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This is what you get if you cross a so-called selfish, self-proclaimed sorceress extraordinaire, who everyone else refers to as the girl even dragons won't touch; a swordsman with the skill to chop a tree in half, and we figure that is what he must have done with his final brain cell, considering; a crazed justice lover, who might actually be able to smite crime, if she could keep herself from tripping over trees, or her own clothes; and a grumpy, inconsiderate guy made of stone that is so bloody cynical and depressing I even have trouble making jokes out of him. (Well, we could always just put him a bunny suit. _^_!)

Welcome to the world of Slayers.

The layout...well, I figured the image of Gourry in Balloon's fantasy of marrying the girl he thought was Lulu, summed Slayers up in one easy picture. _^_! It's just satire and silly fun. ^.~ Some people take it far too seriously. Especially on couplings and other things, like judging the characters. It's a fun show, so why don't we throw everything else out the window and just get along, or at least learn how to fight in a humorous manner. >D!