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May 02, 2002
I am forever known as Gator...getting to confusing if I have too many names. @_@ So there. And now on with the updates, such as three new fanarts by me, a fanart by Wickedlady, and a couple by Jammer. ^^ I also put up a helluva lot more manga scans, more vash than wolf. I was working on making the wallpapers work but tis late and I tired so :p~~~~ on that. OH yeah and fixed the link for doth believe too. ^^
~Hellions K.
April 21, 2002
Added chapter 6 of As the Rose Falls, that is about it.
~Hellions K.
April 19, 2002
Added the third, fourth, and fifth chapters to As the Rose Falls, more chapters coming soon!
~Hellions K.
April 18, 2002
Well here is the start of some mass updates. The broken image links in the Manga section of Memories has been fixed. Also got some of broken image links fixed in the Wanted Galleries. More of these nasty little buggers will be fixed soon *grins* The first two chapters to As the Rose Falls has been added to the Tales of Planet GunSmoke, another fic curtious of Dashing V. and Myself ^-^....See I told ya lots of updates!
~Hellions K.
April 9, 2002
I added chapter 5 of To Love Humanity by Dashing V. and Myself have done ^_^
~Dashing V.
March 31, 2002
I got a new fanart by Lady Shadowcat! Go look! It's really good! XD I also added the I believe. Do you? to the site. Clink on the link and see what ya think. ;)
~Hellions K.
March 27, 2002
I added chapter 4 of To Love Humanity by Dashing V. and Myself have done ^_^
~Hellions K.
March 26, 2002
I added a new link banner for those who wish to link to our site ^_^
~Dashing V.
March 21, 2002
Okay I just put up two of my newest Trigun/FY fanarts. ^_^ They are...interesting..yeah...
~Dashing V.
March 17, 2002
Okay second update of the day! XD Put up five fanarts done by Lady Shadowcat and one that I did myself. I also added the Manga Memories page for your veiwing pleasure as well as a link to Lady Shadowcat's 'Lonesome Guns' page. Take a look! IT's all good!!!!
~Dashing V.
March 17, 2002
Put up three fanfics by Lady Shadowcat. Check them out! She's a really talented writer! I have more to put up but it will have to wait until I get some homework done.
~Dashing V.
November 4, 2001
Pup up my newest peace of fanart of Vash chasing the mayfly of love.
~Dashing V.
November 3, 2001
Again nothing that major or big. But it is important. I put up some of Jammer's Trigun fanart. So go take a look it's nice!
~Dashing V.
October 28, 2001
Nothing big or exciting really. Put up a fanfic by us the owner of the page. And added an email link on the front page.
~Dashing V.
September 29, 2001
Put links on the links page. They are few now but give me a chance.
~Dashing V.
September 28, 2001
I built most of the page. :) And all for your veiwing pleasure so you better like it!
