Disclaimer:  I don’t own Gundam Wing, but it is a life-long dream.  Please don’t sue me, because you’re not gonna get much.

I wrote this when I was all pumped up with sugar and the idea just popped into my head.  I was cracking up before I even wrote it down on paper b/c I thought the idea was crazy.  Please forgive me if I scare you with the story…I’m a really nice person…I would never…ahem…never mind. -_-


Heero’s lil’ Secret



“I’m so beautiful! Beautiful! Lalala!” Heero sang, prancing around wearing…. a pink life-size Barbie doll dress.  Puffy sleeves and even ruffled ends!

            Heero kept prancing around, while the dress made ruffling noises.

            Heero abruptly stopped in his tracks when he heard a loud gasp.  Heero turned to look in the direction of where the gasp had come from.

            Duo was standing at the door, eyes as wide as saucers and his mouth hanging to the floor.

            “H-H-Heero?” Duo stuttered, still confused and shocked at the scene in front of him.

            “Nani?” Heero asked innocently.

Duo cocked his head to get a better look.  “You-what-how-WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?” Duo shrieked.

            “I’m playing dress-up, silly, what does it look like?” Heero said matter-of-factly.

            “Demo-you-WHAT!?” Duo shrieked again.  “You’re wearing a Barbie doll outfit! For the love of God!!! It’s PINK!”

            “I know. Don’t I look so pretty?”  Heero said sweetly, emphasizing on the word pretty.

            Heero began to prance around Duo, singing about how pretty he looked.

            Duo stood stock-still, eyes still wide from all that was happening.

            Heero popped up in front of Duo and smiled.  “Ain’t I a cutie?”

            Duo stared, mouth gaping and knees feeling like they were going to give out from under him.

            That’s it.  Duo couldn’t take it anymore.

            Duo’s hand went up to his forehead and let out a gasp, fainting, and making a loud thud.

            Heero stared at him blankly.


            Duo heard tapping close by. Tapping from a keyboard.  HEERO!  Duo’s eyes shop open and he found himself laying on his bed in the room he and Heero shared.  He looked across the room and found Heero seated in his chair in front of his O’ so glorious laptop.

            “Heero!?” Duo shrieked.

            Heero jumped, something that he rarely did.  He mentally punched himself for letting his guard down.

            Duo jumped out of bed and ran up to Heero.  Duo poked Heero’s shoulder, curiosity in his eyes.

            Heero turned his head and gave Duo the Yuy-Death-Glare.

            “Ano…Hee-chan,” Duo started, too frightened to go on. “Ano…what happened to the dress?”

            Heero’s eyebrow twitched.  Wow, he sure knows how to express his emotions.  Was that a show of amusement or a Duo’s-gonna-die twitch?

            “Ya know…the pink Barbie dress.” Duo said, biting his lip, a little fear in his voice…okay A LOT of fear.

            “Nani?” Heero said smoothly.

            Duo stared at him.  “Soo…there is no pink, fluffy dress?”

            Heero gave him his trademark glare again. “Baka.”

            “Take that as a no…Sugoi! I was so scared Hee-chan!  I thought you started cross-dressing! It must have been a dream.  I need to lay off of Q-man’s tea….” Duo said, cracking up. “ Woo…that was one weird dream.  Wanna know what it was about?”

            “Not really.”  Heero said dully. 

            Duo gave him HIS trademark image; he gave him (dum dum da) his puppy-dog eyes.  “C’mon Hee-chan!”

            Heero gave in.  I mean, who could resist those violet eyes?  Yeah, Heero isn’t the only one with tricks up is sleeve.

            “Well, it involves you wearing a pink dress and dancing around singing, “I’m so beautiful!” Duo said, dancing about, imitating Heero.

            Heero did his best not to burst out laughing.  That would just ruin his Perfect Soldier image, now wouldn’t it?

            “Oi Hee-chan, just glad that was just a dream,” Duo said, walking out of the room, “a disturbing dream, at that…”  He closed the door after himself, with his braid following after.

            Heero turned back to his laptop and burst out laughing.  Come on, anyone would do the same if your best friend just told you he had a dream about you doing THAT!

            Heero continued typing up his report.  At the end of his report to Dr. J, he typed, “Mission complete.”



M’kay…so whatcha think?  Please!! I need feedback…I need it to live! 

