
Like with my other site (Tanuki Madness), I didn't make this shrine to impress you with my web designing skills whatsoever because it's obvious that I have none.  Heck, I'm a Chemistry major, not a computer programmer or a webpage designer!  So with that in mind, I hope you won't expect too much from me because this is the best that I can give you... for now.  Who knows, I might actually improve but I seriously doubt it.

So what can I say about this site?  Actually, I'm ashamed to admit that I used frontpage here, except for some parts where I typed my own code.  Still, it was hardwork, with all the scanning, and editing that I did so I would greatly appreciate it if you could at least sign the guestbook when you visit.  It would make your webmistress really happy. ^_^X

And yeah, my graphics were done using Arcsoft PhotoStudio 2000 (a software that came with my scanner), and so were the wallpapers and my buttons.  As for the animated gifs, I used Ulead GIF Animator 3.0 to make those.  I highly recommend that program. ^_^X 

All the text portion of this site such as reasons, why not? etc. (otherwise noted) were written by me so you're not allowed to use them.  Please do your own thinking.  As for the fanstuff, if you want to use them, please ask their respective owners and not me.  Their email addresses were posted near their works for that purpose.  And as for the images, you're welcome to use all of them (except the translated manga scans), provided that you ask my permission first.  And oh, if you were thinking of flaming me, don't bother.  I'll just delete your entry right away and laugh at you. ^_^X


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