What's New?




Wanna find out what's new here in S.A.S.? I try to update as much as I can.  I add new things all the time.  ^_^


Nov. 18, 2001 "Final Update"

GASP you say!? Of course not...there is no one here to gasp! Well, quoting a friend of mine, "Through much soul searching..." *not really* I have come to the conclusion of closing the site down. Why? Well, first of all...the lack of time has caused me to forget about the site. I rarely have time for ANYTHING. Second, I've become weary of the site...No one comes. I get about 3 hits a week and that is very discouraging. I see no point in updating the site, if no one comes to see it. Understand? Yes. My site isn't even close to being a good one, and with the time I have, I could never build up on it. When I do have time, I don't do anything because I know no one is going to notice. I had started a site a while back, one that I want to keep. It's not original either but it's something that is holding my interest. I'll probably put the link up...not like anyone will come and visit this site to begin with.

I am keeping the site up...so if pictures want to be used, they may be. Everything will stay up, but nothing new will be added.

It's been fun really....If you still want to email me, go right ahead. I thank everyone who has supported me. Everyone that has emailed me, gave me awards, and signed the guestbook. I thank you sooo very much! I love you all! Sayonaro minna-san!


11/08/01 Ai-ya! Gomen nasai! I took a while to update...uh for the 40th time. Well, I did add a few things, I just never placed it here. I added something in the humor section, it's really funny...only some will get it. Someone won an award too. Check out that site ^^ Lessee...well, it's good to see that I have more than 1,000 hits. Getting one hit a day is okay I guess. ^^; Sometimes I think I'm updating in vain. Well, anywayz I thank everyone that signs the guestbook. I am forever grateful. Eto...I did some other stuff...I just don't remember what it was. *lol* I'm getting very discouraged here...counters aren't so nice. They make me feel bad. *sigh* Well, I'll try to have something new tomorrow...since I'm probably going to skip homework! ^^ So bai bai for now!

10/28/01 I added a "Win an Award" section. So, if ya want to win, go fill out the form. ^__^ Have fun!

10/27/01 Nothing much at the moment. I only changed the layout into frames. Uh...lessee...I'll try to do more if I have time. It's my bro's b-day so I can't stay on long. I'll try though!

10/20/01 More updates! I fixed the broken links in the g-wing section. Somebody must be direct-linking or something...peeps! Plz d/l to your own server if you want to use the picks! Okay...added a few new pics for Duo and changed some things. I added a new g-book too cuz the other one would delete the last message when a new message was posted. ***Amanda...we seem to have had the same thing going here...*** So please sign the new book. Thanks! Now I must go rest...^_^

10/20/01 I won a new award! It's so kawaii! I just need to get the link so I can link back. I'll have that soon. Dark Duo, in the Dark Angels sec. has more stuff now. The wallpaper sec. is up and Why Duo?. I also added some chibi pics of Duo in the adoption sec. I'll have some new pics of Duo in the Gundam Wing sec. up later today. I found some broken links that I need to fix, so those will be up too. ^__^

10/19/01 Konnichiwa minna-san! I'm baaaaack! Well...only for a while. Anywayz, new art from Togepi!! She drew me a pic of Duo for my b-day! It's so kawaii!! Thanks Togepi, it's great! Oh, and since a few people have been requesting a Sailormoon section...I made one! Peeps wanted pics so I have some. Guess what! This site is going to have a new assistant! Her name is Mai. She's a friend of mine from school. She knows a lot about anime...and has seen more than I have, so she'll be *very* helpful. You'll hear more from her later on. ^^ *huggles Mai-chan* I put up a new link too. It's a great site with tons of anime links, for shopping and just plain anime sites. Make sure to check it out.

Look at the wonderful piccy Togepi drew for me!

10/14/01 I made the pics in the Rev. Girl Utena section and the Eva pics into thumbnails. I really hate thumbnails >_< Trigun is going to have to be last...Kenshin too....*eep*

10/13/01 I made the pics in the Blue Seed section into thumbnails. Next up...is Trigun. That's going to take awhile. ^_^;; I'll have to do that next time, when ever that will be. O.o

10/8/01 Yay! Another update! I added more pics in the Escaflowne section and made the pics into thumbnails. It took a while to do but it's done now! Also I added a new affiliate, Luna's Anime World. It's an awesome site, so be sure to check it out!!

10/8/01 Oh my! I haven't updated in a while...I was supposed to do lotz of things this weekend since I had a 4 day weekend. But my family decided to go camping!!I swam in a river and I climbed a huge mountain...well I climbed a few...we went around in circles. ^_^;; It was so fun! The river was freezing! It was called the Rio Frio...^^ You probably don't care, but I wanted to bore you!!! AHAHAHAHA!

Oh...on to the updates. Only one...since I didn't get to work on the site...New art from Amanda!!! ^^

I've been trying to think of a good way to beg my dad for a scanner for my b-day. Got any pointers? My bro's getting me the newest L'arc~en~Ciel CD!!!! I'm sooo happy! YAY! *drools over Hyde* Uh...well, that's it! I'll try to do more later if I have time! Ja!

9/30/01 It's the 30th right? Uh right. So yeah. Well! GUESS WHAT!! Guess! *hears crickets* I really need to get some BUG spray!!! *sigh* Well, I have the humor section up. Ya know...funny things. Funny Funny ha ha...okay. Most are Gundam Captions that someone made. Check them out! They are located in the Media section. That's it. I'll try to do more soon. Probably in a....week. ^_^;; Ja ne!

9/29/01 HUZZAH! Uh...yeah. No biggies today either. All I had time to do was put up 2 new awards that I've won. Make sure to check the sites out, they are really cool.

Pleaze-uh! More art and fics would be nice....:( Email Me! Oh! There is a new link, check it out! It's a great site!

9/23/01 No updates today. I just wanted to tell ya guys...uh whoever comes to this site...that I won't be here for awhile. School has been getting in the way, so I don't have time to work on the site. I promise when I get back on, new things will be here. I already have a layout being made, so when I come back, I'll try to get everything up and running. I'll still be checking my email though. ^_^ Ja ne minna-san!

9/16/01 New art from Amanda, Kawaii lil' Butch! *hehe* Anywayz, check them out...oh and I added a sound section for Duo. ^_^

9/16/01 I have a new section up! Dark Angels!! It's still under MAJOR construction. Please be patient. If you have any ideas for the section, or have anything you'd like me to put up, Email Me God Bless America!

9/15/01 I put up the Rant section. I had something to rant about and I just wanted to put it up. That's about it for now...maybe I'll have something later on. ^_^

9/13/01 I won 2 new awards from Badkitty! Check out her site, it's a really cool Sailor Moon site. That's all...must go finish listening to my wonderful System of a Down! Ja!

9/10/01 No big update, I put up 2 new pics from Amanda. You can't see the thumbnail, but you can still view it, so no biggie. I'll fix it soon. I also got 3 new awards! Yay! Okay...well, now I must go and finish my homework...grrr. Oh! Uhhh...all new Dragonball Z has started showing on Cartoon Network. Watch it if you don't mind the horrors of funimation...>< GAH! Okay...that's it! Bye bye! "Let's get stupified!!!" :P

9/02/01 Yup, told ya! I updated again! Okies...well I added some wavs and midis in the media section. Dat's it! I tink! *lol* Still hyper...well, now I must go and vacuum the house...gah...so.much.fun. >_<

9/02/01 Two new pics from Amanda in the fan art section. Keep 'um coming Amanda! ^_^ Uh...dat's it I tink...I'm hyper again...uh as usual. Maybe I'll have something new up later today. 

Oh! Uhh...for all you DBZ fans, all new DBZ will start showing on Sept. 10th on Cartoon Network. I'm sure you guys already knew that but...yeah. Anywayz, I doubt I'm going to watch it cuz...*mumbles obscenities about funimation* ^__^

That's it for now! Ja ne!

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