Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam wing!  Get it? ME. DON'T. OWN. ANYTHING! =)  Warnings: Umm...OOC, vomiting...uhh...humor                                                                Authors note: Well, the G-boys spend some time at Disney World.  =)


We're going to Disney World!



    "Guess what!" Quatra said cheerfully.

    "What!?" Duo chirped mockingly.

    "Guess!" Quatra replied, ignoring Duo's sarcasm.

    "Tell us or I'm leaving." Heero said in an emotionless tone.

    "Yes.  Do tell.  You called us over here from our busy lives, so it better be important."  Wufei said.

    "Ugh...fine, I just wanted you guys to be surprised.  Geez...what I do for you guys.  But nooo.  'Hurry up Quatra!' 'We don't have all day Quatra!' 'Omae o Korosu!'  And I've done my best to make everyone happy!" Quatra cried, his voice cracking and eyes becoming watery.

    Duo walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Aww...we're sorry Q-man.  We didn't know ya felt that way." Duo said, hugging the poor Arab.

    "Okay..." Quatra sniffled, "Well, I called you guys over here becuase," Quatra began digging into his back pocket, finally pulling out 5 tickets, "I got 5 passes to Disney World."

    "Honto ne!?" Duo shrieked.

    Quatra nodded enthusiastically.

    "Oh my God! No way!"  Duo started to run around the mansion screaming with joy.

    Everyone watched him as he practically jumped off walls.

    "Uhh...guess you're happy, huh?" Quatra beamed.

    Duo popped in front of Quatra and hugged him.

    "I love you! I love you! You're the best Q-man!!" Duo yelled.

    "Thanks!" Quatra giggled.

    "Well, what are we waiting for!?"

    "Uhh...well, are they coming?"  Quatra asked, pointing to the others.

    Trowa nodded.  Wufei mumbled, then nodded.

    "Heero?  Are you going?" Quatra asked.

    "I'm too busy." Heero said blandly.

    "Awww....okay." Quatra said, lowering his head.

    "What?  Aw...Hee-chan!  It's gonna be so boring with out you not there not talking!"  Duo said sarcastically.

    Heero glared at him.  He knew he was going to have to come.

    Duo grinned, knowing Heero was going to come, and that he won the not-so-much-of-a-battle.


    "Look! Q-man!  It's Space Mountain!"  Duo yelled, as he pulled Quatra towards the ride.

    "Slow down Duo!  What about the others?"  Quatra said, looking back.

    "Ah, what makes you think they're gonna come and even ride with us?  They don't know how to have fun."  Duo said, giving the man 4 tickets for the ride.

    Quatra and Duo sat in the front, excitement in their eyes.

    "This is soo cool!" Duo said.

    "Yup!" Quatra piped.

    The giant machinery began moving slowly, making Duo agitated.

    "Come on!  Let's do this!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

    "Yeah! Let's--AHHHHH!" Quatra yelled as the ride plunged.


    Heero, Trowa, and Wufei watched as the coaster plunged and listened to the screams from the passengers.

    "Shinigami is back again!"  All 3 pilots blinked as they heard the braided baka from a far.

    "Baka." Heero and Wufei said in unison.


    After the ride was over, the 3 pilots walked over to their partners, who didn't look so good.

    Trowa cleared his throat and asked, "Are you okay?"

    Quatra shook his head, making himself dizzy.

    Duo walked over to Wufei, who had a quizzical look.

    "Are you feeling--NOOOO!" Wufei shrieked.

    Duo looked up at Wufei droopingly, "Gomen."

   "Gomen!?  Gomen!? You just hurled on my brand new Skechers!"

   Duo grinned sheepishly.

   "I....why me!?" Wufei said sorrowfully.

   His body suddenly lurched forward, clutching his stomach.  He grabbed onto Trowa's shoulder for support, before vomiting on Trowa's nice denim jeans.

   Trowa slightly finched.  He turned to Heero and stared at him blankly.

   "Uh-uh!  I don't think so buddy!" Heero said, running behind an old women for cover.

   "Quatra! Look!" Duo said, feeling much better, as he pointed to another ride.

   "Oh my!  Giant tea cups!"  Quatra yelled, running towards the cups.

   "Mad tea party!  Quatra!  You can finally complete your China collection!"  Duo said jokingly.

   Quatra stared lovingly at the tea cups as they spun around.

   "Maxwell! You will pay!  Look at my shoes!  What did you eat!?" Wufei rambled.

   Trowa sighed, still standing in the same area.  Heero had disappeared somewhere.  Wufei was in a ranting fit.  Duo was talking about how much tea they would need to fill up one cup.  And Quatra was still staring at the cups, salivating.

   The same old women that Heero had used to protection popped out in the corner.  "Ba-dee Ba-dee Ba-dee...That's all Folks!"


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