My Awards!

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Happy Vash!

This is where I keep the awards that I've received. I thank everyone that has given me an award! THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!! ^_^ Uhh...okay. Well, make sure to check out the sites!

Isn't  it beautiful?  Thank you sooo much Kiyomi!

Woo-hoo! Award of Exellence! Thank you Togepi!

Great site award!! Thank you sooo much Carlos!

The Sweet Site  Award! *does a little dance* Thank you Kara!!! ^_^

Best anime site award...Now I don't know if I really deserve this but Thanks Devin! I love it!

Looky! I won the True Beauty Site Award! OMG! Woo-hoo! Domo Arigatuo Rachie!

Great Layout Award! Alright! Thanks again Rachie!

*sniff* Thank you so much!!!

Thanks a bunch Rebecca!! I love both of them!!

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