Ranting Time!!

Duo's not happy...
I wasn't going to make a rant section...cuz I didn't have anything to rant about. BUT now I do! I love to rant and ramble, and I was going to do that a lot on the site...^_^ Now that I have reasons to rant...I decided to post them up here! Yay! There own page! *lol*

Warning! Sometimes I get cuss-happy...^_^

My first rant!!! 9/15/01 "Anti-sites"

I've been doing a lot of surfing around lately. Anipike is such a great place to do that,ne? Well...I was just minding my own business when suddenly, "BAM!" I spotted an Anti-Duo site...3 or 4 to be exact. "Gasp!" Anti!? How? When? Where? WHAT THE HELL!? Yes, I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So, at first...as I started to surf around the poorly-made site (sadder than mine...*lol*) I kept wondering why they hated him. Well, my questions were answered in there "Why?" section. Wanna know why they hated our kawaii and lovable Duo-chan?

  • He has a YAOI relatioship with Heero
  • He is DUMB
  • He makes jokes that aren't funny
  • He poses terrible
  • He thinks he's cute when he's not
  • He thinks he's such a genuis like E!NSTE!N
  • He thinks he is the bravest and strongest of all the pilots
  • He has a bad attitude
  • He kills people that are or aren't innocent (it's ok if it's Relena)
  • He has the longest dirty bad cut hair bag among the 5 pilots (Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Duo, Wufei)

    *sigh* All I can say is....BAKA! This girl hates him for the lamest reasons!
  • Gay? Maybe so. BUT there is no proof he is! The pics she has on her site are doujinshi! AND! Every character in GW has been hooked up with some one! Not only Duo and Heero. Either way, who cares if he's gay? Get over yourself!
  • Dumb!? *lol* He's a damn gundam pilot for God's sakes!!! You can't be dumb to pilot a gundam. All of the Pilots went through extensive training to become the best. He CAN'T be dumb.
  • Uh...she must have seen the dubbed version. His jokes are always sarcastic. Watch the subbed, hun.
  • *lol* Puh-lease...and you hate him for that? *shakes head*
  • Ummm...he never said anything about him thinking he's cute, which he is.
  • He never said anything about him being such an "E!NSTE!N" either.
  • Never said anything about that...geez.
  • Bad attitude? Uh...Hello? He's Mr. Happy-go-lucky! No bad attitude there.
  • Ummm...all the pilots have killed innocents...Quatra at the most!
  • Dirty,bad cut hair? Could you think of any other reason? Duo had a pretty tough life, and his hair is the only thing he has for remembrance. That's why he doesn't want to cut it.

    I rest my case. *sits down behind a desk, sips some water from her glass cup, and looks up at you* Why may I ask did this girl make such a site? Because he's gay? He's dumb? All I can do...is laugh. *laughs hysterically* Ahem...yes.

    I have come across many other Anti-sites. Most of them have made me laugh or feel sympathy upon the webmaster/mistress. Now don't get me wrong! I have enjoyed a few anti-sites. One was an Anti-Gainsborough site. Since I hate Aeris so much...I decided to check out their reasons. Many of the reasons I agreed upon...some where plain stupid. Though the site had become a frequent visiting place for me...I still find anti-sites to be a waste of time. Why not make a site about the person you absolutly adore? Well, everyone has different ways to get their jollies. And I respect that. Good-bye.

    Oh my! Sounded like that horrible onna from the Weakest Link!!
    Let's go home ^_^