My Favorite Links

If you want to link to me, you may use these buttons: 


Or you may want to use the text link (  Choose either one of them.  I'm not really picky but I'd prefer the button. ^_^X

Doujinshi Scans:

Love Shrines:




Card Captors in Love :: S S Shrine of Love

Character Shrines:




General Information:

Rabi's Card Captor Sakura Page

 Clow Card Quest

Other Anime Links:

Music Files









I put a lot of music links because I know that some of you might want to download some mp3/midi files.  Also, you might notice that most of my non-CCS links were still anime by CLAMP.  I did that on purpose because... well CCS was made by CLAMP and I thought that it would be nice to pay a little tribute to CLAMP's other works.  And MKRFUU hosts my ClefxUmi stories so I thought I'd put a link to it.  And yeah, I know it's shameless site plugging but Tanuki Madness is my other site.  If you're a Kaoru fan, I hope you'll visit it.  I'll put more links on my next update.  See yah!!! ^_^X

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