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Thanks for Visiting!

Shinigami welcomes you....

Welcome to Shinigamiz Anime Shrine. Yes, yes...I know what your saying, "Another Anime site?" Well...YES another anime site! ^__^ My site isn't the best....maybe not even close....but it's the content that counts,ne?

This site is still fairly new, so there is a bit of things that are still under construction. The reason for that is because I'm always adding new things, but I'm too swamped with school to finish them. I try every weekend to do something. I try...ne? ^__^

I've watched countless anime eps. and series, and I want to try to get everyone a chance to find out about them. Right now, the anime that I have now are well known...so I haven't gotten to that yet.

Anywayz, I hope you enjoy your stay. MAKE SURE TO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK BEFORE YOU LEAVE! Thank you for coming!

Nov. 18, 2001 "Final Update"

Please read the update. It's the final update for this site. I will miss you all!

Visit my other site!


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    ** Disclaimer:  I do not own any of these anime.  They are (c) to there respective owners and distributors.  I'm only a poor high school student who has nothing better to do. ^_^

This site was founded by Cristal M. on June 28, 2001.  I made this site! It's mine!
