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Triton Castle-Sailor Neptune

Planetary Senshi

Created by Naoko Takeuchi

"Where there's music there can be no evil."
--Miguel de Cervantes

Kaioh Michiru (Michelle), Sailor Neptune. She is an artist and musician, and a wealthy one at that. Though she owns a violin, she can also play the cello and likely other instruments as well. Her friends describe her as elegant, sophisticated, and graceful. As a person she is not one to seek out the company of others, but she is not shy either. Michiru can be quite outspoken, be it through occasional anger or simple teasing with Haruka and her friends. Her hobbies include music, swimming, and painting.

Although in some timelines she is considered to be the cousin of Haruka, the two are, in fact, a couple. How close they were in their past lives is debatable. Though Michiru has occasionally referenced relationships with men, it is quite apparent that she loves Haruka.

During the Silver Millenium, she served as one of the protectors of the solar system (along with Sailors Uranus and Pluto). She helped guard the system from invaders and was eventually reborn with into the future, although she was not part of the princess's original court.

Neptune possesses a talisman known as the (Deep) Aqua Mirror, which reveals the truth. She also seems to have some psychic powers centering around reading the sea. In addition to those abilities, her senshi powers are as follows:

Deep Submerge

Submarine Reflection (Deep Sea Mirror Shoot)

Submarine Violin Tide (Deep Sea Violin Tide)

Neptune is the senshi of the sea, though one could also label her the senshi of music as well. It is noted here that she is Uranus's partner in all things, and she too has been known for wanting to complete her mission alone. Like Uranus, she is willing to sacrifice herself if need be. It was some time before she, along with Uranus, began to trust Sailor Moon enough to fight alongside her and the other senshi. One must also note that Neptune can seem like the kinder of the two (Uranus and Neptune), though that is no reason to underestimate her.