Sakura Kinomoto


Age: 10

Blood Type: A

Favorite Subject: PE, music

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Clubs: Cheerleading

Favorite Colors: Pink, white

Favorite Flowers: Cherry Blossom

Favorite Food: Noodles

Least Favorie Food: Konnyaku

Best Recipe: Pancakes

Sakura Kinomoto is your typical shoujo heroine.  She's cheerful, always smiling and chattering... in other words, a true-blue genki girl!  Her emerald green eyes are always sparkling happily and I have never seen her glare at anyone (except for Touya and Kero-chan, but that's quite understandable).

After capturing all the clow cards and passing Yue's judgement, Sakura became the new mistress of the Clow cards.  But strange incidents started happening, which forced her to change the Clow cards into Sakura cards one by one.  Of course, we all know that the strange incidents were caused by Eriol. ^_^X

In the beginning of the series, Sakura had a big crush on Yukito.  When Yue almost disappeared, Sakura decided to tell Yuki how she really felt about him, but of course, he rejected her as gently as possible.  After all, Touya was the one Yuki loved the most. ^_^X  Sakura was heartbroken but Syaoran was there to comfort her (awwww!!!).  After a while, Syaoran told her that he loved her but Sakura wasn't sure how she felt about him.  She only realized she loved him when he was already leaving for Hongkong.  ^_^X  Of course, we all know they eventually got together in movie 2.


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