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.::Dream Sakura's Palace::.
I'm Baaaack!!*

Did ya miss me? Did ya? Ya didn't? Aww.. man.
*kicks a dirt clot* That's not nice. Ya did?
Ohh! Great! Thanks for missing me man.
*surfer dude look* Like, totally.

"Orange" ya glad I'm back? *bad joke* That way,
you can see the old and new things I've done to
the place. What do ya think, eh, Fluffy? *looks
around* Fluffy... Fluffy..
FLUUFFFFYY!! *breaks
down crying* My sweet precious kitty.. is..
right over there... *get up and runs to pick up
her kitty* Oh, sorry. Well, just browse around,and
'member, sign my guestbook. Everyone "complaint",
or compliment helps.

Take The Key, Open The Door, And Enter

© 2000-2001 Dream Sakura Palace.
All Anime characters are property of whoever they belong to, but for now,
they belong to me and my insanity.