Disclaimer:  I do not own Gundam Wing.  Don’t sue, cuz you ain’t gonna get jack! =P

Warning:  Angst, death(s), violence, bloody *grins*, uhh...language?

Summary:  Duo’s POV.  It’s about his childhood and the things he went through yadda yadda yadda.  Need I say more?(Yes I do) This is not how everything went.  He meets Solo afterwards…and I changed a lot of things just because I was bored and had nothing better to do. @_@

 Author’s note: Okay, I know Duo is American and all, but in here he talks a bit of Japanese.  I’ve gotten so used to speaking a bit of Japanese.  So I end up typing some Japanese.  Oh well…




Back To Where I Started…




I’ve gone through a lot of crap all through out my life.  I’ve seen so many deaths; it’s hard to believe life is worth living.  Not knowing who or what ever happened to your parents is pretty tough for a five year old.  Being an orphan isn’t something I’m proud of either.  Hey, living on the streets wasn’t what I called Paradise; scavenging for food and having to rob off other people.  But it was life and I had to get used to it.

            A church called Maxwell Church found me and had taken me in. Aw, how nice of them.  Father Maxwell and Sister Helen were the closest people to me there and probably the first.  They treated me as if I were there own son; always doing what they thought would be the best for me.  Yeah, I loved them…why wouldn’t I?  They took me out of the streets and put a roof under my head.  Food was pretty abundant too. 

            I had cloths too, though not the kind I wanted to wear.  They dressed me up as if I were an alter boy.  Not my idea of living, but like I said before; it’s life. 

            My hair had grown pretty long and that’s something Father Maxwell didn’t like.  Sister Helen would always braid it for me so it wouldn’t get in my way.

            “Oh, Max…Father isn’t going to let this get any longer, you know.  You’re going to have to cut it soon.”  Sister Helen said with her sweet innocent voice.

            “Why? I like it the way it is.  I don’t have to do what Father says.”  I was a stubborn kid, still am.  I loved my hair.  I could never see myself with out my braid.  I loved it so much because Sister Helen liked it.  I would only let her braid it, no one else.  She was the best.  I would have probably run away if it weren’t for her.  Yeah, run away…back to the streets so I could starve again. 

            Father and Sister Helen always tried to teach me about God.  I was in a church, you know.  Why wouldn’t they?

            “Do you believe in God, Max?”  Father asked me.

            “ I dunno…should I?”  I asked.

            Father Maxwell chuckled at my innocence.  “Hai, you should.  He is the Almighty God.  He looks down on us from above and helps us through life.  He loves us all, and we love Him back. At least…most of us do.” Father said sadly.

            “What do you mean? Most of us do…?”

            “Some do not believe in Him.  That is why some have such a troublesome life.”

            “Does that mean…I don’t believe in Him?”  I was so innocent…such stupid questions, huh? Well, I was only 5, leave me alone.

            “No, no one ever taught you…so you are forgiven.” Father said, smiling down at me.  “You will believe…” He patted my head lightly.

            I looked down at my feet.  For some reason they had become quite interesting.  I had to let everything Father told me sink in.  Why wasn’t I ever taught of any of this?  Who was supposed to teach me anyways?  My pet rat?  I had nobody when I was living on the streets.  I was always getting into trouble; either getting chased out of restaurants because I took a piece of bread, which I first asked graciously for, or I was running away from so street thugs who thought I would sell for some good money.

            Yeah, they took me out of that hellhole.  Now I don’t have to steal food so I won’t starve.  Well, I still steal…but I steal what I need.  Not like those other thieves.  They steal things they have no use for.  That’s why they always get caught.  I’m a sneaky guy, but I’m smart too.


            “Hmm?” she answered.

“Do…do you believe…in God?”  I don’t know why I had so much trouble asking such a simple question.

            She smiled sweetly.  She had the prettiest smiles.  “Of course I do Max.  I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Him.”  She kept brushing my hair, humming to herself.

            Once again, my feet had become an interesting object.  I stared down for quite some time.

            “Max?”  I heard her heavenly voice, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

            “Yes, Sister Helen?”

            She came around to face me and got on her knees.  “Why are you always so worried?  You still have many things to be taught to you.  You mustn’t worry your pretty little head.”  She smiled her genuine smile, which made me feel a lot better.  I was a sappy kid…still am.

            Both of our heads snapped as we heard banging at the doors.  Sister looked worried as she looked back at me.

            “Stay right here Max.” She said as she ran to Father Maxwell’s office.

            I sat there on the stool.  I could hear men behind the doors, banging to get in.  I swung my feet back and forth on the stool.  Sister Helen hadn’t come back yet…she’d been gone for a while.  Okay, for about a minute or so, but it felt like it was forever.  I got off the stool and headed to Father Maxwell’s office.  I was a curious kid and I couldn’t stay in one spot for long…still am and still can’t.

            “Listen ol’ man, we ain’t got all day.  Just give up the contract and no one gets hurt.”  said one of the men.  He was a scrawny guy that looked like he hadn’t had a bath in years.

            “We’re not giving anything to you.  Oz has enough money to make their own buildings.  This is a house of God!  It will not be taken down!!”

            I never heard Father Maxwell yell before.  He looked so angry. 

Father’s eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the men.  There were 4 of them to be exact.  All Oz soldiers, all greasy looking.
            Another guy, blonde and bristly walked up to Father Maxwell.  “Fine, we play it your way.”

            Father Maxwell’s eyes widened as he saw the look on the blondes face.

            The blonde burst out laughing in Father Maxwell’s face.  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Thought you were Mr. Big-shot here, huh?  Thought you could stand up to Oz’s best men?” He said, pushing Father lightly.

            I felt hands grab me from the back, and I thought my life was over.  A hand covered my mouth before I could yell.

            “Shh…Max. It’s me, Helen.”

            I let out a sigh of relief.  “Sister, what’s going on?  Why is Father angry? Who are those guys? What’s Oz?”

            “Shhh…I’ll answer those questions to you later.  Come with me, hurry.”  She said tugging at my arm to follow her.

            I hesitated at first, looking back at Father Maxwell and the thugs.  “Sister, what about Father?  We have to wait for him.”

            “He’ll come, don’t worry.  Hurry Max!”  She pulled me harder.


            Gomen [jb3]Max!  We have to hurry!”

            She fell to the floor and picked up the rug that I had always disliked for some reason.  Under it was a latch.  She picked up the latch and lifted it, opening a  passageway.

            “Inside Max.”  She picked me up and lightly placed me inside.  “Stay inside, and don’t get out!  Listen to me this time! Please Maxwell.”  Her eyes were pleading and I knew I had to listen.

            She closed the door, leaving me in darkness.  I heard her steps as she left.  I closed my eyes, hoping she would hurry and come back.

            My head shot up as I heard gunshots and laughter.  I felt my body tighten and my heart seemed as if  it were being ripped out.

            The gunshots kept going, and the laughter followed.  I clutched my knees to my chest.  Something wasn’t right.  Those guys…Father Maxwell’s angry tone with them…and Sister Helen’s eyes. 

            It stopped.  It was quiet.  No guns and no laughter.  Steps from huge soldier boots broke the silence.  They were coming towards me and I began to shiver. 

            “That’ll teach’um to mess with us!  No one can defy Oz.”  It was the scrawny brunette who had spoken.  The other 3 men laughed and mumbled things.

            “Come on, let’s see if they have anything good before the others arrive and take’um.”

            “Yeah, I bet they gots lots of stuff.”

            “Check out that statue!  Looks like it’s made outta pure gold!”

            “Hell yeah! We gonna make tons of money with this thing.”

This was not happening.  They were going to ransack this church.  The church I grew up in.  The one I spent with Sister Helen and Father Maxwell.

            The steps faded away as they left to look for more things to take.  I slowly lifted the top and peeked out.  The coast was clear.  I got out, scraping my knee on the wood.  I let out a little yelp, which froze my heart.  I kept still making sure they weren’t coming back.

            I got on my feet and ran back to Father Maxwell.  Again, my heart felt as if it were being yanked out of my chest.  The alter had been destroyed, bullet holes marked were the thugs had been.  The alter chairs had collapsed on to each other and the statues were broken.

            I heard a gasp from where the statue of the Virgin Mary had once been.  I ran towards the sound, hoping it wasn’t who I knew it would be.

            I felt tears swell up in the corners of my eyes.  Father Maxwell was lying helplessly on the red carpet, his arm dislocated from his shoulder.  Blood was seeping out of his mouth as he struggled to breath.

            “F-F-Father…?”  I was struggling to speak. My voice was cracking.

            “Max…” He looked up at me thoughtfully, smiling.  How could he smile?  He was dying, yet he still managed to smile.

            “F-Father…Daijobu…d-desu ka[jb4]?”  I kneeled down next to him, placing my hand on his chest.

            Hai[jb5]D-daijobu[jb6]…”  Priests aren’t supposed to lie right?

His chest tightened from under my hand and he let out a quiet gasp.  I looked at him and I knew he was going to die.

            “S-Sister…Helen…where is she…? Is she…is she alright?”  He asked in between gasps.

            I looked around, angry that I hadn’t looked for Sister Helen.

            “I…don’t know.” My eyes stung from the tears that were trying to escape.  Boys don’t cry…right?

            “Look for her…Max…go.”

            “Demo…what about you?”  I’m such a caring guy.  No wonder everyone loves me.

            “Don’t worry about me, go find her.”

            I looked at him for a while.  I could see his eyes fading…his blue eyes seemed to get lighter.  I couldn’t look at him any longer.  I got up quickly and looked around.  I saw something black…a nun’s dress.  I ran as fast as I could, stumbling as I got to Sister’s body.

            “Sister!  Sister Helen!”  I yelled.  Her eyes were closed, and blood was dripping from her forehead.  I grabbed her hand and tightened my grasp so she wouldn’t get away…she couldn’t leave me.

            Her eyes slowly opened.  “Max…such a good boy.”

            “Sister…please don’t leave me.  Please…”

            She smiled her sweet smile.  Even through death, she smiled…just like Father did.

            “I’ll never leave you Maxwell.  I’ll always be here.”  Her fingers intertwined with mine.  Her hands were so cold.  “I love you Max…God bless you...”

            “I love you too Sister…” 

            Her fingers went loose and her eyes fell behind her head.  I held her hand tightly.  She said she wasn’t going to leave.  She’d always be here.

            “Sister…you said!”  I fell on top of her, still holding her hand.  I don’t know how I managed not to cry.

            I heard steps, soldier boots.  My head snapped up and I knew they were coming.  I looked around for a place to hide.

            I ran up to one of the chairs that hadn’t completely fallen over and hid behind it.  I sat, clutching my knees to my chest.  Something cold and hard scraped against my hand.  It was a gun.  One of the stupid thugs must have dropped it.  Such carelessness.  They’ll get what’s coming to them.

            “Ha!  That’s not worth taking! It’s just a piece of junk, put it back!”

            “Nah-uh!  It looks like it’s worth something’ ta me!”

            “Cha! Whatever, but you’re gonna have to carry it yourself.”

            I peeked out of one of the bullet holes that were in the chair, and their backs were all turned thinking of what else they should take.  I picked up the gun and put the barrel through the hole.  I had to look above the chair to get a good shot.  I was a risk taker…still am.  My finger tightened around the trigger.  Right there…right in the head.  I tried to get the best shot…I was only 11, they didn’t teach me how to use a gun.  BAM!

Alright! Right in the head!

            All four men jumped…only one of them fell.  I shot again, the brunette fell to his knees.  The other two were going hysterical.  They had no idea what was going on.  Idiots.  And they call themselves Oz’s best.  I shot the blonde right in the chest, making blood gush out of his mouth.  Hey, I was pretty good at this.  The last one was trying to figure out where all the shots were coming from.  BAM!  He needn’t worry his pretty little head.

            I got up, still carrying the gun in my hand.  I ran up to them and shot each one of them right in the heads.  Got to make sure there dead, right?  Don’t want them popping back up. 

            I dropped the gun and ran back to Father Maxwell.  He was still breathing but he was about to let out.

            “Father...?”  I kneeled beside him and brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

            He opened his eyes, at first seeming as if he were blind.  His hand slowly moved up to my face.

            “Maxwell…angel.”  He caressed my cheek.  Cold…just like Sister Helen.  His face had become pale and soft.  The blood that had been dripping from his mouth had dried up and was starting to crack.


            “Shh…Max…it’s all right.  She’s gone to the light, as I soon will.  God will protect us…He will protect you too Max.”

            Iie[jb7]…you said…you said He would protect us!!  Then why are you leaving me!?  Why did this happen!?”

            “Max…this is what God intended.  Here…take this.”  He reached up to his neck with both of his bloody hands.  I heard a clasp being opened and he pulled away from his neck, bringing out a silver necklace with a crucifix hanging off of it.  He picked up my hand…he was shaking wildly…it was frightening.  He placed the necklace into my hand, closing my fingers over it.  “Keep this always.  God will watch over you.  So will Sister Helen and I.  Always…always be strong.”  With that Father’s eyes shut…shutting me out.

            I grasped the chain tightly.  I was alone.  Death surrounded me.  I had nowhere to go.  What was I going to do now?  Where was I going to go?  How could I believe anymore?

            I got up and walked over to Sister Helen.  She looked so peaceful.  I closed her eyes and kissed her forehead.  I could taste her blood on my lips. 

            I heard sirens blaring from the front of the church and I knew I had to leave.  I ran towards the back of the church.  I didn’t know how to get out.  The passageway.  I ran towards the ugly green rug and picked it up.   I opened the door and jumped in, the door falling from above me, and making a loud thud.

            It was so dark.  I couldn’t see where I was going…I didn’t know where I was going.  Father Maxwell and Sister Helen shut me out…they didn’t take me with them.  Now I was left in the dark, alone and cold…just like when I lived on the streets.  I was back to where I started.


   Tell me what you think! Email me




 [jb4]Are you alright?


 [jb6]I’m alright.

