Once upon a time the cast of Gundam Wing decided that they had gotten fed up with the so called "Queen of the World".

And so one evening when Relena was walking home, they jumped her, stole her wallet, and then ran her through with a bunch of rusty needles.

Next, everyone's favorite Shinigami neatly severed her ugly head from her body with one well aimed swipe of his scythe.

The ever economical Quatre commented that there was no reason to waste a perfectally good severed head, and suggested that Trowa use it for target practice when training in Heavyarms. (god knows he needs it. the boy can't hit anything! :p)

After several hours of blowing her ill-used brains out, the corpse had begun to smell rather bad, and so Heero, in a rare display of kindness, fed the whole thing to a giant Pteranadon, who had convenently flown overhead.

Little known to the GW boys, the Pteranadon was a much more sensible animal than that, and refused to even sample the decaying mound of body parts that used to be the Queen of the World. Therefore, Quatre prudently suggested that perhaps a burial at sea should be arranged, and in no time at all, the last reminants of Relena Peacecraft were spiraling into the deep blue yonder.

But wait...where was Wufei during all of these proceedings?
Find out next time when Sam trys her hand at destroying Chang Wufei!!...Is there no justice in this world!?!?

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