Part 6!!!
Sara is sitting in her otherwise deserted house playing Grand Theft Auto on her play station. Having fully healed from her "psychotic beansa" episode, she is acting pretty darn normal…for Sara that is.::
Sara-::cackling evilly:: Take that! And that!! Mwhaha….hm…I think I'm gonna go commit another hate crime…DAMN MEXICAN BITCH!!! HAHAHAHAH!!
::Suddenly she hears a noise coming from the hallway::
Sara-Who's there?
Noise-Its me…er…ALAN RICKMAN!
::With a cry of delight, Sara lunges for the door and opens it. …There is no one there. Suddenly a shadowy figure descends from above wielding a plastic spork!!!::
Sara-The hell?
::Sara ducks out of the way and whips out a Twinkie. She parries her attackers next thrust with the Twinkie and successfully jams the hostess snack into the triple pronged weapon, rendering it useless. Her attacker drops the spork and retreats to Sara's living room. Sara wastes no time but quickly puts on her white combat boots with the 6-inch heals. Once she is suitably armed with the impressive footwear and yet another Twinkie, she creeps into her living room. She peers around the darkened room, squinting.
Sara-dammit…this would be a helluva lot easier if I wasn't freakin blind…
Sara-ah-ha! Gotcha!
::With a wild triumphant war cry, she lunges at a corner of the room, kicking violently at the shadowy figure that is crouched there.::
Shadowy Figure-chirr--EAGH!!!
::The intruder crashes against the wall and slides down to the floor twitching. Sara stands up and turns on a light to view her attacker.::
Sara-Sma? What the fook, dude??
Sara-::looking annoyed:: Well way didn't you TELL me you had been possessed by evil crickets??
Sara-No it's NOT that obvious. And what the hell are you doin here?
Sam-chirp chirp…chirrrpy…ow…chirp.
Sara-Oh, well why didn't you tell me you wanted the gundam plans that are hidden in treize's alarm clock? Sure I'll give it to you!…on one condition…
Sara-Well, you see, I'm sure you understand that I can't just go giving out such secret plans that if fell into the wrong hands, could potentially cause the end of the world as we know it. Nope, I can't give em to you…unless of course…you could do one tiny little thing for me…
Sara-Go find me the real Alan Rickman and bring him here!
Sam-Chirp! ::gives Sara a salute and bounces away. She turns at the front door and chirps vigorously::
Sam-Chirpy chirp chirrrp cheep cheep chirp! Cheepcheepcheepcheep!! ::Translation-One Alan Rickman COMIN UP! Follow the bouncing Sam!! Mwhahaha!!::
::CUT TO-THE STOPLIGHT IN FRONT OF SARA'S HOOD. The gundams land at the side of the road, still carrying the ice cream.::
Quatre-Ok, we're here! Now all we have to do is persuade Sara to help us get Sam…hey wait a second…what's that--?
::The Gundams have to leap out of the way as a cackling figure bounces up the road, and, ignoring the red stoplight, proceeds on down the street. Following closely behind is a gold colored car. Ignoring the fact that there are other cars on the road and breaking at least 20 laws in the process, the car and the bouncing figure race out of sight.::
Quatre-OMG!! That car just ran a red light!!!!
Duo-Wait a second…there's only one person who drives that recklessly…and that’s SARA!!
Trowa-Then that trippy bouncing person in front of her must have been…oh no…
Duo-Well NOW WHAT???
::Heero does not respond, but transforms his gundam into flight mode and gives chase. The others, after a moment's hesitation, follow his lead.::
::Suddenly, Quatre receives a transmission from Noin::
Noin-Quatre! Tell the others to hurry! We've just received word that Sam, now accompanied by Sara, is attacking the famous actor Alan Rickman's estate in Great Britain!
Wufei-HOW'D THEY GET THERE SO %@^# FAST?!?!?!?
Quatre-Never underestimate the powers of a Sam…or a Sara for that matter…