~*Pics of the Twins!!!*~


This is the first time you see Amiboshi; posing as Chiriko driving of the bats. Playing his flute...hm, so what else is new? ;p Uh-oh...now he's  screwed...Amiboshi's real symbol is revealed! Rescuing Miaka from the spastic weasel. I am NOT off-key GODDAMMIT! ooh...all the pretty yellow light...i think this is where Suboshi posesses him in the OVA... Heh...you know your bad when you can play an insurmant as wussy as the flute and pull of the kick-ass surrounded-by-flames-look at the same time. ^_~ Amiboshi begins to rethink his decision to spy on the Suzaku warriors. ^_~ Trying to ignore Tomo, who's looking terrifying as usual...::shudders:: Whoever he's looking at better be running away as fast as they can in the other direction...O_o;;; Amiboshi shirtless!!!!! ::drools:: Giving Tasuki the but-I'm-just-an-unbeliveably-innocent-boy look. umm...just with some stupid chick...hmm...mebbe he'll make her brain explode. >:D Looking WAAAAAY to cute for his own good. Darn you Miaka...stick with Tamahome and leave the other Bishies alone!!! >:p PLAYING HIS FLUTE!!!...and Soi's boob. >:PPPPP Umm....i don't get it, but its Amiboshi, so i don't care! ;p BIRDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uh-oh, look out he's got a YOYO!!!! Yelling about...something... About to do something bad...O_o;;; Sittin on a rail. Honestly...just how threatening can a person be when they their holding a couple of spinny yoyos? Now THATS threatening!! Evil EVIL Suboshi!! ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ Rotten kids...didn't your mommy ever teach you not to be bitter and vengeful!?!?! Looks like he's about to cry. ;_; heh heh....this is what happens to the police when they mess with pysco boy. >:D WHEE! PRETTY EYESHOT FEEL THE WRATH OF THE POWER OF MY SPINNY YOYOS OF DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! Curse you, Yui! :p Pretty and yellow-y! OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY---THATS NOT RIGHT, MAN!!!!!!! Dammit tent, CLOSE!!!!!


.....O_O....i don't really care to comment on this one...::siiiigh:: why is it that all the hot guys have to be gay and incestual!?!?!? Ok this one's slightly better than the previous pic... The tormented past of the twins is reveiled. ::Sniffle:: ;_; One of Suboshi's rare happy moments. MANGA PICCY! ^_^

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