The Vision of Escaflowne

The story revolves around a girl named Hitomi Kanzaki, and her unexpected journey to another world called Gaea.  She is brought there by a young king named Van Fanel.  Hitomi is thrown into the battles with Van's enemies.  The Zaibach Empire will do away with anyone who tries to get in there way.  Van and Hitomi are accompanied by a Knight(*drools*) named Allen Schezar,  Princess Millerna, and a cat-girl named Merle.  They journey to keep Zaibach away from the legendary Escaflowne, the defender of Van's people.  Battles are fought, not only physically but also mentally.  Each person they meet will have an important impact in their lives.


Pics of Characters

Kawaii lil' Merle Van looking cool Hitomi blushing Hitomi looking none to happy Allen looking usual A Pic of Dilanduo....woo-hoo! Another pic of Dilanduo Dilanduo looking...shocked, confused, angry....whatever -_- Mmmm...Folken-sama. A cute lil' Hitomi Merle...she's so cute! Van in his Prince get-up Van and Merle Young Van and Folken Van and Hitomi on Escaflowne Van after being taken back to Gaea Pic of Van from the ending Dilanduo looking stoned Allen looking off Beautiful...:( Allen talking Angel Van Van and Hitomi Angry Jajuka Don't mess with Dilly!! Bleeding Van Bleeding Allen :( First Meeting Van and Hitomi Van and Hitomi...again. Follow the light Van! Somebodys gonna die! Raining! Scared Memories... Teasing Van and Folken Wonder what he's thinking... He's got the power! Van with his sword Sword ready in hand

Info on characters: Click here to learn more about them.  *Still working on this section*