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Guest Otaku Senshi

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The following otaku senshi/characters have either appeared in my fanfics or I have found outstanding.

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English "Dub" Name: Tara Hitaki
Nickname: Tar
Ages: 13/16
Blood type: N/A
Birthday: May 21
Star sign: Taurus
Height: same as Rei
Favorite gem: Jet Stone
Favorite colors: black and gray
Favorite school subject: art
Least favorite school subject: maths
Favorite sport: Tennis
Favorite foods: chili
Least favorite foods: anything green
Likes: anything artistic
Dislikes: mornings
Strengths: Dark Stone
Weaknesses: Rinzei Koumori
Afraid of: bats
Dream: to be a famous artist

Owned by Kristyn. Please do not use without permission.
English Name: Saruka Hino
Japanese Name: Karei Hitokage
English Translation: Soul of Beauty
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Eyes: Silver; deep with intent; like a window into her pure soul
Hair: Blond; with white highlights
Birthday: July 26
Age: 14
Blood Type: A
Build: Slender, delicate and fragile, average strength

Unique Physical Characteristics:
Senshi Name: Sailor NightStar - the Sailor of Purity
Senshi Colors: Purple and yellow
Sailor Fuku Details:
Normal Sailor Form - Has a purple choker with a yellow star. Purple collar with fuchsia line. Purple and Fuchsia bow with golden broach and a pale blue back bow. Purple bodices on long white gloves. Purple and fuchsia skirt. Purple highheel shoes.

Ultimate Sailor Form - Has a purple choker with a black star. Purple collar with fuchsia stripe. Purple, see through, silk bow with golden star broach and same for back bow. Purple silky, see through skirt. Black boots with pruple stripe at top. Black, skin tight pants that go under the boots. Long black gloves with no bodices and flare out at elbow.

Realm: Soul , with powers coming from Innocence
Tranformation Item: Black Stars
Transformation Phrase: NightStar Soul Transformation!!!
Animal Guide: A marmalade kitten named Comet that is very adventurous. Saruka does not remember when Comet joined with her, but half way through the story it comes back to her. (I won't spoil it for you)

Galaxy Orb - NightStar does not use this weapon until she is Queen Saruka of the Milky Way. It is an orb on the end of a staff that is a replica of our Milky Way Galaxy. Holds the upmost power of the energy of the stars and planets.


NightStar Soul Shadow Eclipse!: A never ending orb of darkness. Contain a single black star that is the source of NightStars existence; It consumes and destroys all it touches, but doesn't hurt any one who has not angered NightStar. Very deadly.

NightStar Destined Rage: A stream of black stars like Venus Love Chain. It tangles the enemy in the stream of black stars and doesn't let go until broken. Not too powerful, but very effective.

NightStar Pure Transission: It is a pure white light that shines from her heart. A black star purtrudes from her soul and floats above her while the bacl is washed away and replaced by a clear white. Luckily, NightStar never has a need to use this attack, fore if she did it would completely destroy her life and being for another's.

Origin: Saruka first lived on the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millenium. It was where she was born and grew up as Mina's little sister. She died, like the rest of the humans, in the battle against the Negaverse, but was lost in time when Queen Serenity sent everyone 1000 years into the future, and was sent 2000 years instead, to the reign of Selestial Queen Serenity (rini).

Favorite Food: pancakes
Least Favorite Food: tomatoes & pickles
Favorite School Subject: science (is fascinated by it)
Least Favorite School Subject: History (knows it is not correct)
Favorite Gemstone: Dragon Lily (a mix between Sapphire and Ruby)

Future Goals: to be remembered and recognized past her death; to make a difference;

Strengths: having fun; making people laugh; singing; drawing/ sketching; staying focused on her mission
Weaknesses: getting a boyfriend; staying mad at someone;

Hobbies: Saruka loves to draw. She sketches things on her mind into images, twists around past events or memories into crazy collages, and she lieks to colour them in bright colours. Saruka alos likes to get out anger, sadness, or happiness in singing and dancing. She doesn't like to waste her energy, and even if there is no battle on and she is full of energy, she will transform anyway and practice tecniques and attacks to hopefully become better at being a protector of her queen. Like every normal girl, though, Saruka LOVES to shop, and with Ashley, she will tear through a shopping mall like a noisy, gossiping tornado. ^_^

Family: Saruka does not remember her family on the Moon Kingdom (Until the end of the story), and only know her fellow Galaxie Sailors as her family. Her whole family was killed on the moon and sent 1000 years to the Earth's future, and, besides Mina, Saruka never sees any of them again.

Mission: Sailor NightStar, including the rest of the Galaxie Sailors, are from Crystal Tokyo during Selestial Queen Serenity's (Rini's) reign. They were sent back by pluto, with the help of FateStar's time power, to rid a sickness from little rini that runs in her blood stream and becomes deadly to her during her reign. During their time in the past, the Galaxie Sailors meet the normal scouts, and more of the story falls into place. Saruka and her best friend Aydel (VirtueStar) have no memory of it, but they find out that their lives began on the Moon Kingdom and that they are the little sisters of two of the scouts, lost in time, and sent farther into the future then necessary. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you though, but it gets good. ;)

Other important details: Saruka became a Sailor Scout from the moment she was born on the Moon kingdom. Because of her age (she was 8 at the time of the attack), Saruka was unallowed to battle fore she wouldn't have been able to control her sailor powers yet. Being a child, she died quickly and painlessly, then was reborn in the year 3000 on the Earth. She grew up there knowing Selestial Queen Serenity as her only mother, fore her true mother for that Era had passed away not long after her birth, and her father was unknown. The other four Galaxie Sailors, Ashley, Rachel, Alex, and Aydel, were also parentless, and they grew up together like sisters, training, learning, and growing together.

Personality: Saruka is a very caring person. As the leader of the Galaxie Sailors, she has been taught to use strict orders, and fight fairly.

English Name: Aydel Matthews
Japanese Name: Akari Ittoku
English Translation: Light of Virtue
Gender: Female
Height: 4 feet, 7 inches
Eyes: Green; her eyes are like a duplicates of Jupiter's. Soft, peaceful, but with a flare of intergrity and strength.
Hair: Brown; Brown hair the same colour of Jupiters with light highlights on her bangs and where the light hits her head.
Birthday: February 23
Age: 15
Blood Type: O
Build: Toned and meaty, tough and wiry, average strength

Unique Physical Characteristics:
Aydel is very weak, but when someone is in trouble that she cares deeply for Aydel can call on the strenghth of 5 men.

Senshi Name: Sailor VirtueStar - NA
Senshi Colors: sky blue, burgandy, yellow
Sailor Fuku Details:
Normal Sailor Form - Sailor VirtueStar has a burgandy skirt with the bottom half sky blue; she has a navy bow, burgandy bolice's, and a gold brooch. Her tiara is gold with a sapphire, and her earrings are gold or burgandy. She had a sky blue collar with a single grey stripe, and a sky blue choker with a gold star. Her boots are burgandy, and the boot style is like Sailor Jupiter's.

Ultimate Sailor Form - Has a blue choker with a black star. Burgandy collar with white stripe. Sky blue, see through, silk bow with golden star broach and same for back bow. Sky blue, silky, see through skirt. Black boots with sky blue stripe at top. Black, skin tight pants that go under the boots. Long black gloves with no bodices and flare out at elbow.
Realm: Life, with powers coming from Light
Tranformation Item: NA
Transformation Phrase:
Animal Guide: An Arctic Wolf named Crystal. Crystal joins Aydel just at the end of the story when Aydel proves herself as a Sailor. Each Galaxie Sailor recieves her guardian at this time, except Saruka (NightStar), who had already found her guardian years before.

Total Light Illimination!: An orb of light sucks the energy and light right out of the room, then releases it with massive force and power that can rip through steel ; It will totally destroy the enemy, if it hits. It moves very slowly and cannot be stopped. Very dangerous attack to use ever!

Complete Light Fusion: A bolt of light, electricity and energy like Jupiter's thunder, but a little more powerful. Is a very common attack for her to use as a sailor; Sometimes it cuts through the enemy quickly and painfully, but mostly it just hits with great force, knocking the vicim to the ground in shock.

Origin: Aydel first lived on the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millenium. It was where she was born and grew up as Lita's little sister. She died, like the rest of the humans, in the battle against the Negaverse, but was lost in time when Queen Serenity sent everyone 1000 years into the future, and was sent 2000 years instead, to the reign of Selestial Queen Serenity (rini).
Favorite Food: blueberries
Least Favorite Food: carrots
Favorite School Subject: nap time
Least Favorite School Subject: tech
Favorite Gemstone: sapphire
Future Goals: to better understand why people do stupid or mean things; to have a family.
Strengths: writing fantasy novels, getting what she wants
Weaknesses: understanding people, learning to believe
Hobbies: Aydel likes to play in forests and climb trees. She likes to swim, paint, and dance. Aydel is especially good at writing stories and sewing.

Family: Aydel does not remember her family on the Moon Kingdom (Until the end of the story), and only know her fellow Galaxie Sailors as her family. Her whole family was killed on the moon and sent 1000 years to the Earth's future, and, besides Lita, Aydel never sees any of them again. Her mother and father in the year 3000 both abandoned her in an orphanage where she was called upon by the Queen herself to train and earn the right to be called a Sailor Scout.

How this Character became a Sailor Senshi: Aydel becomes a Sailor Scout in the year 3000 on the Earth during Selestial Queen Serenity's reign. She is called apon from an orpanage by the Queen of Crystal Tokyo and, along with four of her fellow orphanage friends, are offered a life of happiness outside of the orphanage by one of Selestial Queen Serenity's soldiers. Selestial Queen Serenity recognized their powers with the help of a descendant of Sailor Mars', and they are raised on the kingdom grounds, training to become good protectors of their queen. At the age of 14, they are blessed with their transformation stick that holds the powers of their individual star. Less than two years later they are called upon by Pluto to travel back in time 1000 years to rid a deadly virus from little Rini back when she obtains. It is Aydel's and the others first mission, a very important one, and they are determined not to blow it.

Mission: Sailor VirtueStar, including the rest of the Galaxie Sailors, are from Crystal Tokyo during Selestial Queen Serenity's (Rini's) reign. They were sent back by Pluto, with the help of FateStar's time power, to rid a sickness from little Rini that runs in her blood stream and becomes deadly to her during her reign. During their time in the past, the Galaxie Sailors meet the normal scouts, and more of the story falls into place. Aydel and her best friend Saruka (NightStar) have no memory of it, but they find out that their lives began on the Moon Kingdom and that they are the little sisters of two of the scouts, lost in time, and sent farther into the future then necessary. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you though, but it gets good. ;)

Other important details: Aydel became a Sailor Scout in the year 3000 at the same time all the other Galaxie Sailors did, except NightStar. Unlike Saruka, Aydel was not blessed with the powers of a Sailor Scout in her lifetime on the Moon Kingdom. Being a child, she died quickly and painlessly during the battle against the Negaverse, then was reborn in the year 3000 on the Earth. She grew up there knowing Selestial Queen Serenity as her only mother, fore her true mother from that era had abandoned her at birth because she was a young mother. Her father was, and remains, unknown. The other four Galaxie Sailors, Ashley, Rachel, Alex, and Saruka, were also parentless, and they grew up together like sisters, training, learning, and growing together.

Personality: Aydel is very flaky and naive, but she is sweet and innocent none the less. She is not out going, but tries hard, and dreams of love. Aydel is not evil, only seen to be that way when she believes she was betrayed. She has disturbing visions of, not the future or present, but the past; flashbacks of the Negaverse's attack.

English Name: Rachel Yatoma
Japanese Name: Engi Yogen
English Translation: Prophicized Omen
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Eyes: Blue; Spark of yellow in them
Hair: Blue; streaks of different shades of blue in it. Hair done in four pink tails like Sailor moon's with the meatballs on top.
Birthday: June 8
Age: 15
Blood Type: O
Build: Slender, tough and wiry, average strength

Unique Physical Characteristics: none
Senshi Name: Sailor OmenStar - Sailor of Prophecy and Fortune
Senshi Colors: blue, yellow, green

Sailor Fuku Details:
Normal Sailor Form - yellow tiara with green gem. yellow choker and yellow collar with white stripes. green bow and bodices, and yellow brooch. yellow skirt with white highlights. green boots like sailor moon's with white tops.

Ultimate Sailor Form - Has a green choker with a black star. Green collar with white stripe. Green, see through, silk bow with golden star broach and same for back bow. Green silky, see through skirt. Black boots with green stripe at top. Black, skin tight pants that go under the boots. Long black gloves with no bodices and flare out at elbow.

Realm: Death, with powers coming from future time
Tranformation Item: blue and grey streams of light

Transformation Phrase: OmenStar Transform!!!
Animal Guide: none

Omen Death Prediction!: A wave of darkness and grief consumes the enemy; Makes them weep with sorrow of their past wrongs.

OmenStar Time Warp!: Warps the surrounding area to reveal different eras and areas of life and people in the future. Confuses the enemy and allows the Sailors to move in with a bigger better attack.

Origin: Rachel first lived in the year 3000 with the other four Galaxie Sailors. She wasparentless and lived in an orphanage until she was five, then was adopted by Selestial Queen Serenity herself in hopes that Rachel and the other four could become great sailors. It is unknown where Rachel's sailor powers origionated from, for she had no life before that on the Earth.

Favorite Food: Mushrooms
Least Favorite Food: Cheese
Favorite School Subject: Phys Ed
Least Favorite School Subject: Math
Favorite Gemstone: Crystalite
Future Goals: To win the world championships in Professional Baseball.
Strengths: sports, video games, and being bossy.
Weaknesses: school, guys, dancing
Hobbies: Baseball after school, Sailor at Night, and teasing Ashley about her liking guys.

Family: Rachel never met her mother or father. He mother abandoned her as a baby to an orphanage and her father dissappeared not long after. She has no known relatives, or siblings, and the closest to family she has is the other four Galaxy sailors: Alex, Aydel, Saruka and Ashley.

How this Character became a Sailor Senshi: Rachel became a sailor scout when she was 14, at a special celebration that was put together for her and the other four Galaxie Sailors for their 'passing of the rights' ceremony. During the ceremony she was blessed with the special transforming pen and was given a special peice of jewelry from Selestial Queen Serenity like the other four, a black chocker with a golden star, which secretly helps them harness and control their powers.

Mission: Sailor OmenStar, including the rest of the Galaxie Sailors, are from Crystal Tokyo during Selestial Queen Serenity's (Rini's) reign. They were sent back by pluto, with the help of FateStar's time power, to rid a sickness from little Rini that runs in her blood stream and becomes deadly to her during her reign. During their time in the past, the Galaxie Sailors meet the normal scouts, and more of the story falls into place. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you though, but it gets good. ;)

Other important details: Rachel was born in the year 3000 on Earth. She grew up there knowing Selestial Queen Serenity as her only mother, fore her true mother had abandoned her at birth because she was a young and naive mother, who did not believe in abortions (luckily). Her father was a soldier of the royal court who dissappeared not long after her birth. His whereabouts is unknown. The other four Galaxie Sailors, Ashley, Alex, Aydel, and Saruka, were also parentless, and they grew up together like sisters, training, learning, and growing together.

Personality: She is a very sweet girl, but can be a little moody. She rarely thinks of others, is rude and obnoxious, and takes everything personally. She is very protective of her fellow Galaxie Sailors, and will defend her honour if it kills her. Her motto is, if you can't live with pride, why live at all?

English Name: Alex Fiora
Japanese Name: Ikiiki Kokudo
English Translation: Vivid Emotions
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet, 6 inches
Eyes: Green; none
Hair: Red; in two pigtail braids to about her middle back. Streaks of lighter red in them.
Birthday: October 5
Age: 15
Blood Type: B
Build: Skinny, tough and wiry, average strength

Unique Physical Characteristics:
Senshi Name: Sailor SummerStar - Sailor of Emotions and Fire
Senshi Colors: red, yellow, green

Sailor Fuku Details:
Normal Sailor Form - Yellow tiara with red gem. black choker and red collar with white stripes. yellow bow and red bodices, and yellow brooch. red skirt with yellow fire up it. red boots like sailor moon's with yellow tops.

Ultimate Sailor Form - Has a red choker with a black star. Red collar with white stripe. Red, see through, silk bow with golden star broach and same for back bow. Red silky, see through skirt. Black boots with red stripe at top. Black, skin tight pants that go under the boots. Long black gloves with no bodices and flare out at elbow.

Realm: Fire , with powers coming from Sunlight
Tranformation Item: red and yellow streams of light
Transformation Phrase: SummerStar Transform!!!
Animal Guide: none

Summer Heat Wave!: A wave of heat and fire consumes the enemy.; Makes the enemy burn up and weaken that way

SummerStar Torture!: Brings on memories and feelings of people the enemy had hurt 10x as bad as it was; Causes the enemy to go insane, begging for the cries and pain to stop.

Origin: Alex first lived in the year 3000 with the other four Galaxie Sailors. She was parentless and lived in an orphanage until she was five, then was adopted by Selestial Queen Serenity herself in hopes that Alex and the other four could become great sailors. It is unknown where Alex's sailor powers origionated from, for she had no life before that on the Earth.

Favorite Food: Garlic Bread... Mmm!!
Least Favorite Food: meat (vegetarian)
Favorite School Subject: Languages
Least Favorite School Subject: Phys Ed
Favorite Gemstone: Ruby
Future Goals: To find her true love and marry
Strengths: being polite and generous and kind to everyone.
Weaknesses: guys, sports, being teased
Hobbies: Reading after school, Sailor by night, and solving problems and fights of her fellow sailors.

Family: Alex never met her mother or father. Her father left her at an orphanage not long after her mother died giving birth to her. She has no known relatives, or siblings, and the closest to family she has is the other four Galaxy sailors, Rachel, Aydel, Saruka and Ashley.

How this Character became a Sailor Senshi: Alex became a sailor scout when she was 14, at a special celebration that was put together for her and the other four Galaxie Sailors for their 'passing of the rights' ceremony. During the ceremony she was blessed with the special transforming pen and was given a special peice of jewelry from Selestial Queen Serenity like the other four, a black chocker with a golden star, which secretly helps them harness and control their powers.

Mission: Sailor SummerStar, including the rest of the Galaxie Sailors, are from Crystal Tokyo during Selestial Queen Serenity's (Rini's) reign. They were sent back by pluto, with the help of FateStar's time power, to rid a sickness from little Rini that runs in her blood stream and becomes deadly to her during her reign. During their time in the past, the Galaxie Sailors meet the normal scouts, and more of the story falls into place. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you though, but it gets good. ;)

Other important details: Alex was born in the year 3000 on Earth. She grew up there knowing Selestial Queen Serenity as her only mother, fore her true mother had died, and her father had disappeared not long after he left her at an oraphanage. The other four Galaxie Sailors, Ashley, Rachel, Aydel, and Saruka, were also parentless, and they grew up together like sisters, training, learning, and growing together.

Personality: She is very calm, and curteous. She's sweet and gental, and doesn't like to interrupt people or seem pushy. She's a gymnist, and does pretty well in school. Alex is a tough fighter as a scout, and when motivated right can be very deadly. She has a heart of gold, and a pure mind. Alex, over all, is a sweetie!

English Name: Ashley Solone
Japanese Name: Ichiji Chigiri
English Translation: Destined Life
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Eyes: Green; filled with wit and knowledge
Hair: Blond; long and wavy with white highlights.
Birthday: May 18
Age: 15
Blood Type: AB
Build: Slender, curvaceous and sensual, average strength

Unique Physical Characteristics: none
Senshi Name: Sailor FateStar - Sailor of Destiny and Fate
Senshi Colors: red, yellow, blue
Sailor Fuku Details:
Normal Sailor Form - Yellow tiara with blue gem. blue choker and blue collar with white stripes. red bow and blue bodices, and yellow brooch. blue skirt with red flowers on the bottom. blue shoes like sailor mars'.

Ultimate Sailor Form - Has a yellow choker with a black star. yellow collar with white stripe. Yellow, see through, silk bow with golden star broach and same for back bow. Yellow silky, see through skirt. Black boots with yellow stripe at top. Black, skin tight pants that go under the boots. Long black gloves with no bodices and flare out at elbow.
Realm: Destiny, with powers coming from the Pluto Time Gate.
Tranformation Item: yellow and blue streams of light
Transformation Phrase: FateStar Transform!!!
Animal Guide: none

Fated Destruction!: A wave of light and sparks hits the enemy; Makes the enemy retreat, stunned for a bit, but wares off quickly. Allows a quick physical hit.

FateStar True Purpose!: Creates a mirror the size of your body and shows your individual meaning of life; is not used on an enemy, but on depressed people in need of a reason. Helps perserve life.

FateStar Time Gate!: Creates a small, weak gate that allows FateStar herself to travel to different era's. Like Pluto's, but not nearly as powerful.

Origin: Ashley first lived in the year 3000 with the other four Galaxie Sailors. She was parentless and lived in an orphanage until she was five, then was adopted by Selestial Queen Serenity herself in hopes that Ashley and the other four could become great sailors. Though most of her power source is unknown, Ashley recieved her Sailor powers partly from those of Plutos. She had no life before that on the Earth.

Favorite Food: Salad
Least Favorite Food: Hot Dogs
Favorite School Subject: Drama
Least Favorite School Subject: Home Ec
Favorite Gemstone: blue Zincron
Future Goals: to change the world, one way or another.
Strengths: flirting with guys, beauty ware
Weaknesses: sports, school, geography.
Hobbies: Flirting after school, Sailor by night, and shopping nonstop as a hobby!
Family: Unknown

How this Character became a Sailor Senshi: Ashley became a sailor scout when she was 14, at a special celebration that was put together for her and the other four Galaxie Sailors for their 'passing of the rights' ceremony. During the ceremony she was blessed with the special transforming pen and was given a special peice of jewelry from Selestial Queen Serenity like the other four, a black chocker with a golden star, which secretly helps them harness and control their powers.

Mission: Sailor FateStar, including the rest of the Galaxie Sailors, are from Crystal Tokyo during Selestial Queen Serenity's (Rini's) reign. They were sent back by pluto, with the help of FateStar's time power, to rid a sickness from little Rini that runs in her blood stream and becomes deadly to her during her reign. During their time in the past, the Galaxie Sailors meet the normal scouts, and more of the story falls into place. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you though, but it gets good. ;)

Other important details: Ashley was born in the year 3000 on Earth. She grew up there knowing Selestial Queen Serenity as her only mother, for her true mother had abandoned her at birth for unknown reasons. Her father is unknown. The other four Galaxie Sailors, Rachel, Alex, Aydel, and Saruka, were also parentless, and they grew up together like sisters, training, learning, and growing together.

Personality: She is avery fiesty, and full of herself, but she would never put herself before her friends. Though she does think she's a better sailor then them. She kinda has the Mars attitude going, and looks a little like Mars too, but they are not related. Ashley has no relation to any of the sailors.


Owned by Sharon Williams

Name: Tanya Lostris Cambridge.
Nickname: Ti.
AGE: 15 in the Sailor Stars manga timeline,(as Minako is, since both their birthdays are in the Fall, and would still be 15 when Rei turns 16 on April 17th, and Usagi turns 16 on June 30th after they first enter High School) Nearly 16 in "Sailor Moon: Darkstars", and 17 in "Sailor Moon: Hidden Memories", and "Sailor Moon: Destiny of the Stars"

Birthplace: Tripoli, Lybia.
Birthday: October 21.
Height: 4 feet, 10 inches.
Sign: Libra.
Bloodtype: A negative.
Orgin: Black
Fav. Animal: Horses.
Fav. Colors: Black, green, yellow, and navy blue.
Fav. Food: Anything spicy and exotic.
Fav. Sport: Volleyball.
Least Fav. Food: Green peas, pork, watermelon, and coleslaw.
School: Juuban High School.
Fav. Subject: English and Phys. Ed.
Least Fav. Subject: Math, Science, and everything else.
Hobbies: Daydreaming, reading romance novels, stargazing, and thinking about Yaten Kou, and collecting African antiques.
Dislikes: Ignorant authority figures, rude, disruptive people, the cold, teachers, and being bored.
Likes: Talking, singing, dancing, eating, and clothes.
Dreams: To be a famous novelist and a good mother.
Strong point: Loyalty to friends and playing around.
Weakness: Sometimes TOO tempermental and hyperactive, and tends to worry too much.
Fav. Flower: Roses.
Gem: White opal.
Element: Stars.
Image Song: "Reflection." -Single from the Christina Aguilera CD from RCA Entertainment and from the sound track of Disney's(TM) animation feature, "Mulan."
Symbol: A six-pointed silver star with a black "S" in the middle.

"Sirius Star Power, Make-up!"- Tanya shouts this to turn into Sailor Sirius. She throws up her right hand, and her fingernails are painted black with little black stars floating around them, and a white, six-pointed star shines on her forehead, then the Emerald jewel, (the Sirius Emerald Star Stone) glows a dark blue and envelopes her in it. The Star Stone then morphes, and transforms into the six-pointed gold star on her yellow front bow. After a minute, the glow bursts into little white stars and swirls around her, and Tanya stands as Sailor Sirius, in a black, yellow, white, and navy blue Sailor fuku, with a black opal in her tiara.

"Sirius Scepter, Illuminate!!"- Sailor Sirius points her Sirius scepter at her enemy, and a powerful blast of pure light energy shots out from it to the enemy's eyes, blinding it for up to hours. Sailor Sirius can also use this scepter to neutralize and weaken an enemy's attack, giving time for the other Sailor Senshi to power up if they are exhausted.

"Sirius Infrared Laser, Disintergration!"-Sailor Sirius's body glows a red aura, then she lifts up her left hand. A massive red beam of pure infrared shots out of her palm and shoots straight at the enemy. When it strikes the enemy, it flashes red for a second, then slowly disintergrates from the head down to the feet, leaving nothing but black sand in it's place.

"Sirius Gravity, Devestation!"- Sailor Sirius's body now glows a blue aura, then spins once and lifts her right hand. An electricity-like wave of blue energy shots out of her hand, and strikes the enemy or enemies, and when it hits them, their weight is increased over a thousand-fold, and they are crushed instantly on the spot. After a few agonizing seconds, they explode.

Sirius Emerald Star Power, Make-up!"- Tanya shouts this, and the Sirius Emerald Starstone glows a dark violet light that envelopes her body. The light then gets thinner and swirls around her body. The powered up Sirius Emerald Star Stone morphes and transforms into the large black opal on her white bow on her chest. When the lights dissapates, she is now standing as Super Sailor Sirius in a white, black, and violet Sailor fuku with a white opal in her golden tiara.

"Sirius Kiss of Death, Captivation!"- Super Sailor Sirius shouts this, and her body glows a red aura. She then kisses her right palm, and throws the imprint of the kiss to the enemy, making it look harmless. The imprint flies towards the enemy and grows bigger and bigger as it gets closer. It finally turns into a big black ball of electricity, crackling with energy as it gets closer and closer. The ball then engulfs and traps the enemy inside, and gets smaller and smaller to about the size of a man's fist, crushing the enemy. After a few quiet seconds, it explodes, sending pieces of the enemy everywhere as dust or particles.

AGE: 6
Birthplace: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: 3ft, 5in.
Sign: Libra.
Bloodtype: A negative.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Forest green.
Fav. Animal: Kitties and puppies.
Fav. Colors: Black, yellow, and blue.
Fav. Food: Chocolate pudding, lasagna.
Fav. Sport: Soccer.
Least Fav. Food: Green peas.
School: Juuban Elementary.
Fav. Subject: Phys. Ed.
Least Fav. Subject: Everything else.
Hobbies: Drawing, sleeping, looking at pretty things and making friends.
Likes: Spending time with Tanya and her friends, swimming, eating, and playing with Marco, Luna, and Artemis.
Dislikes: Teachers, and anyone who calls her names at school.
Dreams: To be a good role model, like her mother.
Strong point: Loyalty to friends, drawing.
Weakness: Talktive.
Fav. Flower: Daisies.
Gem: White opal.
Theme Song: Monica's "For You I Will," from the soundtrack of the movie, "Space Jam."

"Chibi-Sirius Star Power--Make up!" Tilly says this to turn into Sailor Chibi-Sirius. Tilly throws her brooch up in the air, and spins around in light. The "camera" starts out in a close-up of her face, and a six-pointed star forms there. Her eyes are closed. One by one, the parts of her fuku appears. She opens her eyes. She spins one more time, and poses on an orange and yellow background, with a shimmer in her hand.

"Chibi-Sirius, Twinkle Blue Star Light.. FlASH!!" Chibi-Sirius puts her hands together, then quickly apart. There is a ray of light extending between them. Chibi-Sirius then says "Starlight.." She spins once, causing the ray of light to twirl around herself. She then says "FLASH!!" The light glows its brightest, then hits the enemy.

Personality: Tilly, as she likes to call herself, is a typical cheerful, "happy-go-lucky" child. She loves discovering new things, and she loves making new friends where ever she goes. She's quite affectionate, and is often the first one to go up to someone and shout "HII!" ^_^ She not shy, and usually says what's on her mind. Tilly also loves to look at pretty things and take them home with her, like flowers and beautiful, colored rocks. She believes that if she keeps collecting pretty things, she'll grow up and be just as pretty and lady-like as her mommy she remembers, whom she adores more than anything. Being a child, she can be a bit clumsy, and would even fall when there's nothing in her way! ^_^ She's very close to her parents and to those who are part of her life. She has a bright and sunny dispostion, and like to look at the bright side of things. Like most little girls, she loves to play dress up with the few friends she happens to make. But don't let that fool you. She can be quite the tom-boy too. ^^;;

History: Tilly is possibly from the future, but the Sailor Senshi at first don't know who she is and where she comes from, or who her parent are. The future is known as the Crystal Millenium, and once again, the planets of the Solar System and many others have been re-inhabited by humans, much as it was in the Silver Millenium. The system is once again part of the Allied Systems, and peace ruled through out the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond. That is, until the barely known and remembered Vishtri, originating from a galaxy almost at the edge of the Universe, attacked the planet where Tilly comes from. All Tilly knows is that one day, something terrible happened that scared everybody, and her mommy had to send her away through a black hole.

She was then literally dropped at the feet of the Senshi in present Tokyo. Unfortunately, the Visthtri followed. Tilly had lost most of her memory through the transfer and trauma she went through, and was scared and confused, but with the kindness and help of Sailor Sirius and the other senshi, she was able to become brave and become a senshi in training herself. Tilly adores Tanya, who she had to stay with, and hopes to be like her when she gets older. Tilly's dream is to become a good mother and a role model like her own mommy she remembers a little from the future, and wants to be as kind and beautiful as she is. In her heart, she hope and dreams that is does come true. Besides Tanya, it is quite obvious that Ami is the Sailor Senshi she is most closest too because of her calm and mature demeanour, which reminds Tilly alot of her mom. In the story when she was able to change into a Senshi, she calls herself Sailor Chibi-Sirius because she admired Sailor Sirius so much, and used to love hearing about her in stories.

Physical Description: Tilly is small for her age, but she doesn't let that slow her down. She still loves to play sports and act like the big kids. She has big, shining green eyes that has a mishievious glint. She has dark, chocolate brown skin, and her hair is in a short bob that comes to the base of her neck and has a large parted bang over her forehead. Her lips are pouty and naturally red, and has a small button nose. Even for her small size, it is easy to tell she will have long slender legs one day and become beautiful, just like her mom.

Note: Age in Crystal Moon series and fuku/attack details made up by me.
Alteregos: Neo-Princess Felicity LaToya Kou, Tilly, Sailor Chibi-Sirius
Age in Crystal Moon: ~500
Fuku details: navy blue skirt, black Starlight boots and top
Attack: Sirius Gravity Inferno
Also called "The Guard"

Name: Sosei Akarihito
Meaning: Rebirth from Light
English name: Renee Brightman
According to her owner, Kitty's name changed when she moved.

Age: 15
Birthday: Sept 20, 1979
Sign: Virgo

Favorite food: apple pie
Least favorite food: spinach
Favorite color: purple
Favorite animal: cats of all kinds
Favorite fantasy animal: dragon

Hair: Light brown/dirty blond w/two large bangs in the front
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Favorite outfit: tank top and jeans that are black, blue, and/or purple depending on her mood
Jewelry: special necklace given to her by a friend, belly button ring

Hobbies: All the arts such as music, sculpting, and painting. She also likes video games, James Bond movies, and volleyball.
Talents: Creativity/artistic
Weakness: Thinking quickly/logically in tough situations
Dream: To be a recognized professional artist
Goals: To be a successful artist and make everyone happy

Personality: Very outgoing and creative. She looks out for the inner senshi and constantly tries to make them feel better about themselves. She's also very passionate and is willing to take stupid risks for people. She prefers not to cry or share her feelings and tries to find the humor in every situation.

Fuku: Hair turns black and is pulled back with a blue bow; gains black cat ears along w/ her human ones. Tiara has a purple stone set in silver; choker is a purple band w/ a blue stone set in a silver circle; purple scarf w/black stripe; sky-blue bows; purple button; silver fuku; silver gloves w/purple bands; long silver clawlike nails through gloves; purple skirt and boots

Element: Purity and Feelings. She can also mimic weak elements.
Talisman: Purity Crystal that guards the souls of the senshi before they are reborn or if they are to be reincarnated. Gives Kitty her powers and becomes her staff, her henshin crest, and eventually her sword.
Henshin Object: Phoenix Crest
Henshin Phrase: Pure Heart Power, Makeup/Pure Dream Power, Makeup/Pure Soul Power, Makeup

Battle strength: Hand-to-hand combat
Battle weakness: Using her powers properly and fighting enemies with strong ones

Sailor Kitty's attacks:
Piercing Ice Glare-weak ice attack
Searing Fire Scratch-weak fire attack
Electric Tail Whip-weak electric attack
Love Fangs bite-weak love attack
Pure Moonlight Symphony-stronger light attack

Super Sailor Kitty's Attacks:
Hurricane Smite-weak air attack
Whirlpool Drown-weak water attack
Time Bird Freeze-weak time attack that stuns
Death Pounce-weak death attack
Broken Heart Shards-stronger sadness attack

Eternal Sailor Kitty's Attacks:
Rainbow Race Extravagant Massacre-all-elemental strongest attack

Extra Details: Most of Kitty's attacks are weak because she gets powers from the senshi she protects. Also, her fuku does not change to super.

History: On the moon her family protected the moon kingdom's royal family. Her bloodline was made up of black tigers with human souls. When the first saved Queen Selenity, she befriended it and let it release the powers of intelligence and love. Later Kitty was the sworn protector of Princess Selenity and died in the same battle the princess did.

Present life: Born and orphaned in Canada. Ran away from the orphanage at age 10 and was taken in by a young woman whom she thought worked for the Canadian CIA but was actually in a drug and arms ring. She and her best friend Lien discovered this one day, but only Kitty escaped.

(Note: this one is owned by a different person. Pic from the Crystal Hideout of the Unknown Senshi, CHUS)
Real name: Lisa Kitto
Element: All/Purity
Age: 12
Height: 5'3
Blood type: A+
Astro sign: Sagittarius
Birthstone: topaz

Hobbies: James Bond movies, playing Nintendo 64, chatting online
Favorite animal: Kitties
Favorite food: anything with sugar
Least favorite food: anything good for you

Strengths: ice, thunder, swords, staffs, video games
Weaknesses: bugs, math, Tuxedo Mask(she thinks he's freaky)

Goal/Dream: "To be able to edit and create pictures that rock", be a vet

Henshin: Neo Star Crystal Power
Attacks: Blinding Silver Light, Tail Shocker, Energy Ball, Sword Blazer, Kitty Side Kick, Gravity Force, Purity Glow, Moonlight Heat, Fire Blizzard, Thunder and Lightning, Water Wave, Senshi Powr, Eternal Fireball, Super Flash, Healing, Midnight Explosion, Moonlight Rage, Phoenix Feather, Sapphire Streak(she has a lot, doesn't she?)

Extra info: also wears silver armor that is not shown in pictures. Can summon a sword and staff as well.

SAILOR TRITON(not mine. Pic from the CHUS page)
Owned by Tara Nepion
Also called: Guardian of Mana/Magic
Elements: all
Henshin: Triton Lunar Power
Relatives: cousin, Sailor Neptune
In battle: Can use offensive and defensive magic untransformed, but must henshin to use senshi attacks
Fuku: blue-green, a darker green than Neptune's

Age: 15
Hair: worn in braids
Personality: quiet and respectful; prefers to read rather than gossip. Can diffuse almost any situation and tries to look at all sides before making a decision. Believes strongly in the code of honor.

Owned by Invid Hellcat
Name: Dana Carpenter
Age: 19
Blood type: A+
Birthplace: Bonn, Germany
Birthday: November 13
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'8 1/2
Hair: greenish-black, worn in ponytail
Eyes: left brown, right green
Favorite gemstone: jade
Favorite animal: raven
Favorite color: midnight blue
Favorite food: soft-boiled eggs
Favorite sport: rollerblading
Least favorite food: steamed carrots
School: Clearwater Jr College
Major: Liberal Arts
Hobbies: gothic poetry
Dislikes: large crowds
Likes: camping, hiking
Dream: to own a bookstore
Strength: memory

Element: space, time
Quote: "Stick to the shadows; that way, no one can see you."
Henshin: Charon Lunar Power
Uniform: greenish-black tuxedo w/cape, boots, and mask of same color. No top hat, but has a time travel key.

Attacks: Rose Toss-stuns, destroys, or negates energy attacks
Charon Descent-sphere of greenish-black energy that destroys most medium-powered opponents and stuns stronger ones
Time Trip-propels him forward in time 5 seconds
Shadow Disk-disk of black energy grows large and explodes upon impact. Leaves him exhausted and unable to use anything but Rose Toss.
Pluto Charon Dead Scream-combined attack w/ Sailor Pluto; 3x the strength of 'Dead Scream' and 'Charon Descent'
Power of the Time Key-whispers 'Crystal Time Key' and opens a portal to the gates of time

Owned by Invid Hellcat
Name: Windy Hayes Age: 18
Blood type: B+
Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
Birthday: January 31
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5'6 1/4
Hair: red, shoulder-length
Eyes: green
Favorite gemstone: opal
Favorite animal: any kind of duck
Favorite color: hot pink
Favorite food: pizza w/ ham and pineapple
Favorite sport: track and field
Least favorite food: veal
Hobbies: collecting teddy bears
Dislikes: cooking and hot weather
Likes: anything that her roommate Honor cooks
Dreams: to be a mother
Strength: working w/ young children

Element: Magma
Quote: "I was always told to live my life with honor, and now I have her for a roommate."

Personality: Outgoing and flamboyant on the outside; lonely and protective of her friends on the inside. She lost her friend Janet to one of her enemies and has felt guilty ever since. She hasn't seen her father since she was seven, and keeps in semi-regular contact with her mother. Oddly enough, she likes to flirt with girls even though she's quite straight.

Henshin: Oberon Star Power/Oberon Crystal Power
Fuku: gray dress and skirt w/lemon yellow bows; gray boots, yellow-gold tiara w/ an opal

Attacks: Magma Shot-shoots magma from her fingers. Destroys weak to medium-powered enemies and stuns stronger ones.
Magma Burst(as Super Sailor Oberon)-more powerful version of Magma Shot
Magma Inferno(as Super Sailor Oberon)-tunnel of magma shoots toward a target. Destroys most enemies.


*Owned by Wlrules11

Name: Quet Komoku
Age: 15
Fears: Spiders anything that sounds scary
Personality: Very hyper, like Serena, but also very cold, like Uranus
Strength: Great Determination
Weakness: Low self-esteem, afriad of almost everything

Power over: Elysion, The Sun
Henshin: Helios Universe Power (Make-up)
Attacks: Helios Solar Beam Attack