're leaving?  Hope you enjoyed your stay!  Well, why don't you check out these really cool sites?  You won't be disappointed.  Want me to add your link? Email me!

Visit my other site!


Danny's Anime Links is a great place with tonz of links *duh* for your enjoyment! Looking for a new place to visit? Then make sure to check this site out!

Check out Luna's awesome site! She's my newest affiliate! Great layout and lots of things to do. ^_^

Check out this cool site about the wonderful G-boys!

This is a great web graphics site! Buttons,layouts,dividers, and more ^^

This is a really cool site about Butch and James from Pokemon.  Pics, info, and just plain fun!  Check it out today!


This is a site about one of my favorite bands!! It's a really cool site with pics, info, and lyrics.  Check it out!!!! NOW! =)

The Fun DBZ Society

This is a cool site about DBZ.  It's a humor site, with fics and more!

This site has tonz of anime graphics!  Backgrounds, gifs, and tips on HTML.

Anime Inn

I love this site! A must for anime lovers! Go go go!

Another cool site with tonz of anime stuff.  I go here all the time! 

A way cool site!  This is Togepi's website, so if you liked her art and fics, she has more!! Tonz of Pokemon and Digimon stuff.

Another cool site with Heero pics! 

This is one of my favorite sites! I go here all the time! Are you a Fan of Duo? This is the place to go!

Cosmo Dolls

Backgrounds, dolls, and more!  A great place for cute web graphics.

A cute site about our favorite Girls of Fire!  It's brand new so give it some time!

A cool site dedictated to Lady Une and Trieze.  Tonz of cool fics and stuff to do. Check it out today!

A site about DBZ.  If you're a DBZ, then you might want to check this site out.

A cool site where you can adopt a child *no not really!* You have to buy things for them, get a job to earn points. Join today!


Are you an artist? Want to show everyone your skills? Submit your art here!