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3/13/03~ Hello everyone, Michiru here. It's sad, but I'm shutting this site down, it really is time that I did. I never update, it's not a good site, etc, etc. However, I still LOVE Sailor Moon! Beisdes, why have more than one SM site? That's right! I have another! Well, it will have a lot of different animes, but it does have Sailor Moon! And so far, the site is SO much better than this one will ever be. So, go to Styrr's Anime Realm! You can always e~mail me here or to the addresses given on my other sites.
If you happen to like CATS, the musical, please visit mine and my friend, Jemima's site Fairy Jemima and Princess Victoria's Enchanted Kingdom
And if you are a LotR fan, my friend Lothrion are (hopefully) on our way to making a site, you can visit Laiqualassë: Condu Eldaron ar Aran Hóniron. We hope to get it up sometime... (BTW, the title is in Elvish! Quenya to be exact. It translates: "Legolas: Prince of Elves and King of Hearts" Cool, eh? ^_^
Thank you to everyone who made this site possible and to Alana for helping me for a while near the begining.