Welcome to Shinigamiz 

Anime Shrine


Shinigami welcomes you....

    Konnichiwa minna-san! Thanks for stopping by.  This is my Anime Shrine!  It's a bit new, so it still needs a lil' shaping up.  ^_^  

    I've always wanted to make a site, and here it is! It isn't much yet, but I'm getting there!  I really appreciate everyone that has emailed me and supported me.  Domo arigato!

    I hope you enjoy your stay! Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks for visiting and don't forget to sign the g-book!


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Make sure to sign the G-book!!

Thanks for coming!!!
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    ** Disclaimer:  I do not own any of these anime.  They are (c) to there respective owners and distributors.  I'm only a poor high school student who has nothing better to do. ^_^

This site was founded by Cristal M. on June 28, 2001.  I made this site! It's mine!
