The Outer Senshi Purity Test

Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes".
The "submit" button is at the bottom.

  1. You have a website dedicated to the Outer Senshi.
  2. You have tons of pics of the Outer Senshi on your computer.
  3. When you are in a rpg you always play as one of the outers.
  4. You bought the japanese dolls.
  5. You're mad that their are no NA dolls of the Outer Senshi.
  6. Actually, you're glad because the NA dolls of the inners look so ugly.
  7. You don't like the inners at all.
  8. You know that the outers are better than the inners.
  9. You don't watch the first, second and fourth season of SM because the outers are not in them.
  10. You think that the outers can beat the inners up if they wanted.
  11. You cheer the outers on as they fight.
  12. You boo the inners when they fight or try to fight with the outers.
  13. You wish that the outers could have a show of thier own.
  14. You only chibimoon because she is good friends with Sailor Saturn.
  15. You always agree with the outers when they tell the inners that they shouldn't interfer.
  16. You cheered on Uranus and Neptune when they were fighting Sailor Moon.
  17. You're mad at websites that only refer to the Inner Senshi.
  18. You're a fan of the japanese ver. of Sailor Moon basiclly.
  19. You have tons of friends that love the Outers.
  20. You and your friends call each other outer names.
  21. You have made rpgs about them.
  22. You pretend that the inners don't exist.
  23. You have a site dedicated to the outers but with a section that talks about how dumb the inners are.
  24. You're mad that the NA SM theme song hasn't been changed to have something sung about the outer senshi and only show one tiny new scene of the outers in the opening.
  25. Maybe you're glad that the outers aren't in the song because you know the song is stupid enough!
  26. For a guy(or girl), you dream about going out with all the outers.
  27. You compared them to girl groups like Dream, All Saints, Spice Girls,ect.
  28. You feel insulted when someone tries to compare them to other girl groups.
  29. You think the Outers are the most beautiful girls in all anime.
  30. You say they are better looking than the inners.
  31. You want to believe the inners are not important. "They're only there for the comic relief!" you say.
  32. You dressed up as one of the Outers.
  33. You and your friends dressed up as the outer senshi for an anime convention.
  34. You make up boyfriends for Pluto and Saturn.
  35. You make up children for them.
  36. You make up senshi that are similar to them.
  37. You tell people that you are apart of the Outer Senshi.
  38. You convert people that love the inners into liking the outers more.
  39. Wish that one of the outers can be leader of the Sailor Senshi.
  40. You love the group of voice seiyuus that do thier voices.
  41. You like the group of girls that played as them in the Sailor Moon Musicals.
  42. You believe that they are alive.
  43. You like Sailor Jupiter because you believe that out of all the inners she is most worthy of becoming an outer senshi.
  44. You have tons of outer senshi stuff.
  45. You rememberized each of their intros.
  46. You're mad that Pluto and Saturn don't have image songs but glad that they do in the Musicals.
  47. When the NA theme song come on you sing the outer names instead of the inners.
  48. You write fanfics about the outers.
  49. You only like Sailor Moon because the outers must protect her.
  50. You only watch the third and last season of SM because the outers are in it.

Good going!