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Sailor Earth

The Soldier of Life

Sailor Earth, although she looks nothing like him, is actually the younger sister of Darien. She was made a guardian for Princess Serenity in the Silver Millenium, but she did not spend much time with Serena, and thus the two were not ever great friends. In the present date, Aiamee was thought to be dead because she was in the car when her parents drove off a cliff, killing both of them. At this time she was four, and because she was never found, she was assumed dead. But then one day, she appeared with her best friend, Sailor Angel (or Sakura) to help Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts defeat Nebula, an evil woman bent on avenging Wiseman's death (see my fan fic when I am done writing it). In the beginning, she was very distant and sometimes mean, but this is because of all the loses in her life. Eventually, she becomes closer to the scouts, and helps them in a great way. The young girl had survived the crash that night with the help of her healing powers she has gained from being the planets protector. Along with her guardian cat, Terra, Aiamee and Sakura reside in Tokyo and fight evil along with all the other soldiers.

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