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About the Webmistress

So, you wanna know more about me, huh? I have no idea why you would, but you've come to the right place. ^_^ Look below for more then you probably ever wanted to know about me!


Name: Brianna (and yes, thats all you get, teehee!)
Online Name: Dragon Slave
Birthday: May 29th
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Favorite Animal: Wolf and the horse comes in a very close second
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite TV Station: MTV (gotta love them music videos)
Favorite Music Groups/Singers: Ja Rule, Nelly, Linkin Park, Dave Matthews Band, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, and anything Japanese! (i have a very open mind when it comes to music :D)
Favorite Candy: Reese's Pieces and Cadbury Creme Eggs
Favorite Books: the Dragonlance Saga, and Harry Potter
Favorite Utensil (yes, I have one): the spork (the utensil of the Gods)
Place of Work: McDonalds (and not proud of it either! :P)
My Car: Teal '95 Pontiac Grand Prix (I loooove my car!)
Other: I have 8 (soon to be 9) tattoos. All are oriental in design, and are located mainly on my back. I LOVE thunderstorms. I go outside and just sit there watching the rain and lightning. (I've actually gotten yelled at by my neighbors for being out in really bad lightning storms, teehee! :) I am also a huge fan of WWF Wrestling...never miss it. :)


Favorite Anime: CLAMPS X (both the movie and TV series. if you haven't seen this yet, I cannot recommend it enough! just make sure you can handle tons of violence and really deep storylines.)
Other Favorites (in no particular order :): Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball Z, Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, Card Captor Sakura, Angel Santuary, Escaflowne, Weiss Kreuz, Hunter X Hunter, Trigun, Digimon, Pokemon, Bastard!, Rurouni Kenshin, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Mobile Suit Gundam: the O8th MS Team, Romeo's Blue Skies, Kaikan Phrase (and more...!)
Favorite Bishounen: (hmmm, I actually have to choose!? well ok...but there is no way I can only pick one!) Kamui (X), Subaru (X), Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh), Vegeta (DBZ), Seiji (YST), Shaoran (CCS), Trowa (GW)
Favorite Anime Chick: Arashi (X)
Favorite Yaoi Pairing: Subaru/Seichiro (X)
Favorite Video Game: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Cross, Medieval, Spyro: the Dragon
Favorite Video Game Character: Raziel (SR)
Favorite Video Game Bishounen: Vincent (FFVII), Serge (CC)
Video Game Platforms Owned: Playstation 2, Playstation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Color Pikachu Edition
Favorite Fantasy Creature: Dragons and Unicorns


Other Stuff: I LOVE to roleplay. I mainly RP as either animals (mainly wolves) or fantasy. I'm also a huge fan of cyber pets, and Neopets is my absolute favorite one of them all. If you aren't playing Neopets, then check it out! It's really fun. I even do a lot of my RPing there as well. Here are some of my pets:
traceys_scyther got their NeoPet at
traceys_scyther got their NeoPet at
traceys_scyther got their NeoPet at
traceys_scyther got their NeoPet at


Wanna kow anything else...then e-mail me! I don't bite...usually. And if anyone has anything to flame me for (the yaoi stuff for instance) then go right ahead. All flames will be laughed at. ^_^



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