Relena Peacecraft


I don't like her...but she *is* an important character. 

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Heeeroooo! Queen of the world *NOT* She wants her Hee-chan Day the Dogs fought back Looking pretty Being dominant


Name: Relena Peacecraft

Age: 15

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 38 kg

Eyes: Violet

Hair: Light brown

Ethnicity: European

Relena is a very determined person.  After she finds out that the man she thought to be her father wasn't her biological father (hope I didn't confuse you...), and about Oz, she becomes curious about the whole thing.  She meets Heero Yuy and wants to get to know him more. She follows him around (more like stalking...), trying to figure him out.  As the story progresses, it seems Heero begins to show a bit of emotions towards her.