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Titan Castle-Sailor Saturn

Planetary Senshi

Created by Naoko Takeuchi

"There are plenty of people who pray for peace
But if praying were enough
It would have come to be

--Jewel, "Life Uncommon

Sailor Saturn, or Tomoe Hotaru. She is the only child of an eccentric scientist who made an deal with an evil entity in exchange for her life. Her mother died in a lab accident, and Hotaru would have as well had her father not agreed to let her be host to the evil entity Mistress 9. In some timelines she is a cyborg, and in some a victim of seizures, though in both she is considered a physically weak outcast. Later she becomes friends with Chibi Usa (Small Lady) and the outer senshi. It is only by awakening as Sailor Saturn and using her ultimate attack (Death Reborn Revolution) that the senshi are able to defeat Pharaoh 90 and the Death Busters. After her rebirth, she is raised by the remaining outer senshi, though in some timelines she remains with her father until Sailor Pluto comes for her.

Hotaru's hobbies include history and lamp-collecting. One day she hopes to be a nurse. She often wears full-length, body covering clothing (which in some timelines is considered to be a way of covering her cyborg parts).

It was, in fact, her alterego Sailor Saturn that dropped the ultimate weapon, the Silence Glaive, to end the world and begin anew. Thus she is considered the senshi of death and rebirth, or life and death if you will. She is sometimes called the 'Silent Messiah' or 'The Silence'. Her coming was considered to mean the end of the world, and it is the three talismans of the remaining outer senshi that are said to awaken her.

In addition to her senshi powers, Hotaru does have small powers of healing. This drains her energy after some time, however. Like the other outer senshi, she also has psychic powers. Her other powers are as follows:

Silent Wall-A powerful shield that protects herself and allies from attacks.

Silence Glaive (Surprise)-A simple attack with her weapon, though not to be underestimated.

Death Reborn (Ribbon) Revolution- The ultimate destruction attack that also results in her rebirth.