Note: Standard disclaimers apply. I do not own Gundam Wing, Bandai, Sunrise, TV Asahi, and other lucky people own it. I am NOT making money off this.


It was a windy autumn day. In the rose garden, the roses were slowly beginning to lose their petals. A lone figure walked in the garden, his blue suit jacket conspicuous among the red and pink flowers. He walked slowly, like a man thinking about deep, important, things. The wind blew some pale petals, and he caught them in his hand. He looked down at the pale wisps of color, and his thoughts wandered to recent events.

It was only a few weeks ago that he had resigned from his position as head of OZ. The Romefeller Foundation, rulers of the Earth, had started the mass production of mobile dolls, suits without a soul, or a sense of the beauty and sorrow of war. He did not share the Foundation's views, and he felt forced to resign. Milliardo Peacecraft, where are you? Are you aware of what is happening here on earth and in space? Please, let me speak to you again, my eternal friend. Then he thought about those five pure warriors, mere boys, but better than any soldiers. They were betrayed by the people they were supposed to protect, and still they fought bravely, without any hesitation. He could only hope that Tsubarov had been unable to kill the two boys that he had captured.

During this time, his face had turned upward towards the sky. Now he brought it back down and looked at the petals again. The image of a woman came to him, unbidden but not unwanted. "My beloved Lady Une, you believed in me, and in the end sacrificed yourself for a fool's dream. Please forgive me for all that I've done to you." The petals, soft and delicate, reminded him of the young woman. He looked at the roses, still aware of how Lady was like them. "Those roses, they cover themselves in pain and torture,much like Lady. She was not only my aide, but also my best assassin. But her true self is kind and gentle, only wanting to help people realize peace, not a killer. I hurt you so much," He stopped talking, and thought about all he had done to her. He caused her feelings to war against each other, causing her personality to split into two parts. He admitted that he was the one who caused this, and deeply regretted it. There were so many things that he wanted to tell Lady, but now, it's too late. "Lady, please wait for me. I'll be coming to join you soon. Please, be patient."

He knew how he would finally rejoin Lady. That Chinese pilot, he still had another battle to fight against him. Deep in his soul, he knew that the next time he fought Wufei, he would lose his life. That was how things were meant to be. He had tried to change the course of history, but that did not last. He had succeeded for a time, but now he was without power or influence, confined to Romefeller headquarters. "I cannot change what must happen. I once thought that I could, but that was only a fool's dream. The arrogance I had, that is now lost, as well as the person most important to me. I know that I will not have much longer to live, and I can only hope that Wufei will not blame himself for my death."

He glanced at the red rose on his lapel, aware that it was beginning to wilt. All things must come to an end, it's just that some must end earlier than others. He turned around and slowly walked back to the headquarters, back to the unfinished Epyon. He would wait until the time was right, and make his move then, just as he did when the United Earth-Sphere Alliance was ruling the earth.

He returned to his work area, and picked up the photo frame on his desk next to his laptop. He looked at the pictures of Lady that were in the frame, and gently touched them as he had done every day since he heard that she was missing, presumed dead. And he spoke again, slowly but clearly. Wait for me Lady, I'm coming to be with you. Then he put the frame down, and he began to work on Epyon again, thinking about his beautiful lady waiting for him. He felt a presence in the room next to him, and he recognized Lady Une. I'll be waiting for you, Treize, just like you asked me to do.
