sailor Kronos
Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter/Mahitis
Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker/Dimiuryos
Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer/Therapeftis


Serena/Usagi: Bunny
Ami: Emi
Raye/Rei: Rea
Lita/Makoto: Morea
Mina/Minako: Marta
Darien/Mamoru: Marzio
Tuxedo Mask/Kamen: Milord
Chibi-Moon: Sailor Chibi-Usa
Trista/Setsuna: Silvia/Sidya
Amara/Haruka: Heles
Michelle/Michiru: Milenia
Uranus: Sailor Urano
Neptune: Sailor Neptuno
Hotaru: Octavia/Ottavia
Saturn: Sailor Saturno
Pluto: Sailor Plutone

Indonesia: Same as the Japanese names, with spelling variations, except for:

Mina/Minako: Ai Minako


Serena/Usagi: Bunny Rivière
Ami: Molly
Raye/Rei: Raya
Lita/Makoto: Marcy
Mina/Minako: Mathilda
Rini/Chibi-Usa: Camille
Amara/Haruka: Frédérique
Michelle/Michiru: Mylène
Trista/Setsuna: Sylvania
Hotaru: Olivia


Serena/Usagi: Yuet Yea Tou
Ami: Sui Yea Ah Mei
Raye/Rei: Fo Yea Lei
Trista/Setsuna: Ming Wong Fat Loi
Michelle/Michiru: Hoi Wong Mun (Ah Mun for short)
Amara/Haruka: Tin Wong Yeu
Pluto: Meng Wong Xut Noi (Xut Noi for short)
Saturn: Tou Mang Ying (Ah Yng for short)


Serena/Usagi: Annie Tsukino
Raye/Rei: Rai Hino
Tuxedo Mask/Kamen: Maskerade Rosen
**Ami and Mamoru's names are reversed from the Japanese. Ami's last name is spelled wrong.**

Poland: Civilian names remain the same, just reversed from the Japanese.

Moon: Czarodziejka z Ksiê¿yca
Mercury: Czarodziejka z Merkurego
Mars: Czar. z Marsa
Jupiter: Czarodziejka z Jowisza
Venus: Czarodziejka z Wenus
Tuxedo Mask/Kamen: Tuxedo
Chibi-Moon: Mala Czarodziejka z Ksiezyca (Small Mage from Moon)
Uranus: Czarodziejka z Urana
Neptune: Czarodziejka z Neptuna
Pluto: Czarodziejka z Plutona
Saturn: Czarodziejka z Saturna
Tsukikage no/Moonlight Knight: Ksiaze Ksiezycowej Poswiaty
Star Maker: wiezdna Czarodziejka Swobody (Star Mage of freedom);Sometimes Gwiezdna Czarodziejka Ocalenia (Star Mage of save)
Star Fighter: Gwiezdna Czarodziejka Walki (Star mage of fight)
Star Healer: Gwiezdna Czarodziejka Ocalenia; sometimes Gwiezdna Czarodziejka Swobody

Spain: Senshi are called 'guerreros'.

Serena/Usagi: Bunny Tsukino/Guerrero Luna
Ami: Amy Mizuno/Guerrero Mercurio
Raye/Rei: Ray Hino/Guerrero Marte
Lita/Makoto: Patricia/Guerrero Jupiter
Mina/Minako: Carola/Guerrero Venus
Trista/Setsuna: Raquel Meiou/Guerrero Pluton
Amara/Haruka: Timmy Ten'ou/Guerrero Urano
Michelle/Michiru: Vicky Kaiou/Guerrero Neptuno
Hotaru: Andrea Tomoe/Guerrero Saturno
Darien/Mamoru: Armando Chiba