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Sailor Scouts Like You and Me!

Here they are! These are the protectors of our Earth today! Sure, the nine original scouts (Not including Chibi Moon and Tuxedo Mask) Are great and they help out a lot... But, I mean man! They are in Japan! These scouts here u see listed are ones that may actually live in your state... Town... Or, in your home! And before I go save the earth once again, I have an order for all of you from Sailor Earth, ruler of this planet! Find all the other scouts and tell them to visit me! Got it!? Good, well I better go, cuz the Negaverse is coming. If u are a sailor scout or a knight (Like Prince Endymion), and would like to be listed among your fellow soldiers, sign my guest book and put all your imformation in there! kk, I g2g, but don't forget to vote for me! Sayonra!

Sailor Earth

Sailor Angel

Sailor Silver Moon

Sailor Mercuristar