Bulma Briefs's Diary

Sunday, 18 August

weight:8st 7lb(good) alcohol units:0, calories:1600, number of minutes thinking about latest invention:600(v.good), minutes spent being disgusted with self:50 (better)


Woke up in cold sweat, disgusted with myself and fantasy about Vegeta. You know Vegeta right? That jerk who has been parading around capsule corp these past few months like he's some sort of martyr!
I hate him yet I can't seem to shake these thoughts about him out of my mind.
In said fantasy imagine Vegeta emerging from gravity room v.sweaty and looking v.sexy indeed.
Can't keep fantasizing about prince of saiyans. After all, I am er, happily 'involved' with Yamcha!

I think I need to lye down...


Saturday 24 August

Weight:8st 5lb(v.good), calories:1200(too hot to eat), minutes spent fantasizing about Vegeta:100(bad-and scary!)


10am Phew! What a scorcher! I think i'll take the day off and sunbathe outside.

10:20 Vegeta walked past to the gravity room to resume training. He looked at me and scowled:"what are you looking at, woman?"
I think i'm in love!
On the other hand, what will Yamcha think if i have ellicit affair with prince of all saiyans.
Boy it's hot out here...

1pm Decide after all to work. The sky is now overcast so there's no point in sunbathing when it's about to rain. I wonder what Vegeta is doing right about now?

1:02 This is getting rediculous! Am not really in love with Vegeta. Must learn to contain my lust.

1:03 I need help!

8:00 Date with Yamcha. Suggest to Yamcha that we take our relationship to the next level. After all, have been with him for long time and wedding plans would take my mind off feelings for Vegeta. However Yamcha replied:"You want a dog? We could get a dog!"

10:05 I left Yamcha to pay bill at restaurant! Vegeta has just came in from the gravity room.

10:30 Vegeta is in shower, best not disturb him. I think i'll have a drink or two


Sunday 25 August

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Woke up with v.bad, acidic hangover-and Vegeta lying in my bed! Suddenly feel v.queasy
What was I thinking? Jeopardising my relationship with Yamcha-for Vegeta! Got out of bed and threw up!


11am Downstairs. Vegeta is in the kitchen with me. Sexual tension is almost unbearable!
Suddenly have strong urge to stab Vegeta with bread knife!

10pm I have broken up with Yamcha. I blamed his 'Serious commitment and social problems'.
It was so sad. For a moment I questioned whether I was doing the right thing or not.
He looked kind of devastated, before making a sort of pathetic, whimpering sound and leaving abruptly.
I suddenly feel like the worst human being ever! Yamcha was my first boyfriend. It's like the end of an era, really.
Decided to cheer myself up by treating myself to the last morsels of chocolate gateaux!

10:15 Oh dear, Vegeta just walked past. I better go talk with him re:last night.


Monday 26 August

Weight:8st 5lb(good), alcohol units:3 (ik!), calories:3642(bad), number of minutes thinking up different scenarios in which Vegeta gets taken down a peg or two:100(v.v.good)


Ugh. Still reeling after talk with Vegeta last night. I told him straight that Saturday night was a mistake.
He just laughed in my face and said:"You got that right, woman. You're a worthless, inferior human and it should never have happened!"
I was livid. I suddenly felt my cheeks glow red as I stammered something back in retaliation. I told him that he was a melevolent, ruthless jerk with a receding hairline, who was the leader of a dead race.
He looked hurt. Had I wounded the strong-willed prince Vegeta?
I guessed not, 'cos as he walked out of the room he said:"You weren't that good anyway!"
I threw my wine glass at him but missed; It hit the door instead.


Wednesday 4 September

Weight:8st 8lb, alcohol units:0, calories:4000 (but eating for two now), number of pregnancy tests taken:5, number of which have come out positive:5


9am I can't believe it. I'm PREGNANT! Well, it would explain the throwing up in the mornings.
I suspected something yesterday. I was totally off food but took throwing up in mornings as sign I needed to take things easier.
However the penny finally dropped when I skipped...er, I don't want to talk about it.
I took the first test that morning, and gasped as the little stick thing turned blue. I began to panic, and soon after did another test (there's a 0.99% margin of error so I just wanted to make sure). But alas, still pregnant
Two tests later, and it sort of began to sink in. This wasn't a mistake-I was giving life to another human being!
I took the remaining test this morning:blue. Like I was expecting anything else. By now i'm totally sure that I am indeed pregant, and that Vegeta is the father!


Thursday 5 September

My mother and father are driving me crazy! The baby is still an embryo yet they are already discussing college! I think i'll go for a walk outside
How an I going to tell Vegeta? Should I tell Vegeta? He's not mature enough to be a father, he's not even mature enough to be in an adult relationship. Oh, he's walking this way. This is my opportunity!



Thursday 5 September

Well, i've discussed things with Vegeta. If you would call any interaction with that hot-headed jerk 'discussion'
He looked sort of dumbstruck. For a moment at least something I said actually got through to him. Then, as always, the macho, 'i'm too good for the world' Vegeta took over again.
I'm not overly sure what he said exactly, but the words 'stupid', 'corruption' and 'hybrid' were used frequently, before Vegeta flew off to train.
I've just realised something. Vegeta may be brilliant in battle (and in bed!), but when it comes down to people, he's a coward.
He's probably more frightened of myself and our unborn child than he is of his opponents on the battle field!
He runs away from his problems and hides in the gravity room. He's a typical saiyan.


And the father of my unborn child...


Friday 6 September

weight:8st 9lb(baby growing), calories:2010, amount of hours sleep I got last night:3


I had a horrible thought as I lay in bed last night. What if the child turned out to be just like Vegeta? What if it bore all mine and Vegeta's bad qualities?
I envisioned a small, spikey-haired toddler with vegeta-on-helium type voice, cackling like a mad man, proclaiming:"I have coquered the toychest, now I will become supreme ruler of the Universe!"
Then again, the child could turn out to be just like me!

The child is doomed...