Anime versus the Manga

Like in any other series, both the anime and the manga had their own strong and weak points.  Personally, I prefer the anime because nothing can beat those colors and  beautiful music.  Also, the character designs were followed to the dot and the storyline was even better.  There were some episodes that were not found in the manga that just made me want to swoon.  There's the elevator episode... I don't think that happened in the manga, and it was a welcome change.  Actually, without the elevator episode, I'd still be a YxS follower. ^_^X  There's also the skiing episode.  It was SxS fluff heaven and it wasn't in the manga either.  But then, there are also some certain things in the manga that I prefer over the anime.  For one thing, the Eriol and Tomoyo interaction in the manga was better, especially in volume 11 and 12.  And the way Eriol looks at Tomoyo there reminds me of the way Kenshin looks at Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin) and you should know that Kenshin was madly in love with Kaoru.  In the anime, although they often 'double-date' with Sakura and Syaoran, I couldn't see a potential relationship.  But in the manga... ExT was definitely possible... screw Kaho!  She should mess with someone her own age and size anyway!  Another thing that I found better in the manga was the Sleeping Beauty play.  The same episode in the anime was good but I found the same episode in the manga a whole lot funnier.  Yamazaki was the wicked witch in the manga and he was really good... definitely better than Meiling. ^_^X  Also I liked that scene when Terada-sensei told Rika that she looked good. ^_^X  No, I don't condone pedophilia but there's something so endearing about Terada and Rika! ^_^X  The last three volumes of the manga was also better in the anime in the sense that the SxS interaction was fluffier.  One example was when Sakura was about to change the Light and Dark cards.  In the anime, she couldn't seem to do it, so Syaoran helped her, and everything was dandy.  In the manga, Syaoran also helped her, but he collapsed midway so Sakura was forced to change the two cards alone, thinking that she has to succeed or else she wouldn't be able to see Syaoran again.  After she was through changing the cards, Syaoran started coming to, and Sakura was happy that he was alright.  She was so happy, that he gave Syaoran a big hug (awwww!!!).  Another notable difference between the anime and the manga is the reincarnation of Clow Reed.  In the anime, it was all Eriol but in the manga, the reincarnation of Clow Reed were actually both Eriol and Fujitaka.

Overall, the anime was better than the manga for most of the series.  But when it came to the last few episodes/volumes, the manga was definitely better.  ^_^X


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