Fushigi Yuugi
The story revolves around a 15 year old girl named Miaka Yuuki. She is getting ready for her high school exams. She and her friend, Yui Hongo, go to a library. Miaka, who seems to be a very curious girl, goes into a room with a sign saying something like, "Employees only." Yui finds her in the room and they find an old Chinese book called The Universe of the Four Gods. As they turn the page, they are pulled into the story of the book. A man with a character of an ogre(oni) on his forehead saves them from some slavers. Yui suddenly vanishes in red light and is brought back to the library room. Miaka is frightened, because she has no idea where Yui disappeared off to. Now she must try to figure out how to get back to her world. She journeys with others, becoming Suzaku no Miko (Priestess of Suzaku), and acquiring new powers.
PIcs of the Characters:
A pretty pic of Nuriko with butterflies
Chichiri everywhere! Poor Tasuki...haha
A cute pic of Chiriko w/ flowers
Mitsu! The O' so talkative one!
A cool pic of Miaka and Tamahome
Tasuki and Koji again *drools*
I'll have more pics soon! Info will be here soon too!