Heero Yuy

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Close up Endless Waltz ending Heero in a yellow shirt...gah! Heero in school uniform Heero...looking like Heero...


Heero: NANI!? That's all you have of me!?

Shini: *runs*

More!! I will put up more! Promise!


Name: Heero Yuy

Age: 15 ( I think in Endless Waltz he is 16)

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: 45 kg

Eyes: Cobalt Blue

Hair: Brown

Ethnicity: Japanese

Heero pilots the gundam Wing Zero.  He is a very stoic guy, very unsocial. He makes sure he gets the missions done, and that they are done right.  He is very serious and battle-ready, thanks to the training he received from Dr. J.  He is a suicidal soldier, who tests his limitations.