WORD!!!!!! Yo, yo, all mah homies in da hood!!! Wuz up, dawg?!? Up in this joint we got mah wallpapers section, yo!!!! My wallpapers is DA BOMB YO!!! WORD!!!!!
Ok, enough of that. Anyway. I compiled these wallpapers from all over the net, so I can't be sure exactly where I got all of them. But I'm no theif! Here are a few of the sites that I borrowed a few papers from that wanted a link back, so nyaaa.
Anime Wallpapers.com
And of course, the ever popular Anipike
And thats all there were. So if you see a paper up here thats yours and want creadit, then by all means send me a polite email, and I'll give you all the credit you deserve!! But just don't come tripping out and yelling that you want credit if the site I found yer paper on didn't ask for it. So there.
::grumbles under her breath:: This is the information age for crying out loud!! And information is MENT to be shared! I dunno what all the fuss is about when it comes to giing credit to ppl who made wallpapers...i mean, if you don't want to share then the heck you putting your paper out on the web in the first place?!?!
This page might take a while to load...I'm planning on separating them into different pages simply to make loading easier, but for now you'll just have to deal until I can find time to devote to that task. Enjoy the wallpapers minna!


IDDN'T THIS ONE PRETTY!?!?!? I have this one on my desktop right now!! ::drools::








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