The Legend of the Senshi of Serenity (Chere-ko: ok ok ok! I'm making this the official title for now on!)

By Cheresuta Meioh (




      Chapter 3: The Crisis Continues; With Everything Else and All




      Shiria walked back to the rest of the girls to tell them that she was about to leave and get money to support them.


"Girl's I'll be back shortly," said Shiria still wearing her black cloak. All the younger girls surrounded her and held on to her.

"Don't leave us alone!" cried Selene.

"Selene, sooner or later you will need to learn how to be brave and think on your own without me," smiled Shiria. "But Amber, Nerrisa and the others will be here to help you." Then she kissed Selene on the forehead. Selene just stood there and cried. Shiria kissed everyone on the forehead and stopped at Amber. Amber looked back at her with a red mark on her face from where Shiria smacked her.


"I know how much you don't like to be kissed," laughed Shiria. Shiria was about to hug her until Amber pushed her away.

"Amber!" yelled Nerrisa.

"Go ahead and get what we need to survive on this hopeless journey for the mystical crystal," Amber said. "Now I know why you don't want anybody else to help you. You're sick." Then she walked away and went to her room. Shiria still stood in that same spot for a few moments.


"I better go now," Shiria said finally and walked out the ark.

"What was that about?" asked Chikara. Nerrisa looked at her and shurgged.

"We should play a game. Shall we?" asked Nerrisa trying to think of a way to keep the younger ones from worrying. Then she noticed something.

"Where's Michie?"


      Shiria walked into the nearby city and looked at her surroundings. Roads weren't too good, lots of people on the streets, a young girl screaming as two men carry her off somewhere; the place was lovely but the people weren't. Then she stopped at a random person and showed them her garnet stone.

"This is a very precious stone," she said. "What can you give me for it?" The man stared at her face really hard and then walked away to a crowd of people. Shiria put the stone back in her bag and moved on. Then she stopped at a place that sold food. The store was filled with a few amounts of people. The store had fruits and vegetables that looked pretty good on the shelves and had combs, brushes and other things that seemed useful for her friends and herself. She put some food and other useful things in her bag and picked up an old looking book about the stars and planets. She then walked up to the owner who was standing behind a counter to pay for the items.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if I could pay for this with this necklace," Shiria asked as she removed her hood and took off the necklace. The owner was a man that looked middle aged and kind. He took the necklace and examines it carefully.

"This looks like it's worth something alright," said the man.

"That's good," replied Shiria. The man gave her the items she purchased and gave her about 50 C-gems back.

"There you go."

"Thank you very much sir," Shiria said and put all the items in her bag. She put it back on her back and walked out of the store happily. She forgot to put her hood back on to conceal herself.

"Maybe I don't have to stick to the plan I had before," she thought to herself. "Now I can take this terrible dress off." She started to head back to the ship. If she would sell one of the other girl's necklaces or something like that then Shiria wouldn't have to sell her mother's stone. While she walked there were a group of men that were watching her.

"That's her! She showed me a valuable stone," grinned one guy. The rest of the men (were about 4 of them) watched her walk off from a distance.

"I couldn't see her face then, thought that she could have been an old mage, but I didn't know that she was a beauty."

Then another guy pulled out a picture of a large family and pointed to one woman in it.

"She looks like that woman we killed back on that other planet. She was sort of like a mage," said the other guy. "Before I killed her she prophesized that our kind will be destroyed by the young female warriors of the mystical crystal."

"Could that girl be the daughter of Lia," said another as he looked at the picture. "Then she came from the mystical crystal family. We better get her." The rest of the men walked towards Shiria without her noticing. Then when they got close enough to her they grabbed her and carried her away. Some of them were laughing while others were telling her to keep quiet or else.


      Meanwhile, Nerrisa gave the rest of the girls a snack when they finished with their games. Nerrisa went into every room in the ship to see if Michie was in there. Then she stopped by Amber's room and looked in.

"Amber, I know that you are mad about Shiria's 'plan' to get us food," Nerrisa started.

"Remember her mother, Lia?" asked Amber as she lay on her blanket and watched Michie sleeping.

"Not only she was a wise and knew about the future she was also a slut."

"Don't talk like that. Especially with Michie present." Nerrisa approached Amber and sat near Michie.

"Besides, Lia was a beautiful woman that was gifted with incredible knowledge about the mystical crystal that we must find. What proof do you have of Lady Lia being a slut?"

"Shiria doesn't have a father like the rest of use."

"I know. He died a long time ago."

"Lia was very lonely at times. So she had to find a way to fill that void. She was secretly jealous of the rest of our mothers for having such nice children and a husband."

Nerrisa continued to listen. Amber spoke as she fiddled with her mother's stone.

"So I saw her flirting with my father once. At first I thought they were just playing but then I saw him sneaking into her house on the very first planet we lived on. Not knowing any better I sneaked in to see what he was doing there. Then I saw it. My father kissing Shiria's mother."

Amber started to hold on to the stone tighter.

"Shiria's outfit today was the same as the one her mother wore when I saw my father with her. I told my mother but she didn't believe me. But I think she knew, somehow."

She looked at Nerrisa's shocked face.

"I don't think that he was the only one she was with. That Shiria...she's becoming just like her."

"This is different Amber," Nerrisa started.

"If Shiria thinks that she could sell herself to a man just for us to survive then maybe she should do it. If that story were really true then I would have already known about it! Shiria isn't lonely like her mother. Whatever she is doing out there is because she wants us to survive not matter what. It shows that she would do anything for us. I know I would do the same if I was in her situation!"

"I wasn't finished," said Amber.

"Shiria was also like her mother even when she was younger. Remember how so many of the boys in our community liked her even older men? Like when she was 12? She wants to do what she's probably out there doing because she has had so much practice from when she was only 12!"

"No! That's not true! Shiria was always a nice girl then and now. I hung around her a lot and never noticed anything like that! You're just saying that because you hate her! You're lying about all of it!"

"I'm not! Some of her mother's boyfriends would also use Shiria when her mother wasn't around."

"Then maybe she was forced or something! How do you know? You were too young then to understand whatever you think you saw anyways. Besides, what business is it of yours? Tell me that!"

Amber stood up and threw her stone down. Michie ran out the room.

"Because I don't think someone like her should be acting like she owns us! If her 'plan' doesn't get her enough money she could be probably trying to force use to do it too!"

"Shut up!"

They were interrupted by Michie's crying. They looked at the doorway and saw the rest of the girls standing by the door with tears in their eyes. Then Selene ran into the room.

"Stop fighting! You're a terrible person Amber for saying nasty things about Shiria. She may not be our mother but she cares about use so you should stop!" Selene screamed.

"Why were you two fighting anyways?" asked Sumiko.

"Shiria-san done something bad?" asked Yumi.

"No she hasn't done anything bad," Nerrisa reassured. "Amber just disagrees on having Shiria lead us to the mystical crystal."

The rest of the girls stared at her with wide eyes.

"Are you any better?" asked Chikara.

"Shiria isn't that much of a good person as you think," answered Amber.

"You're not either!" yelled Selene. Nerrisa then put her hands on her shoulders and tried to calm her down.

"Please don't fight," Umi said quietly as she covered her ears.

"Look, you guys are too young to understand. Believe whatever you want from Nerrisa," Amber said as she walked out of the room. The girls moved out of her way and watched her walk down the hall.

"Neri-chan?" asked Michie.


"Are you and Amber not friends anymore?"

"I don't know sweetie."

"Nerrisa, what was Amber saying about Shiria?" asked Sumi.

"It's hard to explain but it's not important now," Nerrisa answered.

"Is it true about what happened to her as a child?" asked Chikara.

"I'll tell you all later."

Nerrisa walked out the room and went to her bag.

"You guys I will be out there selling some stuff for money and food. See ya."

They watched her as she left the ship. Amber wasn't with them. Nerrisa wore a cloak and carried her bag with her into town. She hoped to run into Shiria to find out the real truth.

Amber walked into the tiny rec room of the ship to see the others. They were playing with small toys that they had in their bags. Yumi and Chikara held Michie as she cried.

"Where's Nerrisa?" Amber asked. They looked up at her then looked away. Then Amber saw Michie crying a lot and came over to her. Yumi and Chikara stared at her.

"Michie, I'm sorry for yelling. You don't have to cry," Amber whispered and patted her on the head.

"I want my mommy back. I want to go home," Michie cried.

"When Shiria gets back we will be off to a new home. Our parents would want that for use," said Yumi.

"Where's Nerrisa?" Amber asked.

"She went into town to sell her stone and jewelry for money," said Chikara. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm going too. Yumi and Sumiko take care of minna," Amber instructed.

"No!" cried Michie as she reached out to Amber. "Don't go!"

"We'll be fine but don't you think you should stay with use and wait for Shiria to return?" asked Sumiko.

"I'm not waiting for that tramp!" Amber ran out of the room, grabbed her bag out of the main controls room and went outside.

"Strange," commented Selene.


      Meanwhile Shiria woke up on a cold dark floor. She was in a small room all alone. Then she remembered what just happened. She started to feel scared and remembering something else.

"Don't tell me it's going happen. Please don't let that happen," she whispered to herself.

"What's going to happen?" asked a voice. Shiria sat up and saw the man that she asked to buy her stone.

"You, but why?"

"I'm a merchant. I would really like to have that stone but you are more valuable. Were you the daughter of Lia?"

"Were...I?" she was too afraid to answer.

"Well, if you are then I found what I'm looking for. I was one of the men that attacked you family and community."

Shiria started to cry and get angry at the same time.

"What do you want with me?"

"I want you to tell me where I can get the Legendary Mystical Crystal that only your family in this galaxy know about. Tell me!"

"Tell me why you had to kill my mother and my friends' parents! Why!"

The man approached her as she backed up on the floor against the wall.

"Well, my friends had some fun with your friends' mothers then killed them. They kept saying to us that female warriors will destroy our kind."

"I hope they will!"

"They were referring to their daughters. You and the rest of your friends."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you do and if you don't cooperate then you will die like your mother!"

He grabbed her so she won't run at all.

"But I don't want to hurt the daughter of Lia. She's just as beautiful as her mother."

"You pervert let me go! Help!" The man kissed her for a few moments but then she kicked him and ran away from him and picked up her bag. She opened the door and burst through a crowd of people. She kept running and running until she found a good corner to stay safe at. She opened her bag to check for everything in it. It looked like everything was in it. Then she put the bag on her back, put the hood over her face and started crying.

"Mother, if only I could have done something to save you!"

Then a girl walked up to her and wiped Shiria's tears.

"I wanted to do something to save my mother too," sniffed Nerrisa.

Shiria was about to get scared until she saw it was just Nerrisa.

"Nerrisa! What are you doing out here it's very bad here we need to go back into the ship!"

"I know. I wanted to help you so I sold my necklace my mother gave me and got 50 c-gems. I even bought some extra stuff with the other c-gems left over!" She then saw Shiria's cloak open and thought to herself.

"So you don't really have to tell me what you did you get money."

"What? No, I just sold my necklace and this food store and got 5o c-gems,' answered Shiria as she closed her cloak.


"Yes it's the truth."

"I believe you. Well we have enough money so we can go to the ship and leave."


They start to walk back to the ship.

"Why were you crying, Shiria?"

"Some guy grabbed me. He said that he was one of the people that killed our mothers. He's very sick."

"No they are here? We have to leave very soon! Shiria, what else happened?"

"What else? Tried to take advantage of me like her did with our mothers," Shiria cried.

"You mean our mothers were treated like that before they died?" Nerrisa asked about to cry.

"According to him. He even knew my mother's name."

They finally made it back to the ship. But Amber wasn't there. Shiria immediately went to her room and closed her door. She began to cry and she wouldn't let anyone else in. Nerrisa was watching the younger girls as they played. She was worried and upset that Amber ran off.

"How could she leave you guys alone like that?" asked Nerrisa.

"She let me and Yumi control things when she left," answered Sumiko. "I think I did a good job." Nerrisa smiled at her.

"Of course you did but me and Shiria just found out that the people that killed our parents are here as well,' Nerrisa said quietly. The rest of the girls stopped playing and gasped at Nerrisa.

"One of the men attacked her,' she went on. "That's why she's so upset now." Selene stood up and started to walk out the room.

"I'm going to help her," Selene said proudly. But Nerrisa stopped her.

"I want her to be alone," said Nerrisa.

"Ok." Selene sat back down and looked at her broken doll. "I want a new dolly!" cried Selene.

"Why must you be like that? We have these crazy people coming after us and the crystal and all you can think about is yourself and you dumb doll!" yelled Chikara. Selene started to cry harder.

"I want my mommy!" She ran out the room and bumped into Shiria. Selene stopped crying and looked up at her.


"Here's your new dolly. It's not a pretty as you old one use to be but it's in better shape that it." Shiria handed her the doll. Her face was still stained with tears. Selene looked at the doll and put the other one down. Then looked back up at Shiria's face.

"Shiria, I want to go home and live like we use to!" Selene cried. "It's so scary living in space. The doll is nice though, thank you." Shiria smiled and hugged her. The others were watching then as well. Finally, Amber entered the ship and walked up to everyone not noticing what was going on.

"Ok, I got some food, candy, toys, soaps and more. Check it out!" she exclaimed. They all stared at her but didn't say anything.

"What?" Then Amber looked at Shiria. Shiria stopped hugging Selene and wiped her own face.

"So what did you bring back?" asked Shiria.

"What happened to you Shiria?" Amber asked seriously.

"I ran into our enemy. His men grabbed me and took me to a secluded place where he told me about our parents deaths." Shiria looked down towards the floor. "And about what he and his friends did to our mothers before they killed them." All the girls in the room gasped and started to huddle up together.

"What did they do?" Michie asked softly.

"Something really terrible," answered Shiria. Amber started to become angry so she threw down her bag and ran in her room. The group was silent for a few moments.

"Nerrisa, see how much money Amber brought back in her bag," said Shiria. Nerrisa looked in it and pulled out the c-gems.

"Maybe 30 or 50 more?" said Nerrisa.

"Shiria, are those people going to hurt us too?" Selene asked as she pulled on her cloak.

"No they won't. They won't even touch use."

"Can we leave the planet now?" Umi asked.

"Yes, but I didn't by a power crystal for the ship." Shiria starts to head to the control room. Nerrisa followed her.

"What is it," she asked

"I don't want to go back out there to get a crystal for the ship," Shiria answered. She put her hands on the control panel and hung her head. Nerrisa hugged her.

"I brought three," said Amber. She walked in and showed them the crystals. Shiria looked up and was surprised. Then Amber put one in the ship's control panel and it glowed. Then lights in the ship came on. Amber Shiria and Nerrisa heard the other girls cheering in the rec room.

"I'm glad you got it," said Shiria. Shiria then pushed the lever up so the ship could take off. The arch-like ship started to hover in the air then rise up into space. Nerrisa smile fell when she thought about the enemies.

"Will they follow us?" she asked suddenly.

"Probably," answered Amber. "If the followed you and Shiria." Amber glared at Shiria and walked out of the room.

"She's still mad because I smacked her?" Shiria asked.

"Well, I don't know. She told me something about you today," said Nerrisa. "Do you what I'm taking about?"



End of Chapter Three


      I hope you liked that one. I made this one quicker than the others. The ship that the girls are on isn't like something out of Star Wars or something like that. It's looks like an arc but it doesn't go on water. I got the idea from the Sailor Moon Another Story RPG game for SNES. It's pretty good. I'll put the link to a site where you can get the game and the English translation patch soon. Believe me it's pretty hard trying to play any rpg in a language you can't understand. Well, in Sailor Venus' level (where she is chased by these guys because of her beauty) you find the Arc of Venus (I think that's the name). Sailor Venus gets told that during the Silver Millennium she used the arc to get people or herself to the moon or Earth. That was supposed to be transportation for people to get to the moon or Earth or probably any planet for that time I guess. In the game it said that Venus could only pilot it but when Sailor Moon has to use it later on in the game she pilots it. And it's so cool when you get to fly around the world on the arc when you are 2000 years back in the past to visit all the places that each senshi been to (even Prince Endymoin's Kingdom) like Canada, Turkey and others! (Those places are suppose to be places where the Four Generals use to live at that time I think) But anyways that's how I got the idea of the arc. I don't think it says in the manga about an arc or any kind of transportation at that time. The arc's color is gold like the on in the game. I thought that it was pretty cool how that game was based a lot from the manga rather than the anime. Don't know what else to say about this chapter. I don't know how many I will make! Oh well, we'll see. Ja ne!! Next chapter:


Chapter 4: Heading Towards a New Destiny


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Site: The Senshi of Serenity