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Welcome to Sea Of Stars
Image Gallery
Extras just for you

~*Welcome to Sea Of Stars - A CCS Archive!*~

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Wheeeee! Well, The Tournament of the Clow Cards has ended, after a fair while, and we finally have a winner! Everybody, please congratulate Sakura Universe for winning the contest! An excellent site, with a spiffy layout and good content. So....well, run along and take a look! Oh, and by the way, I've given up on adding some more galleries, angelfire is incredibly stingy with space and bandwith.....*cringes*

An update! It has been two whole months since I last did. How time flies......anyway, Sea Of Stars is turning a year old on the 13th! So I figured that I should play around with the layout a little bit, and....well, ta-da!

The Clow Card Tournment is still going strong at Michael's Cardcaptors, and I urge you to go and vote for a site. It should all be over soon, so support a website in the final stages of the contest.

Gak - it's hard to work with angelfire....the bandwith is small and I have only a limited amount of space. But I'll try and make some new galleries in the future. And so - randomly - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SOS! ^^
